[Meltdown] I am Leaving goodbye ERA

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Deleted member 38

is unimpressed
21 Jun 2022
I like the live dangerously
time feeding GIF


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
Truly embarrassed. If a PCMR guy like me that is supposedly known for creating havoc on GAF/Reee websites for my safe respectful arguments can live happy on this site, then anyone of you can do the same. The problem is definitely you man. Go ahead and go away and come back after you've recovered from being trolled over at GAF.
i am holding you personally responsible for all this, you recruited him, you vouched for him, you said and i quote "he is like a brother to me"


Moderator- From the United Kingdom
20 Jun 2022
So i'l summarise what I have learnt from this thread. You offered to buy the forum. Darth told you it wasn't for sale. You then offered to buy in, and again we're declined. You then suddenly decide you wish to leave instead, and goaded the staff to ban you instead, to send some sort of 'message'. However by Darth sharing information you were convinced he wouldn't you now have egg on your face. Maybe you were not the Craig we we're looking for?


1 Jul 2022
So i'l summarise what I have learnt from this thread. You offered to buy the forum. Darth told you it wasn't for sale. You then offered to buy in, and again we're declined. You then suddenly decide you wish to leave instead, and goaded the staff to ban you instead, to send some sort of 'message'. However by Darth sharing information you were convinced he wouldn't you now have egg on your face. Maybe you were not the Craig we we're looking for?
You forgot the
"Thanks pussy" 😆
16 Jul 2022
Welcome to the site ManaByte, Craig of war really fucking hates you lol

Hey now, I'm not ManaByte, I don't have nearly as much insider info about movies and the MCU.

I'm the less infamous counterpart to my very infamous alias! I'm the guy that likes Final Fantasy too much and spends the rest of my time shit posting in ban request threads!

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
I would not want to mention GAF here, but I feel like I must after reading their thread on us. So for those on GAF that are reading this and lurking in the shadows:

I find it incredibly funny that such a behemoth of a forum has moderators that so freely allow their users to shit on this place, when the staff here has shown that they would rather people don't bash other forums. IconEra is small, it will most likely never be nearly as big as GAF, and yet you seem to feel like we're some sort of threat.

Additionally, I love how people characterize this forum as some sort of Sony heaven when all discussions have been allowed, for all platforms, and even @VFX_Veteran is responsible for his own section.

I would have expected mods there to have intervened and stopped that sad thread, but at the end of the day their owner was begging for gold membership and meltdown threads are a gold farm, so it's only understandable that said owner keeps them open and encourages discussion via the usual suspects and smurf accounts.

Sorry, rant over, and if the staff feels this post is unacceptable please remove it.
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