Insane stat! Out of every PS4 & PS5 game sold in the last quarter, 11.9% were 1st party games. Seems exclusives do matter;) Playstation exclusives do!

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Active member
11 Jul 2022

How many times have we seen xbots say,

"but exclusives don't sell systems."

"but exclusives don't matter"

Etc etc etc

And yet Playstation exclusives continue to dominate sales charts months after release, continue to grow at significant rates across the board, and continue to keep making up larger percentages of the game sales pie charts quarter after quarter!

You love to see good win. The masses are loving that Playstation exclusive greatness! Playstation always wins baby!

Playstation exclusives are quickly becoming to Sony, what Nintendo exclusives are to Nintendo - the premium games to buy in gaming (for those systems)

With only xbox fans left out (they have never had games or any worthwhile exclusives) its no wonder why xbots are the ones continually trying to downplay the significance of Playstation/Nintendo exclusives

As we can see, Playstation exclusives clearly do matter and clearly do sell systems : )
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Active member
11 Jul 2022
Also, look at the microsoft shill FUD thread on resetera

The title of the thread on resetera is that Sony is down 37% in PROFITS

Yet Sony is only actually down 2% in revenue

xbox was down by 11% in revenue which is actaully terrible

And again with microsoft being terrified to ever give actual numbers the percentages microsoft gives mean nothing without context

For example, Sony's revenue is 25billion, while microsoft's revenue is 12billion etc

If we compare by profit, xbox would be down in profits by way more than 37%

xbox doesn't even make profit lol

While Sony made lots of profit. Its just down because they made more profit last time and have more expenses this time than last time (aquistions and PSVR2 etc)

Again, percentages mean nothing without the numbers for context

Microsoft hides all their shit and spins everything with pure deception and dishonesty because in reality they aren't doing as good as they like to propagate

"Their comeback" FUD narrative is a lie

Anyways, you never saw the thread on resetera about microsoft's quartely report, with the title, "down in revenue by 11%" in the title

And you don't see "down by 2% in revenue" in Sony's title

No, instead, it's something completely different to try and make it seem like Sony is doing bad and microsoft "doing better"

It really is insane!!

Resetera cough cough windows central, is literally a mental asylum where those xbot whackos are running around preaching their alternate realities, while wholey consuming each others filth being spewed, within their little safe space xbox echo chamber (neogaf is the same)

It's beyond insane. Resetera needs to have what little relevance it has left completely taken away
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2 Jul 2022
6.4 million out of 47 million is fucking abysmal, are you ok? That is literally the opposite of "exclusives matter"...

This is why they're turning to PC...

Bernd Lauert

16 Jul 2022
How so? Whats your reasoning. Every piece of info I posted is true. See the tweets. Or are you saying it's false
11.9% is not the flex you think it is. That's why I'm asking.

Nintendo is at 80% btw. That's a real first party machine. Playstation is a Fortnite, GTA, CoD and insert_sportsgame machine, just like Xbox.
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Active member
11 Jul 2022
6.4 million out of 47 million is fucking abysmal, are you ok? That is literally the opposite of "exclusives matter"...

This is why they're turning to PC...
That's near 12%

Now go tell me the percentage of xbox exclusives sold across all games sold on xbox

It's so low microsoft won't even report it

That's what's terrible

Also go tell me the percentage of how many games sold on steam are AAA games. The majority of games sold on steam are indies and artsy fartsy low budget crap

You xbots who hide behind PC (because xbox is so terrible there's nothing for you to get behind on it) have no idea what youre talking about because you lack all perspective and have no idea how the industry actually works

How dare you ever try to say Sonys and Nintendos numbers are abysmal when your xbox numbers are so low and terrible microsoft is afraid to report any of it
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Active member
11 Jul 2022
11.9% is not the flex you think it is. That's why I'm asking.

Nintendo is at 80% btw. That's a real first party machine. Playstation is a Fortnite, GTA, CoD and insert_sportsgame machine, just like Xbox.
Nintendo ain't your plastic toy xbox


By the way, Nintendo exclusives have ZERO competition on Nintendo platforms. So Playstation exclusives accounting for 12% of all game sales in a quarter while up against the heaviest of 3rd party competition is really good

That 12% number is a MASSIVE FLEX against xbox though : )

Show me the sales of Halo and Forza if you think it ain't a flex

Halo & Forza are completely dead now and never charted on any monthly sales charts

Meanwhile Horizon & GT7 are top 5 best selling games of 2022 in the US and UK

This is why the gaming community mocks and clowns xbots

xbots have zero perspective and yet have the audacity to clown on numbers xbox could never touch

It's like saying that TLOU2 selling 10mill in under 2 years is bad

Why do xbots love living in alternate realities
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Bernd Lauert

16 Jul 2022
Nintendo ain't your plastic toy xbox


By the way, Nintendo exclusives have ZERO competition on Nintendo platforms. So Playstation exclusives accounting for 12% of all games sales battling the heaviest of 3rd party competition is insanely good

That 12% number is a MASSIVE FLEX against xbox

Halo & Forza are completely dead now and never charted on any monthly sales charts lmao

Meanwhile Horizon & GT7 are top 5 best selling games of 2022 in the US and UK

This is why the gaming community mocks and clowns you xbots

You xbots have zero perspective and have the audacity to clown numbers your xbox could never touch

It's like saying that TLOU2 selling 10mill in under 2 years is bad

xbots love living in alternate realities
Stop It Michael Jordan GIF


2 Jul 2022
That's near 12%

Now go tell me the percentage of xbox exclusives sold across all games sold on xbox

It's so low microsoft won't even report it

That's what's terrible

Also go tell me the percentage of how mnay games sold on steam are AAA games. The majority of game sales on steam are indies and artsy fartsy low budget crap

You xbots who hide behind PC (because xbox is so terrible there's nothing for you to get behind) have no idea what youre talking about because you lack all perspective and have no idea how the industry actually works

How dare you ever try to say Sonys and Nintendos numbers are abysmal when your xbox numbers are so low microsoft is afraid to report any of it
I don't give a damn what platform it is, flexing an 11% sales margin as "exclusives matter" and "these games move systems" is total cognitive dissonance.

