Incoming announcement on Xbox titles future exclusivity and publishing


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22 Jan 2023
Colt Eastwood claims he got a text from an insider claiming that next week will be an amazing time for Xbox and will destroy all of the naysayers.

The gaming community would be a much better place without grifters and shills like colteastwood and jez.

It feels like Xbox are always explaining themselves and having to make excuses in a way that PlayStation and Nintendo haven't had to.

It’s a cult. I thought the Xbox influencers were in to grift weak-minded people but they’re actually the worst of the bunch.


8 Jan 2023
Colt Eastwood claims he got a text from an insider claiming that next week will be an amazing time for Xbox and will destroy all of the naysayers.

The gaming community would be a much better place without grifters and shills like colteastwood and jez.

It feels like Xbox are always explaining themselves and having to make excuses and promises in a way that PlayStation and Nintendo haven't had to.
That's why I'm saying once the news comes out, Nuke all of these drifters out of orbit, don't give them attention, and don't allow them to reinvent themselves and continue to profit off misinformation.
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21 Jun 2022
Shit i said as much. I think ms knows this and they either dont care or they too are about done with these people.
Since the moment they decided to start publishing all their games in PC and day one plus also in a game sub it was set in stone that they were moving away their focus from their console hardware. Also, when bought Minecraft and continued publishing everything everywhere including rival consoles. One of their main points with the ABK acquisition is to grow in mobile via CoD+King.

It would be really retarded to spend $100B on acquisitions and remove from all these acquired companies the revenues and profit they made in rival consoles, which was the majority.

They slowly are doing steps to do a Sega and go full 3rd party (they always will keep Windows as their platform). The fanboys weren't enough to keep their gaming business profitable during over two decades, so MS wants to highly grow their audience, revenue and profitability going beyond their own console trying to put their games everywhere after accepting they couldn't compete in consoles.

So they won't care about a few fanboys in Twitter, because they think they'll find way more fans in the other platforms. They care about revenue and profit, not about tweets.

Same will happen when they accept Gamepass has been a failure and even after spending $100B on acquisitions, losing most of their game sales and expanding it to all the platforms they can isn't enough: as of now they seem to continue stuck in 25M subs and their direct competition has twice that being only in console, not putting there all their games and not putting them day one plus having only spent a few billions in acquisitions.

First they'll stop adding 3rd party games day one on GP, later they'll stop adding some of their games day one and will start removing some 1st party games from there. Later, some games never will be put there. And then they'll stopp adding games there day one. So will slowly make it more like PS+. They'll slowly transition again to focus on selling games and digital addons, which is the main business in gaming and not game subs.

This will piss off many fans, but will be the best option for MS because once transitioned, in the long term they may start being a profitable division and start recouping the loses they had in these over 20 year plus the 100B in acquisitions, which may never recoup.
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2 Jul 2022
This is what I think, too: they will start preaching the new testament of prophet Phil (coming next week) and wage war against anyone who doesn’t unquestioningly believe in his word.

A new cycle begins.

but it was expected, only the bots was blind about it.
They’ve spent 80 billion in acquisition, how do they expect to see a ROO from it? “But MS already made that money back”:
Yes, MS did, Xbox did not.
And they’ll never get the ROI by making games exclusives.
Ohhh I want so bad to have access to the business case excel they have for this lmao
  • they're_right_you_know
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Dick Jones

Corporate Dick
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5 Jul 2022
Colt Eastwood claims he got a text from an insider claiming that next week will be an amazing time for Xbox and will destroy all of the naysayers.

The gaming community would be a much better place without grifters and shills like colteastwood and jez.

It feels like Xbox are always explaining themselves and having to make excuses and promises in a way that PlayStation and Nintendo haven't had to.
Colt is doing one final milking of the teats before the MS fanboy udders go dry permanently


16 Jun 2023
Colt Eastwood claims he got a text from an insider claiming that next week will be an amazing time for Xbox and will destroy all of the naysayers.

The gaming community would be a much better place without grifters and shills like colteastwood and jez.

It feels like Xbox are always explaining themselves and having to make excuses and promises in a way that PlayStation and Nintendo haven't had to.
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  • haha
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19 Jan 2023
I always questioned how Microsoft made money from game pass. Do any of yous know how it actually worked. Did Devs get cuts from the fees for downloads or was it all set fees. I could never get my head around how game pass made money when you had to pay out to devs. Is it a money maker. With Starfield would they ever recoup the costs of developing it or did they expect pc sales to supplement the costs.
By whatever method they could use to trick people
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20 Jun 2022
Lol "hold the line" to now cancel your gamepass sub


28 Jun 2022
Wanted to share a post from gaf that I really agree with:



This is all pretty remarkable. Strategic plans A, B, C, and D over 20+ years have all went bust. Whatever they announce, it will be an attempt to salvage the current situation. If the goal all along was just to become a profitable multiplatform mega-publisher, then they took the long route and wasted many billions to do it, so this is not where they set out to be.

I think it's clear what has happened, and it's why in hindsight the Activision acquisition will probably rank as one of the all-time greatest industry blunders. I think what happened was Microsoft envisioned securing Call of Duty exclusively on Xbox as a sort of knockout punch over Sony, but the regulators stripped it away. Microsoft refused to give up primarily due to the reputational damage in having to abandon such a big deal that it so publicly sought. Then, once they acquired Activision without exclusive rights over Call of Duty, they found themselves straddled with a monstrous asset that they paid a market premium for, and an asset that was only valuable to begin with because it sold millions of games on non-Xbox hardware. So, swallowing Activision without free reign over Call of Duty was a total poison pill. Nadella and the board of directors then demanded a complete change when they realized that Activision was not only unprofitable on Xbox hardware alone, but also worth a fraction of the $69 billion they paid for it.