Can Sony really convert PC players to PS5? DF Clips


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
The only issue with the "waiting" argument is that if a gamer really wants to play a game he will buy whatever platform he needs.
They say "most can wait years to play the game" and that is not actually true for most imo.
Most after years will trend to forget the game and move to something else.
And these that really want to play it will buy a PS5.

These people that keep saying I will to play the game on PC probably end up not playing it at all.
Unless that gamer is really into the backlog stuffs (and these are small and not vocal about it).
That is my opinion.

So in that case Sony's strategy is indeed the best of the two worlds.
They increase desire in PS5 and get some revenue from PC gamers at late date.


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
The only issue with the "waiting" argument is that if a gamer really wants to play a game he will buy whatever platform he needs.
They say "most can wait years to play the game" and that is not actually true for most imo.
Most after years will trend to forget the game and move to something else.
And these that really want to play it will buy a PS5.

These people that keep saying I will to play the game on PC probably end up not playing it at all.
Unless that gamer is really into the backlog stuffs (and these are small and not vocal about it).
That is my opinion.

So in that case Sony's strategy is indeed the best of the two worlds.
They increase desire in PS5 and get some revenue from PC gamers at late date.
But Ghost of Tsushima was older than most ports and sold better than all the other single player ports.


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
But Ghost of Tsushima was older than most ports and sold better than all the other single player ports.
I'm not sure if it indeed sold better than most... I believe GoW, HZD and Spider-man sold a lot on PC.
Some games indeed are not for PC crowd and probably Sony was making experiments with them like Sackboy, R&C, etc.
I believe they won't launch Astrobot on PC for example after these experiments.

The only one it was a surprise to me... was Returnal that even knowing it was niche I thought it was a title more aimed to PC crowd... even so failed.

Of course TLOU suffered a lot due it tons of issues... if it was playable and more polished at launch it probably could had sold more with the push of the TV show.

BTW about your point... I believe GoT should have sold more on PC in the hype / marketing of day one but that in decline of PlayStation as platform... so I think Sony strategy is better in that regards.
You lose overall sales on PC but make your own platform stronger.


Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
I think Sony would be much more popular, if they had bet more on 1st Party Japanese and Asian games from the beginning. Sony definitely needs and will acquire devs across Japan, Korea and whole Asia, if they plan on offering more variety. Asia in general is on a new high and will shine like they did in the golden era (90s - 2000s). Imo if they definitely want to attract PC Onlys to future console like PS6, they need to acquire Fromsoftware, even if it would cost them $3.5B ut would be more than worth. Also Team Ninja is popular, which would be appealing for PC users taste.


21 Jun 2022
I'm not clicking that shit, but yes it is very possible. It has happened all throughout the existence of consoles.

People play one place, and then at some point the hardware can't keep up, and they choose a different place.

I've started gaming on consoles, then moved to PC in the early 2000s, and now I'm back exclusively on PS5.

We often hear about console generations, but there's the same thing with PCs, it's only more gradual and less of a hard cutoff.

I've seen plenty people comment on Steam reviews and on Reddit, saying something of the sort of "I'm getting a PS5 for GoW Ragnarok because I've just played GoW 2018 and can't wait". The same for TLoU, Spider-man 2, etc.
  • thisistheway
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12 May 2024
If PS is really keen on PC as a metric of growth, they approached it completely wrong. They should have taken a SEGA approach (albeit, PS has the better knack of seeing talent and IP potential).

Where does PC succeed? RTS/Strategy, Simulators and Survival games, right?
Where is there an emerging market, that is not only cheap, but has talent, and can flip out sequels relatively cheap and fast? Eastern Europe. Not to mention, English is usually second language, so localization should be kinda streamlined.

PS should have invested in E.E. companies, that have limited budget, but always make their money back, and can churn out sequels with ease. Have you seen the craze for games like Farming Simulator, Autobahne Simulator, Crusader Kings, and games like RAFT, RUST, etc?

