Major Gaming Reviewers Have Not Received Forspoken Review Codes


4 Jul 2022
Who cares if this game hit the 70's, not every Sony game will hit 80's and 90+.....I know very well that some reviewers are biased and will knock down a game for any reason they wish, even things that happens outside of gaming.

I did not get a review copy.....So I;m gonna throw a baby tantrum come review time
There are not enough same sex characters, (Not inclusive enough)...
It's not on my console of choice.
The primary character is a woman and she is black.

People will find a way to politicize or warrify review scores, so at this point, why do we place so much emphasis on them. There are games they just can't cancel no matter how they try, like LOU2, because it was such a good game. I suspect Forspoken won't be as good as LOU, but it will be a blast to quite a few making it a cult hit. From what I've seen of Forspoken, it's not Superman 64, it's also above the likes of crackdown 3. In essence it looks to be a good game, not broken, which many will enjoy or are enjoying, so it should be fine.....


1 Jul 2022
I knew about that. I thought you were talking about issues with the game itself on Xbox. The Xbox crowd has been conditioned to not buy games - and I don't mean that as a personal jab toward them. They can do whatever they want at the end of the day, but personally, I prefer to buy physical games.

I have a cousin who used to be a PlayStation guy, and he was a huge Final Fantasy fan, especially Final Fantasy VII, which was his first in the series. He's the one who introduced me to the series, with FF XII and Crisis Core. He has since switched to Xbox and now hocks GamePass like it's some kind of religion. When Crisis Core Reunion came out, I asked him if he was going to buy it and he said $50 is too expensive for a game. Five years ago, this guy would've been chomping at the bit to play Crisis Core again with better graphics, but now I guess $50 is too much to ask for a game. His loss, because I really enjoyed playing it again!
it is sad. The worst part is they want all the rest of us to join them in their misery.

Dick Jones

Corporate Dick
Icon Extra
5 Jul 2022
Think of it this way, how tough will it be to be for a white male reviewer to give a game with a black female lead a low score. I think it's an 82 percent (high enough to not get the mob after you but low enough to not get questioned on the score). Welcome to my Ted talk.

Scores don't mean shit. Days Gone got mugged by reviewers and it was one of the best games I played that had a shit metacritic. Termination: Resistance likewise is a great game.

I'd rather a great game than an arbitrary score.


21 Jun 2022
Think of it this way, how tough will it be to be for a white male reviewer to give a game with a black female lead a low score. I think it's an 82 percent (high enough to not get the mob after you but low enough to not get questioned on the score). Welcome to my Ted talk.

Scores don't mean shit. Days Gone got mugged by reviewers and it was one of the best games I played that had a shit metacritic. Termination: Resistance likewise is a great game.

I'd rather a great game than an arbitrary score.
Cough Halo Infinite cough cough
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: KiryuRealty


4 Jul 2022
Cough Halo Infinite cough cough
Be careful, that was GAF GOTY.

Anyways, does a publisher owe all review outlets a review copy? So if I'm a troll reviewer like Stevivor, are you saying I can sue Sony for not sending me a review copy. I'm sure Square is looking at persons already writing the game off for the most inane reasons. Saying it's mediocre before they play. Any reviewer who says a game is mediocre before they play should not be taken seriously, just like the gamespot guy who was previewing driveclub and could not even put a PS4 on, I see you in the same light, either incompetence or downright biased and baby tantrummy. Elder Legend, must say, I'm disappointed in your posts, you are a reviewer, you sound like you have an axe to grind and that you sometimes express it in reviews based on personal issues or beef with devs, publishers or console preference. That's sad to hear from a reviewer.

Also for heaven's sake, if Square had something to hide on Forspoken, why would they issue a demo, everyone had a chance to play. So if you feel they are doing something shady with review codes or not exposing people to the game, that is far from the truth. It's always the Xbox sites who are most agrieved when they don't get a Sony review code and we all know Skill Up has has had some glaring issues recently with some bias for MS lately. A gamepass proponent just like Apple in the here and now......


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
Y'all need to stop this juvenile console war BS with everything for real :ROFLMAO:

This is Square's 2022 output, most of it is multi-plat, all of it is extremely poorly reviewed and they have shown nothing about Forspoken that proves it will break the trend.

What happened to harvestella?


1 Jul 2022
well, yeah. the black protagonist should atleast work in its favor. look at deathloop.
Y'all need to stop this juvenile console war BS with everything for real :ROFLMAO:

This is Square's 2022 output, most of it is multi-plat, all of it is extremely poorly reviewed and they have shown nothing about Forspoken that proves it will break the trend.




21 Jun 2022
On topic, Forspoken looks like a mediocre game. At best I might rent it a month or two later after it's had its first set of patches.
It's so pathetic to see you all with the full artillery for this game.

So what if Forspoken is not getting all-time classic 10/10 reviews? High on Life had very low reviews with a meta of 67 and it didn't stop you and the other xbots jerking off about it everywhere. High on Life also had even more annoying chatter than Forspoken.

