For fuck sake, take your tiny cock and thin skin arguments and have a slap fight in the other threads. This is meant to be funny pics only, no one cares about your autism.
Craig meme wins.
Not just because of how badly the design was, even after Phil assured us it wasn't going to be bad.
Is GTA 6 scaled down because of the series s?
FWIW the Series S is a piece of shit and WH/KCD are brilliant games and devs.
Muppets like him aren't xbox fans. They're glory supporting/contrarian, jingoist, corporate cock suckers. They don't give a fuck about xbox or the success of the console...
What year is it? People have been saying this for yonks and Sony have stopped focusing on Cinematic games. In fact, they stopped focusing on any games at all.
Sure, buddy. I'm an Xbox shill, keep jumping at shadows. Then again, if I was a shill, I would be here to watch Sony ponies act like Xbox shills did, while their favourite plastic toy circles the drain.
Now dor; Crime stats, Sony fans, NBA fans, wnfl fans, man united fans, Xbox fans, ford enthusiasts...
People who post on social media are a tiny, tiny percentage of a fan base. Do you think 5 or 10 or 50 vocal mongs speak for 80 million fans?
To be clear I said in my post I don't think they should support PC but in its current form, if they're going to do it, use it as a high end hardware platform to save on money of producing their own high end hardware and instead sell affordable but powerful, just like the PS4.
Dumb analogy, you...
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