ChatGPT consolewar, do your best!


21 Jun 2022
Asked chatGPT: Make a poem about Xbox fanboys that should include Series s

Xbox fanboys, they're a loyal crew
With Xbox Series S, their love is true
But when it comes to playing games at 720p
They'll defend it with passion, for all to see

From Halo to Gears of War, they'll play with glee
Even at lower resolutions, they'll never flee
Their love for Xbox is clear and strong
They'll stick with it, no matter how long

Xbox fanboys, they know what they like
And they'll never back down from a fight
720p may not be the best, they'll say
But with Xbox, they'll still play all day

They'll argue and debate, with fervor in their voice
But at the end of the day, it's all about choice
Xbox fanboys, they'll play the way they want
720p or not, they'll never be daunt

So if you're looking for a loyal crew
Xbox fanboys, they'll stick with you
Playing games at 720p, it's not a crime
As long as they're having fun all the time.

Also asked the AI to: Describe a playful tussle between well-oiled sausage Jimbo and Hot air dispenser Phil.

The result was too funny and was laughing too much, I managed to delete the story and the feature to recall the history was disabled I tried the same question again but the glory was gone.

It included slippery Jim escaping Phil's tight grasp, Hot air Spencer launching toots of hot air at Jim managing to stagger him. 🤣
It named the story "Greasy Rollick" or something like that.


20 Jun 2022
For Playstation, same question without the Series S part

Playstation fanboys, they are a sight to behold,
Their love for their console, never gets old,
They defend it fiercely, against all other brands,
And their passion for gaming, knows no bounds.

They know every game, every feature, every spec,
And they'll argue their case, without any neglect,
They'll talk about exclusives, and graphics galore,
And they'll praise their console, forevermore.

Their loyalty is steadfast, unwavering and true,
They'll never abandon, the Playstation crew,
They'll stand by their console, through thick and thin,
And they'll defend it fiercely, with a grin.

So here's to the Playstation fanboys, a dedicated bunch,
Their love for their console, is more than just a hunch,
It's a passion, a lifestyle, a way of being,
And they'll always be faithful, to the Playstation dream.
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