This is a flop regardless lol
At the price point of $5, $10 etc, it sounds like they are merely selling out of stock from the original launch as Best Buy, WalMart etc always have a bunch of copies dirt cheap, its like telling us BF2042 sold 20 million, I'm sure that might happen as the game still charts, but clearly at a price point so low, its hard to see it as a victory considering it could have sold those 20 million at a higher price point if it was a quality title day 1 vs early access.
Agreed. I feel this is like borderlands. You get new guns, kill dudes with a bunch of side quest, get better guns to kill more lol That is the meat of the game imho, everything else is dead, lifeless, boring, bland, buggy and it feels like its just Borderlands great value edition trying to sell its self as Fallout or GTA or something. The functions that should be there, are not. I've seen folks try their best to convince me that its not suppose to have this or that, but I have a hard fucking time believing the the following.
A game set in a city with
and more importantly, a wanted star system when you break the law
had zero design intention to have them drive fucking cars to come after you if you broke the law, oh but gangs ALSO can't fucking drive cars too....yea, thats part of design bro lol It merely sounds like that function is missing just like the whole apartment and car storage thing was omitted even with the game telling you they can be used to store things, but it was removed, yet the on screen info tells you of features fucking stripped from the game lol So I have strong doubts that many of the features missing, was part of some deep design, its merely part of a rushed game no different then the train missing.
So they had some intent to build some game where those functions existed like GTA, rushed the game and stripped those features and simply tried to sell us Borderlands, while marketing it as some GTA-RPG type game, even one of the last trailers talks about the ability to customize cars, you literally have garages in the game in the city where its clear some feature existed like driving a car in it to do something lol So its hard to say its marketing when it was made was false as for all we know, THAT is what the game was going to be when they made those CGI trailers, but I agree it becomes false advertising when they continue that marketing with knowledge that such content doesn't exist in the game. People will always bash EA and Ubisoft, but in gaming...this easily is one of the worst and most egregious attempts to scam that I've ever seen in a AAA game right next to Star Citizen.