For those that hate Sony, What made you feel the way you do about them?

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2 Jul 2022
Sony hasn't pushed rendering tech - which is 90% of what you see on the screen. Yes, they did push the animation tech in TLOU 2 but that's one game and that game was recent.

All the other tech like PBR shaders, RT, physics, AI, water, volume rendering, etc.. was made by some 3rd party studio over the years.
So they push tech forwards. Glad you conceded to that.
They also did it with TLOU1.
They are also pushing tech forwards with reconstruction techniques, see the recent R&C. There are plenty of examples of Sony pushing tech forwards.

Deleted member 13

So they push tech forwards. Glad you conceded to that.
They also did it with TLOU1.
They are also pushing tech forwards with reconstruction techniques, see the recent R&C. There are plenty of examples of Sony pushing tech forwards.
The tech you are talking isn't what I'm talking about. Reconstruction techniques aren't what I'm talking about. I gave a list of the rendering that I was talking about and those are the facts. Sony IPs don't make new techniques in rendering like other 3rd party developers do - and you guys are being disingenuous for not giving them props for it. This is what people complain about with the Sony fans.

Deleted member 51

The tech you are talking isn't what I'm talking about. Reconstruction techniques aren't what I'm talking about. I gave a list of the rendering that I was talking about and those are the facts. Sony IPs don't make new techniques in rendering like other 3rd party developers do - and you guys are being disingenuous for not giving them props for it. This is what people complain about with the Sony fans.
Sony created 2D, as well as 3D. They created the sun, as well as humanity and all of the civilizations that have came and gone. Sony is the way.
  • haha
Reactions: DynamiteCop


21 Jun 2022
See, you're just proving my point, it's the bubble some of the Sony fans live in that gives them a bad rep and gets their fans banned online.
I don't follow. All the things you listed happened AFTER you created your new persona that's why I asked.

Anyways, keep spamming those pics of Phil like a schoolgirl ❤



Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?​

Happy Simon Cowell GIF by America's Got Talent
Cracking Up Lol GIF by NBA on TNT
That 70S Show Reaction GIF by Laff
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Verified Gamepass Reseller
15 Jul 2022
See, you're just proving my point, it's the bubble some of the Sony fans live in that gives them a bad rep and gets their fans banned online.
It is quite astonishing to see the level of pure emotion many of their fans have. I see why many of them threatened Austin Evans and his family when he gave his opinion about the smaller heat sink in the PS5. People went into meltdown. It's not healthy. You'd think video games would make people happy.


21 Jun 2022
It is quite astonishing to see the level of pure emotion many of their fans have. I see why many of them threatened Austin Evans and his family when he gave his opinion about the smaller heat sink in the PS5. People went into meltdown. It's not healthy. You'd think video games would make people happy.
Pretty vile narrative you're trying to do here, and specially trying to indicate only one fan group, you always stoop this low DirkMagusDCXIX.

You did it on GAF, mods deleted it, then when people called you on it you lied you never posted anything like this.

Anyone who sends any kind of threats over console wars is a piece of shit, don't think anybody here on this forum in any fanbase condone this.


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
It is quite astonishing to see the level of pure emotion many of their fans have. I see why many of them threatened Austin Evans and his family when he gave his opinion about the smaller heat sink in the PS5. People went into meltdown. It's not healthy. You'd think video games would make people happy.
Imagine a world where Xbox fans didn’t do the same or worst lol
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: PropellerEar


21 Jun 2022
The tech you are talking isn't what I'm talking about. Reconstruction techniques aren't what I'm talking about. I gave a list of the rendering that I was talking about and those are the facts. Sony IPs don't make new techniques in rendering like other 3rd party developers do - and you guys are being disingenuous for not giving them props for it. This is what people complain about with the Sony fans.
IPs??? don't make new techniques but only 3rd party developers do.

What are you smoking?


Resident Evil Guru
Content Creator
28 Jun 2022
Imagine a world where Xbox fans didn’t do the same or worst lol
Do you remember that time a bunch of xbox fans on twitter made fun of that kid dying from cancer because he was a playstation fan? I remember than being a thing on twitter but can't refind the accounts who did that. Also there was that one xbox fan that said this to MBG's son
on twitter when his son had a premature birth.


22 Jul 2022
Catlady doesn't bother anyone. That's ridiculous.

Outside of Lognor and Craig, almost all the "xbox fanbase" on GAF are pretty chill. Riky has the patience of a saint to put up with all the shit thrown at him without becoming insulting or doing targeting posts towards any single member. DarkMage is one of the most well spoken members, he rarely engages in console war and mostly just replies to people who start it. If they were as rabid as the Sony fans there, they'd be getting banned in droves as well.

Again, it's self persecution on their part.


Took them long enough ;)

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Deleted member 51

Outside of Lognor and Craig, almost all the "xbox fanbase" on GAF are pretty chill. Riky has the patience of a saint to put up with all the shit thrown at him without becoming insulting or doing targeting posts towards any single member. DarkMage is one of the most well spoken members, he rarely engages in console war and mostly just replies to people who start it. If they were as rabid as the Sony fans there, they'd be getting banned in droves as well.

