You don't want a studio that takes so long to develop a game, you don't want a studio that never releases on it's promises both graphically and it's gameplay features, you don't want a studio that has never developed a polished game at release, ever....They just don't meet PS studios quality level and it will be too much work for Sony to get them to that level. Their only successful game was Witcher 3, the third game in the series. It's very clear that TW3 got lots of media fellation since it was a mess at launch and had many glaring gameplay flaws for an open WRPG in the modern era, bad controls and cameras. I personally think XBOX marketing helped them out.
Yet that studio is no FROM Software, they are not consistent or a trendsetter of high scoring games, they are like the Milli Vanilli of devs, one hit wonders, just that I caught the lip synching from their lone hit Witcher 3. Sometimes I just think the media wants to will certain devs into greatness, the marketing and money makes the round and that is the result. W3 is their best game, don't get me wrong, but I think other studios who had more polished games and nicer visuals, who had better gameplay systems were not received as well. Days Gone was such a great game to play and so was Tsushima. How could Witcher 3 get GOTY and not Tsushima? Both of these games deserve better, especially Tsushima, because the gameplay loop and depth there is sublime.