If You Were in Charge Of Playstation, What would you do Differently?


21 Jun 2022
  • Rework all major hardware components from the launch day PlayStation 3 - CELL, RSX, GS & EE - into a modern and overclocked form, ready to be made by current-day semiconductor manufacturing processes (6nm or lower).
    • Fit these components into a handheld form factor with a SED or FED (or in the worst case scenario, an OLED) 6-inch display and all the buttons and features included in a DualShock 3 controller. This way, we'd have a system capable of natively running PS1, PS2 and PS3 games, and of perfect PSP emulation, on the go.
    • Then, I'd hand curate (I'm lying, I already have done this) a catalogue totallying to around 750 must-play games from all four of these systems, to be made available for à la carte purchase from the PS Store or through the Premium tier of PlayStation Plus, and with cross-buy and cross-save with PS5.
    • As the icing on top of the cake, I'd look into how feasible it'd be to develop a Quick Resume style feature, so that you could quickly swap from one game to another.
    • Then I'd look into selling this bad boy for $299.99 and $399.99, in its 256GB and 1TB storage configurations, respectively.
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  • Peachy
Reactions: flaccidsnake


29 Jun 2022
1. Give myself a pay rise
2. Put Shu back in charge of first party.
3. Incentivise Naughty Dog, SSM, Insomniac, Sucker Punch to be fostering and supporting "little brother" studios

Essentially what they used to do when SSM and Naughty Dog were helping Ready at Dawn, That Games Company and Sony Bend.

They should basically be integrated into the big brother studios ways of working, use their tech stack and learn to create games

This opens up a way for new Uncharted games, Resistance, Killzone and myriad other IP, and helps Sony to create the next group of AAA developers

4. Buy only devs Sony work with already with proven success (no more Firesprites) like Arrowhead

5. Buy out Tencents share of From Software - aim to take the whole thing

6. Outsource the MLB the Show license to some third party developer, get San Diego working on something decent

7. Beef up marketing and reinstate PSX as an annual event
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Reactions: Perrott


25 Mar 2023
<<< this moron.

Got a desk setup with dual monitors, a large LG OLED mounted above and behind the desk a meter or so away with LCR speakers, and a nice big sub, and surround speakers in the rear. It's a setup primarily made for post-production and music mixing where a filmmaker or musician/producer can review on the couch behind me. Behind the desk chair is a living room table and couch. I can either play a game at the desk on one of my monitors or turn on Big Picture Mode to put it on the big screen, or on the couch behind it also using that mode. Or switch inputs to run any of my consoles. I don't do KB/M gaming on the couch, that's dumb.

SIDENOTE: I love that there are people ITT who have gone to the trouble of revealing ignored content to read this.

Also @thicc_girls_are_teh_best I'd love to see you back up this potential 30-40% install base drop that can be attributed to releasing select 1st party games on PC 1-2 years after PlayStation release. I call bullshit on that. I'm following what you're saying and understand the rationale behind it with WOM and enthusiast early adopter influence on the casuals and mainstreamers, but I just flat out disagree on your numbers. The number of people that will switch from the use of user-friendly consoles to dealing with the jank, troubleshooting, and general inconvenience of Windows PCs because the first party PlayStation franchises they love might release on PC a couple years afterwards can't be anywhere near 30-40%. I don't believe the dropoff would be that big even if they did pivot to doing day-and-date releases across the board (which I vehemently doubt we will see). Like you I'm pulling this speculative number completely out of my ass, but it seems to me like the ceiling on such an exodus would be 10%.

I truly believe this timed exclusive window strat even has the potential of pushing a non-zero number of PC people into the PlayStation console world when they start chomping at the bit for the next release of a franchise they're been sucked into, and this is a sentiment shared by Totoki in that quote that @flaccidsnake seems intent on repeatedly mischaracterizing.
PC ports are guaranteed to weaken their cosole businesses and will help kill PlayStation as a console in the long run, just like it killed Xbox.


31 Jan 2024
Excuse me? I've probably watched that Q&A statement 20 times. I painstakingly transcribed it verbatim. Later Sony put out an official transcript. It notably removes what he said about first party titles' main purpose 'in the past' was to popularize the console. But the language around "aggressively" growing margins on PC is still strong:

This cannot be dismissed as 'lost in translation'. What part is mischaracterized?
There is no language in there about shifting strategy to day-and-date releases. That’s the part that you have been making up, and “aggressively” growing margins can mean anything and can also mean nothing.


2 May 2023
There is no language in there about shifting strategy to day-and-date releases. That’s the part that you have been making up, and “aggressively” growing margins can mean anything and can also mean nothing.

I'm not claiming he said day and date. I'm only saying there is a more aggressive push to PC than we saw under Jim Ryan.

He uses the words "aggressively" and "proactively" specifically in the context of "growing the first party through multiplatforms such as computers". Any other interpretation of that is pure cope. And it shouldn't even be cope because if you like Playstation, it's good for Playstation.