Again, it's self persecution on their part.

Took them long enough ;)

To be honest, they definitely target Xbox players the absolute MOST, but they also shit on Nintendo and PC. Not as bad, but if Dreamcast was still a thing, they would get shit on as well. But their warriors wanna war with the world apparently. It can be entertaining, but some are seriously life or death on this situation, which is fucking sad 😢😭


Verified Gamepass Reseller
15 Jul 2022
Pretty vile narrative you're trying to do here, and specially trying to indicate only one fan group, you always stoop this low DirkMagusDCXIX.

You did it on GAF, mods deleted it, then when people called you on it you lied you never posted anything like this.

Anyone who sends any kind of threats over console wars is a piece of shit, don't think anybody here on this forum in any fanbase condone this.
I'm sure in your mind it was Xbox fans that doxed the YouTuber over PS5 right? False flag operation perhaps? You do talk about fan fiction all the time so I get it. If the mods deleted my post how does it fit the narrative that it's only PlayStation fans that are persecuted? You talk about narratives but can't even keep yours straight. Stick to playing games man.

Outside of Lognor and Craig, almost all the "xbox fanbase" on GAF are pretty chill. Riky has the patience of a saint to put up with all the shit thrown at him without becoming insulting or doing targeting posts towards any single member. DarkMage is one of the most well spoken members, he rarely engages in console war and mostly just replies to people who start it. If they were as rabid as the Sony fans there, they'd be getting banned in droves as well.

Again, it's self persecution on their part.

Took them long enough ;)

I appreciate the kind words. You regularly present reasonable remarks and I'll be the first to say your tag on Gaf is BS. Mods should be the last people pushing the 'anyone who likes Xbox blows Phil' garbage.

With regards to 'war' why would I need to? I have all the damn systems and like them all in different ways. The only war to wage is against the constant nonsense that streams from a certain group of overly emotional people who refuse to accept people have different preferences and maybe just maybe Sony isn't as perfect as many claim. This generation will bring some fantastic competition and I welcome it.
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Resident Evil Guru
Content Creator
28 Jun 2022
Do you see why so many hate Sony warriors? Do you not see how y'all do nothing but antagonize Xbox, PC and Nintendo fans? Y'all are the most toxic, pathetic swamp mouths I have even came across. Why can't other people have opinions and like what they like? People prove you wrong, and you resort to this "well i don't care attitude". Well one day you gotta realize, you don't get to gatekeep what others like.

Just look how someone honestly says why they like what they like, and here you just try and shit on what he likes, for no reason. It's always the Sony guys doing this to every single camp out there. Reflect on yourself homie. It's not good to harvest so much hate.
Don't get me wrong, a lot of these pc arguments in this thread are absurd but please don't start doing that.

Do you love Nintendo fans when they do stuff like this

look at some of the comments in this video:
there are some saying the Wii U Version of Need For Speed Most Wanted looks better than the PC Port despite all the jaggies, lower quality textures, and worse shadows.

Do you love Xbox Fans When They Do this

Do You Love PC Master race when they do this

Let's be real, yes a lot of arguments I've seen against ps games coming to pc are weird and won't effect the majority of PS5 owners even once this thing sells 100 million plus. But let's not makes this a, "oh this crowd is worse than this crowd" and vice versa.

Deleted member 51

Don't get me wrong, a lot of these pc arguments in this thread are absurd but please don't start doing that.

Do you love Nintendo fans when they do stuff like this

look at some of the comments in this video:
there are some saying the Wii U Version of Need For Speed Most Wanted looks better than the PC Port despite all the jaggies, lower quality textures, and worse shadows.

Do you love Xbox Fans When They Do this

Do You Love PC Master race when they do this

Let's be real, yes a lot of arguments I've seen against ps games coming to pc are weird and won't effect the majority of PS5 owners even once this thing sells 100 million plus. But let's not makes this a, "oh this crowd is worse than this crowd" and vice versa.

When you put things into perspective, there are more active steam users than psn users, and you will rarely EVER hear any of them bitch about a PC game, coming to console. Remember, PC gamers, AKA port beggars, have no exclusives at all. Nothing, and we will eventually get the scraps from Sony when they finally launch their old games, at least 2 plus years later. If you ever get them. Ps4 games only of course, never pa5

Xbox games are always in 3rd, or last place. They are the minority. They never bitched when their games came to PC, I mean why would they? Microsoft Windows... Microsoft Xbox... Hmmm. They have no games, nothing coming out this year, you heard all of the b.s remarks.

Nintendo... Yeah they aren't even a console, games have outdated graphics from the ps360 days. It can't even hold a solid 30fps, and it's for kids.

Don't get me wrong, but PC, Xbox, and Nintendo definitely get shitted on more by one camp then any other. Anyone who denies this is bat shit crazy.

Everyone is guilty. But there are some that are way more guilty. And it's obvious
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