Druckman's words in the Summer Doritos Fest and the years it has been under development make me think Factions will really be a proper, full big game, not only a MP game mode made a bit bigger to release it as standalone.
After it I think they'll release smaller projects: TLOU2 PS5 (ported to someone else to PC months later), TLOU1 PC port (ported by someone else to PC monts later) and Nathan Drake Collection PC port (ported by someone else).
After it I think they'll release Uncharted 5 maybe codeveloped with someone like Bluepoint because I think it's in full production. I think that in the same way that the TLOU remake started as a project pitched and leaded by Sony VASG and later changed the roles to make ND the lead studio instead of having a support/overviewer role, that Uncharted spinoff that according to Jason Shredder was being developed by Bend and ND, when Bend moved out of the project they replaced them with some other studio (being the main candidate Bluepoint, who did a great job in the series with the Nathan Drake Collection remasters) and I assume extra staff from ND, studio that since keeps growing can afford more projects.
I think they have under preproduction TLOU3 and their new IP, being worked by small teams and that as they release the remake and the MP the big majority of the studio will move to have two big projects developed mainly internally: these two. I think they both will be released at the end of the generation, crossgen with PS6.
Space opera action game. Now that Mass Effect/Star Wars have shit the bed it's pretty much free real state.
I'd like their new IP to be Savage Starlight, mostly Guardians of the Galaxy done right: with proper action like in Uncharted and TLOU2 and big and frequent Uncarted-like spectacular set pieces. Give it some FarScape feel (nobody will have any issue with women looking like orcs if they are a humanoid green frog or blue human sized furry) and add many planets to visit. Don't make it longer than 20h for the main story and forget anything related with open world or MP: keep these things for sequels. Keep the first one as "wide" linear 20h long SP game with great narrative, action and epic cutscenes with big explosions and buildings collapsing and planets exploding.
Regarding Star Wars, Jedi Fallen Order did a great job so I think its sequel will deliver too. I also think the games from Ubisoft and Quantic Dream -which I don't expect them to be released until 2025 or so, 2024 if being very optimistic- will be super successful too.