New Dragon Age, Mass Effect may have live game storytelling


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
Guess I'll be skipping those so... it's an easy skip for me as I always thought Dragon Age was crap and Mass Effect trilogy was good but they've shown no capacity to reproduce anything like that again.


EA on their conference call or whatever it was earlier today said that they're going in a Games as a Platform direction which makes sense. Why take 5+ years to develop and release a new game when you can release a great base game and just add to it with paid expansions and whatnot.


Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
How long has DA been in development for, now? They need to shit or get off the plot, the series isn't big enough to eat up this much time.


8 May 2023
These guys don't ever learn right? "Live storytelling" didn't they get the memo that anthem and avengers bombed???

Just call it a day and work on a new IP.

Deleted member 417

Sounds like a shit plan from a talentless and greedy corporation who want to milk a franchise rather than innovate.

Not surprising though, ME1 was the only decent mass effect game, with 2 and 3 being terrible for different reasons.

DA1 was an amazing, dark, old-school RPG that still had the DNA of old Bioware. DA2 while fun I'm a way, was mostly a boring rush job and while DA3 told a good story with a lot of content, it was mostly filler and devoid of actually RPG elements; a basic-bitch skill tree and level cap were both big misses.

Ah well. The state of modern gaming has been terrible for so long that nothing phases me now.

Maybe one day, far into the future, we may get another well written, fun to play, deep and engaging 3rd Person RPG. Until then, Larians' isometric rpgs will have to fill the gap.
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14 Feb 2023
Love it! Bring more live service games like Destiny that don't take 5 years for a sequel! I just hope that both games return to the frostbite engine level graphics we know and love because BF2042 looked atrocious and not next gen at all
  • haha
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10 May 2023
Seems like a poop plan from an inept and insatiable partnership who need to drain an establishment instead of develop. to be expected however, ME1 was the main nice mass impact game DA1 was an astonishing, dull, old-school RPG that actually had the DNA of old Bio product. DA2 while fun I'm a way, was for the most part an exhausting rush work and keeping in mind that DA3 recounted a decent story with a ton of content, it was generally filler and without any trace of really RPG components; an essential bitch expertise tree and level cap were both large misses. Ok well. The condition of current gaming has been horrendous for such a long time that nothing stages me now.
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