Plenty of middling games come out every week, why so much vitriol for this one? There was not even that much hype even from PS fans. There's something about Forspoken, it's like all the xbox fans are on a mission to shit on it so the conversation online is all negative.

The Series just had the worst November of all Xbox consoles in history (Aquamarine leaked the full NPD numbers). You should worry about that instead.
Last edited:


22 Jun 2022
It's so pathetic to see you all with the full artillery for this game.

So what if Forspoken is not getting all-time classic 10/10 reviews? High on Life had very low reviews with a meta of 67 and it didn't stop you and the other xbots jerking off about it everywhere. High on Life also had even more annoying chatter than Forspoken.

Plenty of middling games come out every week, why so much vitriol for this one? There was not even that much hype even from PS fans. There's something about Forspoken, it's like all the xbox fans are on a mission to shit on it so the conversation online is all negative.

The Series just had the worst November of all Xbox consoles in history (Aquamarine leaked the full NPD numbers). You should worry about that instead.

I was gonna say the same thing.

The same people dissing this game are content with High on Life as their current premier title.

Go figure.🤣


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
It's so pathetic to see you all with the full artillery for this game.

So what if Forspoken is not getting all-time classic 10/10 reviews? High on Life had very low reviews with a meta of 67 and it didn't stop you and the other xbots jerking off about it everywhere. High on Life also had even more annoying chatter than Forspoken.

Plenty of middling games come out every week, why so much vitriol for this one? There was not even that much hype even from PS fans. There's something about Forspoken, it's like all the xbox fans are on a mission to shit on it so the conversation online is all negative.

The Series just had the worst November of all Xbox consoles in history (Aquamarine leaked the full NPD numbers). You should worry about that instead.
They never outgrew shouting the n word on xbox live.


22 Jul 2022
It's so pathetic to see you all with the full artillery for this game.

So what if Forspoken is not getting all-time classic 10/10 reviews? High on Life had very low reviews with a meta of 67 and it didn't stop you and the other xbots jerking off about it everywhere. High on Life also had even more annoying chatter than Forspoken.

Plenty of middling games come out every week, why so much vitriol for this one? There was not even that much hype even from PS fans. There's something about Forspoken, it's like all the xbox fans are on a mission to shit on it so the conversation online is all negative.

The Series just had the worst November of all Xbox consoles in history (Aquamarine leaked the full NPD numbers). You should worry about that instead.

I appreciate that my words mean so much to you.

But they are just my opinion, no need to blow a gasket over it or anything. I didn't in any of the High on Life discussions, afterall.

If I can do it, so can you.

I believe in you. 💚

They never outgrew shouting the n word on xbox live.

Excuse Me What GIF by Nickelodeon


4 Jul 2022
It's so pathetic to see you all with the full artillery for this game.

So what if Forspoken is not getting all-time classic 10/10 reviews? High on Life had very low reviews with a meta of 67 and it didn't stop you and the other xbots jerking off about it everywhere. High on Life also had even more annoying chatter than Forspoken.

Plenty of middling games come out every week, why so much vitriol for this one? There was not even that much hype even from PS fans. There's something about Forspoken, it's like all the xbox fans are on a mission to shit on it so the conversation online is all negative.

The Series just had the worst November of all Xbox consoles in history (Aquamarine leaked the full NPD numbers). You should worry about that instead.
It always baffles me when I see XBOX fans take the high road on 70+ games on PS or in some cases where they hope for it......I still remember when they went all out for Days Gone, yet XBOX didn't score an exclusive better than days gone for over a year. There was a picture with all the 60's, highest being 69 in a drought period. You'd swear these guys are wallowing in GOTY contenders, but they just want everybody to be in the same miserable pit as them, they will even will it with all parts of their being.....

It's simple, if XBOX is underperforming, just buy a PS5. No need to want a game to fail just because it's not on your console of choice. Some would actually rather Sony have a bevy of low scoring games just to throw some stones....It's the only way they feel they can win or hit back at Sony's's sad.


1 Jul 2022
It's so pathetic to see you all with the full artillery for this game.

So what if Forspoken is not getting all-time classic 10/10 reviews? High on Life had very low reviews with a meta of 67 and it didn't stop you and the other xbots jerking off about it everywhere. High on Life also had even more annoying chatter than Forspoken.

Plenty of middling games come out every week, why so much vitriol for this one? There was not even that much hype even from PS fans. There's something about Forspoken, it's like all the xbox fans are on a mission to shit on it so the conversation online is all negative.

The Series just had the worst November of all Xbox consoles in history (Aquamarine leaked the full NPD numbers). You should worry about that instead.
they're hoping they can use forspoken to turn the tide on the narrative that xbox is a welfare platform with nothing but 60's metacritic games and that in comparison, everything PS touches turns to gold. They also want square-enix to fail after skipping them on so many games lately, and of course the crown jewel holy grail port begs of FF7R and FF16 still elude them.

They really are out to get poor old S-E.

Oh well, PS5 gets a 60 rated game, it's not the end of the world when its buried in between GOTY's and 80-90+ games every few weeks.

Xbox on the other hand should try out for the Golden Oldies. It's 60's all day everyday with their Metacritic scores!