Like I said. MS can go fuck themselves in the ass for once planning to destroy Sony and the competition. They can get fucked once more if they try to do it again!
Xbox will nowhere be near the level of popularity of PS or Nintendo. Just give it the fuck up! Just give it up! MS is always in...
This is bs. No way is MS giving up. They’re like a perpetual hemorrhoid that refuses to go away. Why are they looking to make acquisitions again after buying ABK and shuttering studios left and right? F that!
Fuck it. I predict MS becomes competitive again just so they can buy all the publishers and platform holders left and right to tank the gaming industry. I’ve learned this much from watching pro wrestling’s meteoric crash, especially with Nosie 👃 at the helm.
Is Xbox going third party or not? I can’t trust what their execs say, especially since they change decisions on a whim, which seems impossible for such a large mega conglomerate to do in the first place considering its massive infrastructure.
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