dispelling the myth that PC is a 'premium' place to play games - Steam's top 10 highest rated games paint a bleak picture for the platform

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Bro who the fuck generally spends 3K on a PC? Lmao
Agreed. I'm not fucking spending shit beyond 1800 and even that is pushing it. I only decided to spend a bit more based on needing it for business, school etc. Going to $3k, $4k etc is just nuts and its complete diminishing returns. idgaf how much better someone THINKS they are getting with such a rig, but developers are targeting console, anything on PC is like getting the remaster or something, its not going to be BEYOND what is done on console, at least not worth no fucking 4k more or some shit lol

Still the same games, dude. 🤷🏻‍♂️ That’s the point. Still the same. You’re paying more for the same.

Pretty much.

same games, dude. Nobody cares about a few vegetation settings, more than 60fps is useless and hdr implementation is trash on pc. You’re essentially paying more for the same.
You do you.

Agreed. I love PC gaming and will continue to have that as an option, but without my business, hobbies, school etc, no way would I justify spending something crazy on a gaming PC for those differences.

Even if we just say 2x. I think people need to really, really think about this shit....just 2x more the price is from PC gamer's perspective pretty low end, as in $1000 is now considered low end on PC gaming for playing the next gen stuff coming out. I don't buy i'm getting 2x quality. I get that people want options with PC, they want the BEST and nothing is wrong with that, but I 100% get the argument that you are indeed getting the same game and paying more for what simply doesn't sound like the actual price for those extras.

Would be like attacking someone for using a $600 gaming PC or something, sure they can't play with the exact same settings as someone with a better set up, but their focus is to just play games, no different then the focus of someone who is playing on console. So I think that gap has shrunken so much, that the majority of AAA games are made with console in mind and simply ported to PC, to the point where getting the PC version, is just paying for a fancy PC, to play the same games, to pay 5x the price...for better grass, oh you get more fps....I don't see that as a massive reason to really spend that much money.

Its not like back in the day where the PC version was so different, it would have a different development team, whole different set of features etc. Now days, they are so close to each other, I can barely tell the difference. If i'm paying 5x the fucking price, I should be able to see some night and day shit lol At my age i just can't justify this massive price for some pissing match over pixels, when we are getting PS Pros and remasters and mods and all this shit already on new systems that make it hard to see why one would need to spend this wild amount for some extra grass, but i digress.


...owns a 3080...why?
24 Jun 2022
same games, dude. Nobody cares about a few vegetation settings, more than 60fps is useless and hdr implementation is trash on pc. You’re essentially paying more for the same.
You do you.
That's true!
The pc version of horizon can look better but it's not really that significant because horizon1 on ps5 is already quite high res and 60fps.
At least horizon on pc is one of very few games that puts shader loading up front
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Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022

i don't often find myself agreeing with @DynamiteCop but he's 100% right here
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20 Jun 2022
The port begging mainly happened because the games ran like trash compared to what a PC could do during the last gen. PC gamers didn't want to have a compromised 1080p30 experience. Ironically, PS5 dudes are also port begging for Bloodborne for the exact same reason.
Well that excuuse doesnt apply anymore.
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21 Jun 2022
Lisbon, Portugal
If you define "highend" gaming to mean playing PC exclusives not meant to be on a console, then you are correct. That era (i.e. Crysis, DOOM, etc..) is gone. But if you say highend gaming means playing the best possible experience of a particular game that can be played from ALL platforms, then that's an incorrect statement.

For example, what's the best platform to play GoW (2018) or HZD? Obviously it's the PC because when putting all options to MAX and wanting the highest resolution and framerate possible, it will require playing on a highend PC.
That is exactly what I mean, I would never say PC is not THE BEST platform to play any game.

I just think it's value it's not what it was in those days, games that pushed the medium forward, couldn't be played anywhere else, sold new hardware etc.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Let's say that the average PC, per steam, is not more powerful than the PS5 or Series X. It's actually less powerful.

