they're really suffering. Jez says windiws central's traffic is down, and in 2022 because xbox released no games none of his articles were hitting.
The only thing he had with a modicum of hits was a persona 5 social link guide.
It's got to be tough for content creators on the xbox side. With such few releases, and such an uncertain brand future, it must be very worrying.
While we point and laugh and poke fun on forums, and this stuff really doesn't affect us, there are people who have their livelihood tied to xbox, and its impending failure.
I do actually feel sorry for them.
I don't why would you write for a place thats just Microsoft centric? Also why be beholden to just xbox? If the site is called Windows Central there's a lot of gaming tech you can talk about. Shit I would be hyping Balders Gate 3 for PC? I would be hyping Diablo 4? All those have to run on windows? Why not do articles about PC where theres a lot of shit happening in the gaming sphere?
It's because Jez and others get incentivized by the parent company in some way or fashion. Either it be direct or Ad share revenue based or whatever.
Thats on Kotaku, Polygon, Thurott, Windows Central, The Verge all taking money indirectly from influencing companies to promote/write certain shit.
Well guess what since you sold any integrity long ago when you started writing for specific site and knew what the deal was, its time to pay the piper.
Say what you will but VGC/Grubb/ Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg though stock market driven sites, write bascially about everything. Nothing is off limits in creating articles about anything tech/games.
There is no such thing as Gaming Journalist. Jason is really the only one.
No sympathy, I work in News Industry and work with real Journalists.
These guys like Jez, are nothing but bottom feeders who dont even know what being a real journalist is.
Say what you will about jason and some of his tweets and how he comes off sometimes. But the guy is professional, most of the time.
jez, Tom Warren throw tantrums and shade to drum up reactions.
Tom Warran will cover things that he knows will get traction and he does so very unevenly in showing his Bias. But whatever.
When it comes to Jez seeing his twitter in how he acts like a child, I have no sympathy. guy is a clown.
That goes for anyone who bent the knee in getting paid by entities outside their company, and for bending the knee in their narratives when it comes to writing on hot topics in games that have some kind of political charge behind it.
News is suppose to be that, News as it comes without opinion added.
But in Video games thats not a thing. It's all opinion and politics now instead of it just being about the actual content, people who made said content.
So no, they all can get fucked. Minus people I mentioned.