It's not true.
30fps modes are just 16ms slower than 60fps mode.
Not 75ms slower like DF demonstrated. Bad vsynced 30fps can be terrible laggy and hard to play. But good 30fps with good motion blur, can be perfectly fine with a controller. Nothing broken about it.
I am always hearing how consoles are slower and more laggy than PC. It is clearly a myth nowadays... to some degree! In the reality, I can force triple buffering, enable vrr, force -3fps vrr cap or disable vsync. There are many ways to tweak this and achieve good results. But at the core...
check out the vid. It's interesting and shows how 30fps implementation can differ.
And if you say "f this, I don't care fr 30fps"... then be aware that this exact issue is just as well lowering input lag in 60fps games. These probably also could be faster