Well just like anything else in the world, there will always be anti X or anti Y that goes without saying. But if we are speaking strictly about Icon Era, no offense to
@Bryank75 obviously - I commend him for starting his own thing. But I've told him before, there is a severe disbalance here between the blue vs green crowd.
It's near impossible to talk or say anything positive about Xbox. People are ultra fast to just shit on someone for enjoying something that they don't or for having a different opinion.
Fights always constantly start and it's sad because it makes the forum look bad. Some people are forced too use the ignore function to much because they keep getting dogpiled and attacked over a fucking video game or a plastic box. It's fucking childish, sad and pathetic.
A gaming forum should be an inclusive place where fans of gaming can discuss the hobby without being fearful of getting attacked Based of their platform or gsmes of chocie. Obviously, the bigger the forum gets the harder it is to keep everyone in check.
This is why forums like NeoGaf have a strict policy on fanboyism terms and ridiculous hot takes that just make no sense and are only being said to troll someone and get a rise out of someone. There are very few people here that are actually genuine with their opinions.
There are certain people here with very clear cut agendas that no matter what you say will find a way to smear you, talk back and refuse to admit fault or accept the fact that they're wrong about something. I won't be mentioning their names, but at this point it's reslly not thar hard to figure out.