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  1. Katajx

    Discussion Xbox needs to be called out more for its lack of innovation.

    Because unlike PSNow, Gamepass didn’t suck from day one. Talking about game streaming. I tested it since the beta and the years since up to the other day. It feels like it’s catching up with the downloads but PSNow was expensive and a terrible product.
  2. Katajx

    Discussion LTTP: Final Fantasy VII "Remake" on PS5 (SPOILERS)

    I don’t understand this distinction in calling this a sequel instead of a remake. The Resident Evil Remakes changed item locations and weren’t exactly the same as the originals. They were still remakes. With everything they have said and the amount of times they have stated the overall story...
  3. Katajx

    Discussion LTTP: Final Fantasy VII "Remake" on PS5 (SPOILERS)

    I wouldn’t read too much into that. When you have finished go ahead and give this a look.
  4. Katajx

    Discussion LTTP: Final Fantasy VII "Remake" on PS5 (SPOILERS)

    Give it some more time. I feel like it really starts to open up and I had a great time swapping characters or directing them to use their abilities. Definitely spend some time doing some of the…optional bosses and battles.
  5. Katajx

    Discussion Top 20 Best Years in Gaming - WatchMojo

    I can’t agree with 2013. I loved getting my PS4, but with game delays and such I feel like it was months before I got a game that made me happy with that purchase due to launch game delays and such. Mario 3D world on the other hand was glorious as one of the 10 people that bought a Wii U.