Famous People that you have met.


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
I used to work as a security guard up at Heathrow for about five years, in that time i met a number of somewhat famous people.

Here is a list of some of the people i was fortunate to meet.

Mike Tyson, shook his hand and had a short conversation with him after he came of a flight, i told him he was my second fav boxer in the world, and he was like what!, who is your favorite? i said Appollo Creed, he pointed and laughed saying you got me. Was really a nice guy.

The girl band called "Girl's aloud", i was doing ticket control when the entire group ran past people queuing and presented their tickets to me, i was like there is a queue ladies, they said "do you have any idea who we are?" i said no and said join the queue, they went to British Airways and complained they were not getting the VIP experience, and with it one of there people escorted them through, i was not happy.

The group Wasp, they were coming through one of the machine's x-rays, i remember recognising of one the guys and i went up to them saying "are you guys part of a band or something?" one of the guys was like yer from wasp, have you ever heard of us?, i was like you can't be Wasp, i don't see Blackie lawless with you, he is the lead singer of the group. The other band members were like wow dude how do you know us, i was like the crimson idol, its one of my favorite albums of all time. They were awesome guys.

Rowan Keeting, what a little man lol

A group called The Erasmus,

Not sure if anyone remembers this song, the crazy thing is the group had like 20 members and although they sing in English i dont remember any of them actually being able to speak it.

Holly Valance, she was beautiful, if anyone remembers this song

Ursala Andress, not so beautiful anymore.

A lot of famous sports stars, mainly cricketers, like Ian Botham, Michael Vaughn, Shawn Pollock lance klusaner,

David Richardson who used to be a famous South African wicketkeeper that I used to worship as a kid, he is now a lawyer for the Untied cricket board, he was actually a complete dickhead when i said hello to him, he broke my heart.

There were a lot more, mainly boring politicians.

What about you guys, have you met anyone famous? lets here your thoughts.


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
Holly Valance was my favorite on your list.

Meeting Mike Tyson is awesome, what a cool experience.
He was all scary looking when walking down the corridor, he had two guys, bodyguards i think walking behind him, he was alot shorter than i imagined.

Holly valance was in a total rush, and trying to grab her bags, one of the other guards said to her you look really tired, she just stood there stunned at what he said, after she left i was like, that was not cool dude, he was like so what.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Bryank75


21 Jun 2022
A group called The Erasmus,

Not sure if anyone remembers this song, the crazy thing is the group had like 20 members and although they sing in English i dont remember any of them actually being able to speak it.
They probably spoke the superior Finnish dialect of English.
  • haha
Reactions: Bryank75 and Sircaw

Elder Legend

CEO of Gaming Instincts (Industry Veteran)
10 Jan 2023
Throughout my gaming industry career I've met a ton of folks. Some over just seen walk by, and some stood with me in same room but we never engaged. Here is my list of famous industry people I've encountered.

Neil Druckmann - (Private Uncharted 4 showing at E3, after the presentation) got to shake his hand and asked him a few questions.

Phil Spencer - multiple times, usually before their E3 show started he would hang out with the fans or just walk around. Had a few convos with the guy. Very approachable and easy to speak with.

1st time was at a private MS showing the day after the big show
2nd time was at a Bethesda party

Miyazaki - I've encountered him 3 times. Both at private demo showcases for Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne before the public eveb had any clue how these titles looked like and there were no screenshots. Didn't get too see Sekiro behind closed doors but saw Myazaki chilling outside the room on a bench. Tapped him on the shoulder and asked him how he was doing lol. This was the third time, so we already knew each other.

Adam Boyes - Former PlayStation guy back when he was still with them before he went to Iron Galaxy. Very cool and down to earth dude.

Bonnie Ross - Met her at the private MS showing, same day as I've met Phil the first time. Cool chick, showed me around the rooms and walked me through a Halo Hololens demo. 2nd time we bummed at each as I was getting ready to sit down for one their conferences show.

Kojima - Kojima was checking out Cyberpunk and hanging out with the CD Projekt Folks. Didn't get to say hi, but saw him running around in same vicinity.

Joe Neate and Mike Chapman the 2 main heads from the Sea of Thieves Rare's team. Had 3 interviews with them back and forth it was 3 E3 years in a row. At this point it just became a tradition. I have their business cards and they follow me on Twitter.

Craig Duncan - one of the heads of Rare (if I am not mistaken) had an interview with him as well a year prior to meeting Joe Neate and Mike Chapman.

For Ubisoft I've met a few folks from The Division team and the Skull and Bones team and done interviews. Don't remember their names, but I probably wouldn't really consider them famous. Just devs.

Me and Jeff Gerstmann were in same room when Xbox was demoing their Elite controller and letting us try them out and ask questions.

Keji Inafune had a interview with him and his translator was there to help out on Recore (Game was doo doo)

Rod Furgesson - Bumped into him at one of the E3s (don't remember which) back when he was still with Microsoft/Coalition before joining Activision Blizzard for Diablo 4.

I've met plenty more, but most of them were a variety of devs from various teams including EA, Bioware, Ubisoft and other companies.
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Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
Throughout my gaming industry career I've met a ton of folks. Some over just seen walk by, and some stood with me in same room but we never engaged. Here is my list of famous industry people I've encountered.

