PC gamers happy with State of PlayStation, PlayStation gamers generally very disappointed


27 Feb 2024
Yes, that's what I meant, as well as cases when certain studio bosses received special treatment from top management for their work and projects because they are friends.

I remember Ryan saying that the success of Ghost of Tsushima came as a surprise to him, and this was against the backdrop of much weaker promotion of GofT, against the backdrop of ND, Insomoniac, and Gorilla projects.

The situation was similar with Days Gone, but there the game was released virtually unfinished, with even poorer marketing...

That is, we have the cult of personality in the form of Jimbo and Hulst, and elements of promotion of certain people based on personal relationships.
Come on bro you have to be reasonable, Ghost of Tsushima was a surprise because it was a new IP and Sucker Punch was a tier below ND, SSM and Insomniac. Same with the case of Days Gone. You allocate resources based on previous performances and Bend never had a smash hit game like ND or SSM. No one in their right mind will allocate the same amount of marketing push a Santa Monica or Naughty Dog game has for a Sony Bend game.

Days Gone got enough of a marketing push considering it was a new IP and a zombie shooter game, They just did not consider the gaming media at large vilifying the game for a white male protagonist


21 Jun 2022
I remember Ryan saying that the success of Ghost of Tsushima came as a surprise to him
Absolutely nobody expected that GoT was going to sell over 15M because their previous games were super far from this. Same goes with Helldivers 2.

The situation was similar with Days Gone, but there the game was released virtually unfinished, with even poorer marketing...

That is, we have the cult of personality in the form of Jimbo and Hulst, and elements of promotion of certain people based on personal relationships.
According to Bend the game had a massive delay, originally was going to take was less time. According to its directors Sony was always very supportive, understanding, generous and patient with them. The game got good marketing and was even a couple times on E3 conferences.

The Arrowhead CEO saaid Helldivers 2 started in 2016 and was supposed to be released in 2019. Jimbo and Hermen let them keep working on it until got released in 2024. 5 years delay on top of the 3 it was suppossed to originally take.

Which are provided by the PS4 legacy, in the form of a solvent user base that generates money through PSN fees (from game purchases and transactions).

But Sony is doing everything to kill this cow...
In the Sony reports say that PS5 users have higher engagement, spend more money in general and in all categories in particular (except game purchase revenue because of the market shift from game purchases to addons) a big portion of them didn't have a PS4.

Non-PS4 games like Spider-Man 2 and Helldivers 2 broke their all time sales launch records.

The first 4 years of PS5 generation already almost, almost generated the same revenue than the 7 years of the PS4 generation. The PS5 generation generated the same profit than all the previous generations combined.

Obviously PS5 has the PS1-PS4 legacy, in the same way PS4 had the PS1-PS3 legacy. But the PS5 generation is their most successful generation ever by far.
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Summer Nightmares

Icon Extra
12 Jan 2023
It is very unfortunate that R* is smart enough to delay the PC version, maybe R* should be the one with a console of their own instead of Sony.

Imagine Rockstar developing their own console and making GTA VI exclusive... LMAO, that would be the moment every company will understand that exclusives are extremly important and ports are a terrible decision (except Nintendo, since they already know that)


29 Jun 2022
Wisconsin, USA
We can see from social media and YouTube that pc focused gamers are delighted with the state of play....with Asmongold and Rurikhan being prime examples

While PlayStation gamers are generally quite disappointed.

This is natural though when PC ports and pc releases have become more and more a focus of Sony, while new and exciting exclusives are few and far between, particularly from first party.

Sammy Barker over at Push Square wrote a piece that really hit the nail on the head for PlayStation enthusiasts

Sammy Barker is the last person you should look to for someone to speak for PlayStation enthusiasts. He's been the source of a ton of hit pieces on the brand, their studios, and their games.

I'm also very curious where you're getting this idea that PS gamers are "generally disappointed". I really hope it's not social media. That is a VERY small sample size of gamers, and there are a lot of weirdos out here faking fandoms just to seed narratives.


23 Jul 2022
If you already own a PC why do you need the Switch 2 to be so powerful? Play the very few demanding games on PC.

I also have a PC, If the Switch 2 is more powerful than a PS4 with the added benefit of stuff like an SSD and DLSS there is plenty enough for me and might even be a smart way to keep game developing costs down. Portability, physical media and actual exclusives, that sounds great to me.

It's clearly extremely hard to make games that actually take advantage of this new hardware and pushes it as evidence by the lack of games able to do that even after 4 years.
No I'm simply saying the Switch 2 isn't going to be worth it, especially when the PS5/Pro hardware is superior and sold at a loss versus Switch hardware sold at a profit.

