Strange that they didn't give the game to reviewers. Most of them were probably ready to give starfield a "road to redemption" reviews and inflated scores.
Most Xbox fans who want to play this game either gave up on Xbox and bought a PS5 for it or have played it on PC. Despite Yoshi P's ramblings, even he knows that FF16 releasing on Xbox in 2025 or beyond will make SE no profit unless they get a lucrative gamepass deal.
The problem is they're gonna have a huge backlash when they do shut it down because they empowered a whole cottage industry of shitposters, trolls, hideous middle aged podcasters, and media outlets for over 20 years. MS clearly cares about it's PR image, otherwise Satya would have already fired...
I agree that GoT was more about amazing art direction, but it's also silly for Alex to make sweeping generalizations about how this game looks graphically from a very short teaser trailer that shows little to nothing of the game.
Helldivers 2 made Sony a shit ton of money this year - probably enough to subsidize the Concord disaster. Of course they'll be trying to duplicate that even if they have some failures along the way
He's a weak little coward. He let the xbox mascots (paris, ohnoitsalex, fritanga, gaz, etc.) get under his skin and bully him, and has been doing almost exclusively anti playstation videos for the past few weeks so that he can posture as a "neutral".
I mean, yes they were banned, but we'd be fools to think that regular people out there didn't have them and even flaunted them occasionally. Just think of all the illegal stuff people do today in public in the US where the the level of monitoring and surveillance technology is many magnitudes...
GoT pretty much ruined any modern Assassins Creed game for me. I remember playing Valhalla soon after beating GoT and being shocked at the huge gap in quality between the combat systems.
I greatly prefer Sony's new strategy of only showing a game when it's a year from release unlike Xbox that previews games that won't theoretically come out until the 2030s.
It's clear that Xbox threw the bag at Square Enix since that new CEO took over. Just look at all of the messaging and posturing from SE in the past year basically regretting Playstation exclusive deals very publicly and proclaiming how much they want their games on Xbox. It makes sense to me...
It's probably FF 16 on Gamepass. A non gamepass release on Xbox wouldn't really make any waves because both Xbox and Square Enix know they wouldn't sell many copies at all.
Because anyone with eyes and a brain knew that it was only a matter of time till their money spigot ran out and Nintendo came with the lawsuits. Thinking that Palworld would go on indefinitely is foolish. I don't give two shits about Pocket Pair one way or another, but I'd wager that Nintendo is...
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