The only 1st party games that should have been greenlit for PC are Days Gone (pseudo survival), Dreams (creativity app like), and Death Stranding. I feel everything else just does not gel with “PCMR” and is just ammo for them, bots and drones as console war fuel.
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25 Mar 2023
No, but they can convert PS5 players to PC player.

I grew up playing PC and the reasons I became a PlayStation player are exactly the type of things Sony is deconstructing now. Why would a PC player feel more completed to move to PlayStation because of a few timed exclusive or the many more real exclusives we used to get? It makes no sense and it's just cope.

I would buy a PS5 Pro if i had money, the prospect of playing Final Fantasy early is very enticing
Which Final Fantasy? There is no Final Fantasy releasing any time soon for PS5 and given what SE has been saying their future releases are unlikely to be PlayStation exclusives. And why would they be when even Sony doesn't care about keeping their games exclusive anymore?


25 Mar 2023
Where does PC succeed? RTS/Strategy, Simulators and Survival games, right?
PC succeeds at GaaS mostly alongside niche PC games and pirated games.

But Ghost of Tsushima was older than most ports and sold better than all the other single player ports.
Open world games tend to do a lot better on PC than most other console type games. The single player focused, high production value, more linear games Sony is know for are not suited for PC at all. Uncharted 4 released for PC and nobody cared, it was embarrassing despite how good the game is.
  • haha
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Summer Nightmares

Icon Extra
12 Jan 2023
It can. They certainly converted me, but the question is: can they retain us?

I love my PS5 and the simplicity, but im starting to feel sony's lack of regional prices a lot. I'm really interested in playing Silent Hill 2 remake and I would love to buy it on Playstation but it's like 70 or 80 dollars... I can get the deluxe edition on Steam at 33 dollars in my country. Same with Helldivers or V rising, not only Sony is charging considerably more but they also charge me a monthly fee if I want to play with friends and I don't feel like they are offering me anything extra in exchange.
I'm holding my PS5 for GTA VI, but Im starting to reconsider my main platform after that :/


28 Jun 2023
Lol at these PC gamers with their $1k+ gaming setup.
Sony is not trying to convert you. Don’t worry, they don’t give a shit about you compared to their 100m+ install base per console.

Hardcore gamers taking the quote and using it over and over again.

Sony knows the most important factor to not port their games to PC day one is because of all the PS store sales and MTX they get a percentage of.

“Converting” a few people who would play in low quality low res on the PC to buy a PS5 is just a small bonus.

Ridiculous how grown adults need to be all defensive about that.


25 Mar 2023
It can. They certainly converted me, but the question is: can they retain us?

I love my PS5 and the simplicity, but im starting to feel sony's lack of regional prices a lot. I'm really interested in playing Silent Hill 2 remake and I would love to buy it on Playstation but it's like 70 or 80 dollars... I can get the deluxe edition on Steam at 33 dollars in my country. Same with Helldivers or V rising, not only Sony is charging considerably more but they also charge me a monthly fee if I want to play with friends and I don't feel like they are offering me anything extra in exchange.
I'm holding my PS5 for GTA VI, but Im starting to reconsider my main platform after that :/

Suspicious GIF

So you are saying you were a PC player that was not interested in having a PlayStation and you only became interested because they started releasing their games on PC?

Don’t worry, they don’t give a shit about you compared to their 100m+ install base per console.
Lol, Sony don't give a shit about PC? These are the people they care the most about and the only ones they seem to be trying to please. :ROFLMAO:


8 May 2023
That ship has sailed since japanese studios started porting their games to PC starting late 7th generation. It's not about Sony/MS or Nintendo.

Also PC gaming was cumbersome. Once that was fixed with steam and x input among other accessibility improvements, console gaming just lost more appeal.


25 Mar 2023
That ship has sailed since japanese studios started porting their games to PC starting late 7th generation. It's not about Sony/MS or Nintendo.

Also PC gaming was cumbersome. Once that was fixed with steam and x input among other accessibility improvements, console gaming just lost more appeal.
So why are console game sales growing faster than PC games sales? Are you all pirating them?