Those exclusives aren't worth it for me, especially given they're likely to be 30fps, cheap as peanuts games sold at full price.


23 Jul 2022
To be honest, for people like me with kids who keep asking their dads to "play the robot game" again and again in their PS5, Astro Bot is a godsend.
Yeah I think it will be a great game for adults to play with their kids, and I think the original was fun to play. It's not a game I would pay $70 for though, and I hope it's priced 'appropriately'.
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24 Jun 2022
Well of course they'd be: almost every game besides Astrobot is a multiplat, and they're finally getting GOWR.

I'll be honest; this wasn't a good SOP if you're a console owner looking for big exclusives to justify your continued support. Astrobot looks great, but it's also a AA game. It's more of the kind of games SIE need IMHO, but in context of a SOP it's not a big enough game to fill that plate WRT exclusives (I also hope they're smart and price it at $39.99; $49.99 maybe for some upgraded edition).

And taking Herman & Hideki's words into account...what PC gamer is going to buy a PS5 to play Astrobot? Again I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just saying to that crowd a game like Astro isn't likely a system seller, but it will sell very well to the install base who already have a PS5 (if it's priced right). That SOP should've had a big 1P AAA reveal to balance out the GOWR PC announcement, or at least another high-quality AA exclusive to pair with Astrobot's reveal.

Sony/SIE better get that balance established ASAP.

It won't be. It'll be PS4 Pro levels of power with basic DLSS and missing some key third-party titles, and those it does have will run at worse fidelity and worse/less stable framerates.

That is more than enough for the majority of the market. And I doubt a lot of key 3P will skip Switch 2. I can def see a GTA6 port coming to that system maybe a year or so after the PS & Xbox versions (and if T2 were smart, ahead of the PC port).

Across PS & Xbox the total number of gamers who are obsessed with fidelity & framerates is probably max 20 - 25 million (out of a typical 150+ million generation between the two platforms).
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12 May 2024
Sammy Barker is the last person you should look to for someone to speak for PlayStation enthusiasts. He's been the source of a ton of hit pieces on the brand, their studios, and their games.

I'm also very curious where you're getting this idea that PS gamers are "generally disappointed". I really hope it's not social media. That is a VERY small sample size of gamers, and there are a lot of weirdos out here faking fandoms just to seed narratives.
PushSquare started their Nintendo division first, so naturally they will and DO have biases against PlayStation, no matter how often they pretend they don’t.
I stopped using them as a source/visiting their website, after they got exposed on N4G years ago. So EFF them!
They are always the first to spin good news into bad, report the bad news as some Mankind ending apocalyptic event, or post pure click bait.

Also, Sammy is a creepy dude, stalking Korean influencers, models, etc. So, he can go kick rocks and never come back to PS.


Icon Extra
30 Jun 2022
And I'll just say it: some of the loudest voices in here would have a console maker bankrupt within three years.
So what do you mean whats hapening now with xbox couldnt happened to sony?

They were right about couple things that xbox did

Xbox vision with kinect and tv :

they were right about those features being obsolete and not many people used it

Xbox games ported to PC :

this is where xbox sales start to fall down, cos people no longer needed xbox to experience xbox first party game

Xbox gamepass canibalize sales :

people who said this back then getting ridiculed on resetera neogaf..some of them getting banned..the fact happened is gamepass makes people rather go with subscription instead of buying games

Xbox consolidation buying Activision Blizzard and Bethesda is bad for the industry :

As already happened this bring the end of some studio like Tango etc..consolidation means the fate of those developer are at the hand of big coorporation...the focus is no longer about creativity but now its survival..the studio are under pressure..those who didnt met sales target are doomed...absorbing that many studio also put more pressure for xbox to maintain and handle all the additional employee

Thats 4 out of 4 and theyre right in all those occasion

What comes to mind is that this situation kinda remind me of Galileo when he said earth is round and everyone laugh at him and still think the earth is flat

Those loud voices people you dont like doesnt mean theyre obnoxious theyre probably just one step ahead of you
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17 May 2024
I will be happy with the state of Playstation when they announce something with Ape Escape/Gravity Rush/Freedom Wars
Bloodborne is also acceptable
If you already own a PC why do you need the Switch 2 to be so powerful?
Breath of the Wild has framerate drops in Kokiri Forest and Kakariko Village
Xenoblade 2 looks like shit and renders at a sub-par resolution, and frankly the idea of Xenoblade Chronicles X ever getting ported to Switch is a monkey's paw because that game will not look or run that great on it when it is the prettiest Xenoblade game. The Switch 2 doesn't need to be on par with PS5/XSX, but by golly I would hope it gets enough of a power boost to run these games at 1080p 60fps.
Yeah if you're on PC you can emulate but like, what if you're gaming on the go or prefer playing on Switch over PC?


