Bungie has won a $400k lawsuit against a Destiny 2 player who threatened and harassed Bungie's Community Manager.

John Elden Ring

The Thread Maker
Content Creator
5 Jul 2022
United States

Bungie has won a $400k lawsuit against a Destiny 2 player who threatened and harassed Bungie's Community Manager. Setting a precedent about harassments like this in the industry.​

From the filing:

First, he obtained the personal home address and phone numbers of the victim and his immediate family member. Second, he sent racist, abusive verbal and text messages to both victims. In these messages, Comer repeatedly referenced “[n- word] killing.” Third, Comer fraudulently abused the services of a local pizza company to send a carefully timed physical threat within minutes of his digital threats. This wasn’t a normal pizza: Comer engineered the situation to ensure his malicious intent was delivered.
Via his delivery notes, Comer tried to trick the driver to unwittingly act in a way that would be perceived as violent, requesting that they knock “at least 5 times” and extra loud, falsely stating “I’ll probably be wearing headphones.” Thus, Comer orchestrated a chilling sequence of events at the victim’s home: Late at night, minutes after bizarre verbal threats, a stranger suddenly and loudly bangs on the door. Comer gleefully referenced the incident in another abusive voicemail shortly after the delivery (“enjoy your pizza”).
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Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
… I say this as a fan.

Bungie has filed and so many lawsuits this last year that it honestly comes off as petty.

I’m not saying the lawsuits were bs. They were not and all concerning things for a games company but… man they’ve destroyed quite a few people’s lives in the process.

I have every reason to believe that Pete parsons is ruthless as an executive …


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
I think this is why dmg left the company. Unfortunate. No one was better than Deej tho.

Managing Twitter trolling is part of the job. The doxxing is not.


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
… I say this as a fan.

Bungie has filed and so many lawsuits this last year that it honestly comes off as petty.

I’m not saying the lawsuits were bs. They were not and all concerning things for a games company but… man they’ve destroyed quite a few people’s lives in the process.

I have every reason to believe that Pete parsons is ruthless as an executive …
So it's ok for random weirdos to harraas devs and doxxz them? Because they hold petty grudges? I fully support making an example out of them and also making their lives miserable as well.
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Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
So it's ok for random weirdos to harraas devs and doxxz them? Because they hold petty grudges? I fully support making an example out of them and also making their lives miserable as well.

Where did I say it’s okay? Don’t come at me with that bullshit especially when I’ve stated otherwise. The amount of money Bungie has won in each of these lawsuits across a variety of topics is severe and put all these lives in ruins. I don’t agree with that either. They’ve won a lot of money in legal cases lately. So many that it comes off as petty.


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Where did I say it’s okay? Don’t come at me with that bullshit especially when I’ve stated otherwise. The amount of money Bungie has won in each of these lawsuits across a variety of topics is severe and put all these lives in ruins. I don’t agree with that either. They’ve won a lot of money in legal cases lately. So many that it comes off as petty.
Awww harmful actions have consequences perhaps you should tell this to the idiots who are constantly harassing developers and doxxing them.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Where did I say it’s okay? Don’t come at me with that bullshit especially when I’ve stated otherwise. The amount of money Bungie has won in each of these lawsuits across a variety of topics is severe and put all these lives in ruins. I don’t agree with that either. They’ve won a lot of money in legal cases lately. So many that it comes off as petty.

I'm sorry, are we now trying to argue that actions should not have consequences? This is not a matter of "oh he told him to go fuck himself and got his life ruined". This is way worse than that:

First, he obtained the personal home address and phone numbers of the victim and his immediate family member. Second, he sent racist, abusive verbal and text messages to both victims. In these messages, Comer repeatedly referenced “[n- word] killing.” Third, Comer fraudulently abused the services of a local pizza company to send a carefully timed physical threat within minutes of his digital threats. This wasn’t a normal pizza: Comer engineered the situation to ensure his malicious intent was delivered.

He ruined his life by being a racist cunt that not only doxxed someone but topped it off by sending death threats


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
I'm sorry, are we now trying to argue that actions should not have consequences? This is not a matter of "oh he told him to go fuck himself and got his life ruined". This is way worse than that:

He ruined his life by being a racist cunt that not only doxxed someone but topped it off by sending death threats

Oh wow, what scary behavior.... that is quite psychotic.
  • they're_right_you_know
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Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Don’t put words in my mouth. Bungie is suing someone every other week and winning. It just seems like part of a business model and that’s where my criticism lies. Everything they have won they have been in the right.

The only contrarian point I would even care to make is that it’s hard to believe this isn’t some unhinged gamer youth that doesn’t make shit to begin with so the payout seems life ruining for good. Prison time seems like it should happen too.


Well-known member
28 Jul 2022
So did they sue this guy because he didn't break the law and this was only course of action?


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
So did they sue this guy because he didn't break the law and this was only course of action?

I think it’s sets some kind of new precedent for such since the conclusion is the behavior would eventually lead to swatting. Or at least that’s what I gather from tassi’s article. Pretty big deal imo.

It’s not even known if the person’s affected even gets a payout. I think former community manager dmg would need to sue separately for that. Tassi’s article didn’t really mention that. Hope they pay the current person more. The wrath of unhinged gamers is terrifying.

Edit: deleted personal stuff.

No one would condone this behavior. And will clarify again that my criticism lies with Bungie suing someone every other week. I think the payouts have been huge for all of them tbh and extreme but are in the right for them all. I do some what believe in reform and that a path should be available and these amounts are forever. I doubt it’s priced to what the those paying out can even afford in their lifetime. With what job?
Last edited:
24 Jun 2022
Where did I say it’s okay? Don’t come at me with that bullshit especially when I’ve stated otherwise. The amount of money Bungie has won in each of these lawsuits across a variety of topics is severe and put all these lives in ruins. I don’t agree with that either. They’ve won a lot of money in legal cases lately. So many that it comes off as petty.

Not to be that guy but I don't honestly care if someone doxing and harassing people with racial insults has their life ruined with a $500K fine. There are much better people in the world struggling to make ends meet; if they were the ones being targeted by these companies then I'd take pause and call foul.

Now if the person who did this is some punk kid...well sorry but this is where the failure of their parent(s) come into play. Or legal guardian, family, whoever. Someone close to them should have noticed what they were doing (or trying to do), and stopped that before they started harassing and doxing people.
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Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Don’t put words in my mouth. Bungie is suing someone every other week and winning. It just seems like part of a business model and that’s where my criticism lies. Everything they have won they have been in the right.

If they have been in the right, then they should keep doing it, especially when protecting their customers and their employees.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
If they have been in the right, then they should keep doing it, especially when protecting their customers and their employees.

They’re going to have to keep doing it now. Especially for community managers. They would arguably need extra protections over other employees since they are put as the face of the company or game by Bungie themselves. They might even be justified to be one of the heftier salaries in the company.

It’ll be interesting to see if other companies will follow suit. I mean…. It should held curtail harassment from those now aware of the potential consequences.

Is jail time not a part of this? No misdemeanors or crimes charged?


Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
"I am going to necklace you, enjoy the olive pizza."


edit: Oh, they go into it in the article.