8GB RAM, 4GB VRAM, 4 Core CPU, most gamers play at 1080p.

That's all. Value for money, consoles are absolutely the best, but PC allows for people to push the envelope and get more bells and whistles.

IMO lowering graphical settings on my machine has never once caused me to lose any enjoyment over games.
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Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Close minded console warrior garbage opinion. Also helps that I’m familiar with how much of a baffoon bodycount is.


Active member
Close minded console warrior garbage opinion. Also helps that I’m familiar with how much of a baffoon bodycount is.
lol I wouldn't say all that. I don't know why they do that. I do the same on several platforms based on already enjoying gaming with other IP else where.

Like on Switch, nothing against the system, but I don't see any reason for me to buy multiplatform games on it. I like those other IP like Resident Evil and stuff better with on PS, with more power and a controller I'm used to with the IP. So I only play exclusives for Switch.

so i don't know their situation to call em a "baffoon" or something.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
lol I wouldn't say all that. I don't know why they do that. I do the same on several platforms based on already enjoying gaming with other IP else where.

Like on Switch, nothing against the system, but I don't see any reason for me to buy multiplatform games on it. I like those other IP like Resident Evil and stuff better with on PS, with more power and a controller I'm used to with the IP. So I only play exclusives for Switch.

so i don't know their situation to call em a "baffoon" or something.

You’re giving BC too much credit.

Most of us enjoy Nintendo games and will dust it off every 3-5 years to play that one game.

has nothing to do with it… you have some diehard console warriors that only play console exclusives because of prejudice.

It’s list wars nonsense. This dude is one of them. I’ve been reading his gimmick elsewhere for a while now… it’s ridiculous

This thread is bait.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Only very few mulitplatform releases do well on pc. You have outliers like bethesda-like rpgs and Elden ring but otherwise the piracy issue and Steam buyer habits of waiting till they’re 3$ absolutely makes consoles necessary even for developers.

That and cheating in f2p titles. It’s even kinda a dumpster fire for multiplayer gaming. But there’s also experiences for it that don’t exist anywhere else. I mean … gaming is so huge in varied.

The thing is tho. Consoles are not so readily available in Asia and poorer nations so the solution is pc. I don’t see the problem with that. That’s what it is…. And if you’re goal is to sell software; put that shit everywhere son.
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30 Jun 2022
1300 for that whole pc?
Seems cheap honestly. My 3080 pc was over 2k. But x570 and 3700x was new back then. I also got everything at msrp.
Anyway, nice specs! :)

I am not saying ps5 plays cyberpunk great now but the latest port is very good finally. And you can get 3 ps5 digital and are left with 100 bucks for a headset. And it’s a good experience unlike 2077 was on ps4 or pre patch.

Yes I played Dolby headphone tears ago on pc but it was never as good or seamless as on ps5.

Yes, dualsense works on pc but haptics work only wired. Sony should release a dongle
I lucked out with a couple Newegg sales + Best Buy MSRP GPU drops. I built it when the 1200 Intel series came out so the 5000 AMD series was dropping in price to compete.
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21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
What? lmfao...

It has more support from more developers than it has ever had in its history...
You guys have no ideia what are you talking about.

List the AAA games being developed to PC only before try to quote the reality…

So just stop with the spin.


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
Digital Foundry has shown often that it doesn't take much to outdo console quality settings, many "max" settings for years have been barely noticeable or haven't made a difference. Dying Light 2s is a great example, you could literally keep some on low or medium and the quality difference isn't noticeable but RTGI made the biggest difference
That is cool I guess but what is relation with what I posted?


Active member
15 Jul 2022
PC gamers beg for every console game under the sun.

Whether it runs well or like trash.

Lets get real, last 2 gens of consoles are underpowered PC. If anything most games are designed for PC and down ported to consoles fixed hardware.
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