Icon Extra
4 Aug 2023
Yeah I think it will be a great game for adults to play with their kids, and I think the original was fun to play. It's not a game I would pay $70 for though, and I hope it's priced 'appropriately'.
It could be well worth $70.
If each of those 80 levels is half as big and diverse as the 4 levels we got with Astro's Playroom, we're looking at what, 60 hours of content in a platformer?
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25 Mar 2023
I will be happy with the state of Playstation when they announce something with Ape Escape/Gravity Rush/Freedom Wars
Bloodborne is also acceptable

Breath of the Wild has framerate drops in Kokiri Forest and Kakariko Village
Xenoblade 2 looks like shit and renders at a sub-par resolution, and frankly the idea of Xenoblade Chronicles X ever getting ported to Switch is a monkey's paw because that game will not look or run that great on it when it is the prettiest Xenoblade game. The Switch 2 doesn't need to be on par with PS5/XSX, but by golly I would hope it gets enough of a power boost to run these games at 1080p 60fps.
Yeah if you're on PC you can emulate but like, what if you're gaming on the go or prefer playing on Switch over PC?
But why does it need to be much more powerful than the PS4/PS4 Pro? Something like that would already be a big boost over the current Switch and would run all these Nintendo games much better.

Just the library of games the Switch 2 would have available for it at that power level would be huge. Sure, some current gen only game would not get ported or get bad ports but those games are the exception these days. The vast majority of studios can't push visuals past what we had last gen.
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23 Jul 2022
It could be well worth $70.
If each of those 80 levels is half as big and diverse as the 4 levels we got with Astro's Playroom, we're looking at what, 60 hours of content in a platformer?
I'm looking at the likely development time and budget, and the production values (still good, but not on the level of GoW Ragnarok and TLOU2) and I feel like it should be priced lower.

Let's see but I would like to see Sony release more $40 - $50 games.


23 Jul 2022
Breath of the Wild has framerate drops in Kokiri Forest and Kakariko Village
Xenoblade 2 looks like shit and renders at a sub-par resolution, and frankly the idea of Xenoblade Chronicles X ever getting ported to Switch is a monkey's paw because that game will not look or run that great on it when it is the prettiest Xenoblade game. The Switch 2 doesn't need to be on par with PS5/XSX, but by golly I would hope it gets enough of a power boost to run these games at 1080p 60fps.
Yeah if you're on PC you can emulate but like, what if you're gaming on the go or prefer playing on Switch over PC?
Yeah performance is brutal, and they're so blurry.

I'm probably going to emulate BotW and TotK. Maybe Switch runs them at 1080p but then you'll be stuck with the same problem with new games.
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  • they're_right_you_know
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6 Jan 2024
The console market is shrinking and fractured. Sony think, for some retarded reason, that the way to fix this is to follow Microsoft off of a cliff, rather than sticking to what has worked for 30 fucking years.

PlayStation's fate is destined to walk in the footsteps of the Xbox, cheered on by the same ostrich-like shills and 'fans'.

Bigger picture I think the industry is running out of steam to sell people on high end graphics. It seems nobody really gives a shit about them, with switch, mobile and PS4 dominating the revenue streams.

Sony need to capitalise on this imminent shift and make games, lots and lots of games, that don't push the graphical boundaries. MW2 looks like shit, but still sold a bajillion copies, likewise CS, battlefield, FIFA, street fighter, mario, Tetris...

Wake up, Sony, or become irrelevant.


17 May 2024
But why does it need to be much more powerful than the PS4/PS4 Pro? Something like that would already be a big boost over the current Switch and would run all these Nintendo games much better.

Just the library of games the Switch 2 would have available for it at that power level would be huge. Sure, some current gen only game would not get ported or get bad ports but those games are the exception these days. The vast majority of studios can't push visuals past what we had last gen.
oh yeah it doesn't need that kinda power and honestly i would doubt if it even could being a handheld. The Steam Deck is evidence handhelds can be powerful, but not *that* powerful, and beyond that Ninty prefers to work with cheaper hardware to keep the price points down. I don't see the Switch 2 as acting as a competitor to the PS5/XSX and that's fine. It just needs to be powerful enough to handle Switch tier games at 1080p 60fps.
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