89% of games sold on their platform are neither first party nor published by them. Your points completely contradict each other.


Active member
11 Jul 2022
2 of the biggest xbot shills are trying to harass me now! Uh oh lol. Whats that saying, only the truth hits home!

I don't give a damn what platform it is, flexing an 11% sales margin as "exclusives matter" and "these games move systems" is total cognitive dissonance.

89% of games sold on their platform are neither first party nor published by them. Your points completely contradict each other.

This is silly

Because this isn't decided by linear math.

You can't say "but 89% are 3rd parties"

You have to look at how much exclusive games use to account for on average

And I can assure you 12% is FAR ABOVE the average

You need to have proper perspective to understand, and xbox has such a terrible percentage microsoft doesn't even report that number

So it makes you appreciate Playstation's 12% number all the more

It's a massive number

We are talking about 12% of all Playstation game sales being PS exclusives IN 1 QUARTER

This isnt LTD

It's across just 1 quarter

Why do xbots fail to ever grasp onto any context or nuance

That means that that percentage is HIGHER LTD

Horizon & GT7 have been top 5 best selling games of 2022 in the US and UK

Miles Morales outsold Call of Duty on Playstation during the 2021 holidays

So yeah, even without this 1 impressive stat, I can show you a thousand different other ways how Playstation exclusives do sell systems - and are selling systems, according to the cold hard facts and numbers, and NOT according to unfinformed opinions
This ain't neogaf or restera where microsoft will protect and baby you.
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Bernd Lauert

16 Jul 2022
It's a massive number

We are talking about 12% of all Playstation game sales being PS exclusives IN 1 QUARTER

This isnt LTD

It's across just 1 quarter

Why do xbots fail to ever grasp onto any context or nuance

That means that that percentage is HIGHER LTD
awkward office space GIF


Active member
11 Jul 2022
If you understand gaming and how gaming works, this is an insanely impressive number

- In 1 quarter 12% of all game sales on Playstation were Playstation exclusives. That's 2 Playstation exclusives accounting for 12% of all game sales, compared to DOZENS of 3rd parties selling COMBINED. It shows how Playstation exclusives are sales juggernauts, which by their lonesome, compete against dozens of 3rd parties combined

You can't compare this to Nintendo where 2 Nintendo exclusives are up against 1 or 2 multiplatform games at the most or sometimes up against even ZERO multiplatform games

If you don't understand gaming and how gaming works, than you will discredit this number for 1 quarter, just like how hater trolls tried to claim that TLOU2 selling 10mill in under 2 years was "not impressive" either

Meanwhile a Gears game has never sold 10mill LIFETIME EVER, and Halo at its peak 55 years ago only ever sold more than 10mill ONCE ever lol
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  • Informative
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2 Jul 2022
2 of the biggest xbot shills are trying to harass me now! Uh oh lol. Whats that saying, only the truth hits home!

This is silly

Because this isn't decided by linear math.

You can't say "but 89% are 3rd parties"

You have to look at how much exclusive games use to account for on average

And I can assure you 12% is FAR ABOVE the average

You need to have proper perspective to understand, and xbox has such a terrible percentage microsoft doesn't even report that number

So it makes you appreciate Playstation's 12% number all the more

It's a massive number

We are talking about 12% of all Playstation game sales being PS exclusives IN 1 QUARTER

This isnt LTD

It's across just 1 quarter

Why do xbots fail to ever grasp onto any context or nuance

That means that that percentage is HIGHER LTD

Horizon & GT7 have been top 5 best selling games of 2022 in the US and UK

Miles Morales outsold Call of Duty on Playstation during the 2021 holidays

So yeah, even without this 1 impressive stat, I can show you a thousand different ways how Playstation exclusives do sell systems and are selling systems, according to the hard facts, and NOT unfinformed opinions

This ain't neogaf or restera where microsoft will protect and baby you.
I'm not reading any of this crap, out of all of the games they have released this generation which you guys go ballistic about on a daily basis as an average have only an 11% attachment rate...

These games are the proverbial icing on a cake and nothing more.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Did someone just mention Nintendo as successful attach rates? Like LOL.

First of all, that’s the only friggin software on Nintendo’s handhelds. Third party software is either non-existent, decade old ports, or highly gimped and no one cares anyway. AND that’s NOT a good thing that no one else can find an opportunity to make money on their handhelds. At all.

Sony’s attach rate is pretty high for 1st party software vs an industry completely dominated by 3rd party juggernauts (or once third party up until the last year.

Big Boss

26 Jul 2022
I usually buy exclusives on release and multi-platforms on sale. For this reason, my PS5 is my go to.
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