Right. The deal is clearly dead. There's been no good news about it and the CMA's been straightforward that behavioural remedies (of which access remedies are a subset) are not going to be accepted without structural divestment, so I can't understand the fanfiction and far huffing delusion I'm seeing on twitter and reeeeee. Can someone explain?
The bad news for people that are this attached to their plastic box is that it's the beginning of a terminal decline in the Xbox HW biz. $69b wasn't approved to spend on anything in gaming, it was for this failed transaction specifically. If they can't find an equally valuable opportunity for this cash in the gaming sphere, that money will be put to use in a different sector. Investor pressure will mount and it's now only a matter of time before they pull out of HW and become 3rd party, which is a pity, because ironically they don't know how to run software houses as evidenced by 343i. I fear for Bethesda, Oblivion, inExile, Double Fine, and their IPs.
I think that would be best for gaming but MSFT is so petty and horrible they would probably try to collapse gaming on the way out.
But if they leave in peace or go third party and become benign, then I would be happy out.