Neil Druckmann - (Private Uncharted 4 showing at E3, after the presentation) got to shake his hand and asked him a few questions.

Phil Spencer - multiple times, usually before their E3 show started he would hang out with the fans or just walk around. Had a few convos with the guy. Very approachable and easy to speak with.

1st time was at a private MS showing the day after the big show
2nd time was at a Bethesda party

Miyazaki - I've encountered him 3 times. Both at private demo showcases for Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne before the public eveb had any clue how these titles looked like and there were no screenshots. Didn't get too see Sekiro behind closed doors but saw Myazaki chilling outside the room on a bench. Tapped him on the shoulder and asked him how he was doing lol. This was the third time, so we already knew each other.

Adam Boyes - Former PlayStation guy back when he was still with them before he went to Iron Galaxy. Very cool and down to earth dude.

Bonnie Ross - Met her at the private MS showing, same day as I've met Phil the first time. Cool chick, showed me around the rooms and walked me through a Halo Hololens demo. 2nd time we bummed at each as I was getting ready to sit down for one their conferences show.

Kojima - Kojima was checking out Cyberpunk and hanging out with the CD Projekt Folks. Didn't get to say hi, but saw him running around in same vicinity.

Joe Neate and Mike Chapman the 2 main heads from the Sea of Thieves Rare's team. Had 3 interviews with them back and forth it was 3 E3 years in a row. At this point it just became a tradition. I have their business cards and they follow me on Twitter.

Craig Duncan - one of the heads of Rare (if I am not mistaken) had an interview with him as well a year prior to meeting Joe Neate and Mike Chapman.

For Ubisoft I've met a few folks from The Division team and the Skull and Bones team and done interviews. Don't remember their names, but I probably wouldn't really consider them famous. Just devs.

Me and Jeff Gerstmann were in same room when Xbox was demoing their Elite controller and letting us try them out and ask questions.

Keji Inafune had a interview with him and his translator was there to help out on Recore (Game was doo doo)

Rod Furgesson - Bumped into him at one of the E3s (don't remember which) back when he was still with Microsoft/Coalition before joining Activision Blizzard for Diablo 4.

I've met plenty more, but most of them were a variety of devs from various teams including EA, Bioware, Ubisoft and other companies.

That's a big list,

which is your most fond encounter?

Elder Legend

CEO of Gaming Instincts (Industry Veteran)
10 Jan 2023
That's a big list,

which is your most fond encounter?
Probably the folks from Rare. At this point, we're like friends who known each other for a while. There is no awkwardness and we get to talk about our hilarious Sea of zthieves stories. They were very friendly, super passionate and never gave off bad energy.

Neil Druckmann seemed a bit more intimidating, but at the time I wasn't the best at social skills either. So if I met him again it would probably go different.

I was scared of Phil at first as well not gonna lie. But after the first time, it was super casual ane easy to approach snd reminiscent about the old times.

It's weird meeting people like these for the first time because they are on a different plane /level of importance and confidence.

But what I realized is they are just people like us with their own jobs and life. The best way I've learned to approach people like these is just to make small talk and go from there or just engage in a topic that you are both well aware off.

Oh i forgot to mention Mark Cerny was in same room as me as we were walking out of their PS conference. Didn't get a chance to say hi sadly :/ I would of loved to pick his brain in regards to console hardware. That guy knows what's up.

Hopefully I'll see some of these folks again with E3 returning, so it'll be nice to reunite after the apocalypse that was COVID.
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Deleted member 417

I see a famous person whenever I look in the mirror

Deleted member 417

i said Famous not infamous ffs.
I was a serial killer for 4 years and they never gave me a name, then, you bite one guy on the arse and suddenly I'm the butt muncher. Being denied my fame over that is worse than the time I dropped the soap the day before the conjugal visit.


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
I was a serial killer for 4 years and they never gave me a name, then, you bite one guy on the arse and suddenly I'm the butt muncher. Being denied my fame over that is worse than the time I dropped the soap the day before the conjugal visit.
I am fascinated by serial killers, mind hunter series on Netflix is amazing to watch.
  • brain
Reactions: Deleted member 417


22 Jul 2022
I've met a big portion of the WWE roster, they came to a show in Virginia a year or two back and I met a bunch of them the next day at .. a cracker fucking barrel of all places lol.
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Did you like my Glasses, Snake?
21 Jun 2022
I saw Wink Yahoo from Uh-Oh once at an amusement park


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
I've met a big portion of the WWE roster, they came to a show in Virginia a year or two back and I met a bunch of them the next day at .. a cracker fucking barrel of all places lol.
I remember meeting giant haystacks at a wrestling event in Zambia, this was like hmm in 1982 or something.

Most people probably don't remember him lol

Can you remember the people you met?
  • fire
Reactions: Deleted member 417


22 Jul 2022
I remember meeting giant haystacks at a wrestling event in Zambia, this was like hmm in 1982 or something.

Most people probably don't remember him lol

Can you remember the people you met?

Tyler Breeze, Fandango, Enzo Amore and probably another one or two I can't recall at the moment.

Maybe *BIG PORTION* is a little too generous lol.
  • haha
Reactions: Sircaw