PlayStation 1st party games $60 on PC and $70 on PS5.

Should PS5 1st party games be permanently discounted once they get ported to PC?

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8 May 2023
It's all about list wars. Always was, always will be. The difference is that, as adults, many try to rationalize: Talk about high level corporate strategy, financials and so on and so forth. But at the end of the day, it all resorts to:

"I don't want to share my toys"
That's all PC kids like you will ever read the facts as, ignore reality as long as you get to pirate PlayStation games, that's all that matters. And anyone against it is a little kid that doesn't want to share his toys. Nah, we've seen PC and cloud destroy the Xbox brand last gen, I'm sorry I don't want that to happen to PlayStation. Even though it seems unavoidable because of people like you, @KickNamesTakeAss, @shrike0fth0rns, and @Yurinka cheerleading everything these braindead corpos do.


8 May 2023
Excuses me I’ve been gaming on ps since year1 it’s pretty much the only platform I game on these days despite being a ps/pc guy for nearly 20yrs. I’m pretty sure I’m as hard core a ps fanboy as they come. I don’t see what pall the constant crying about ps game on pc is accomplishing. I honestly couldn’t give af doesn’t effect me I buy all ps 1st prty on pc day 1, no ps studio core studio has any main teaming working on ports so it’s not effect development. Jess Christ enough of the crying alrdy 99% of ppl gaming only ps don’t care, Sony doesn’t care, the shareholders don’t care.
Yeah you are a hardcore ps fanboy, thats the issue 😂 not everything PlayStation does is something you have to cheer on.


8 May 2023
That's all PC kids like you will ever read the facts as, ignore reality as long as you get to pirate PlayStation games, that's all that matters. And anyone against it is a little kid that doesn't want to share his toys. Nah, we've seen PC and cloud destroy the Xbox brand last gen, I'm sorry I don't want that to happen to PlayStation. Even though it seems unavoidable because of people like you, @KickNamesTakeAss, @shrike0fth0rns, and @Yurinka cheerleading everything these braindead corpos do.

Really? Look at PS financials and sales, far from being destroyed. If you really cared about the brands identity, you would aim all your criticism to the dime a dozen live service games Sony is trying to put together. At Bungie calling the shots... At Sony management closing Japan Studio, Evolution and many more... Not the couple of late PC ports long after the console sales dried up...

But those PC ports deprive you fanboys of precious ammo right?


8 May 2023
Really? Look at PS financials and sales, far from being destroyed. If you really cared about the brands identity, you would aim all your criticism to the dime a dozen live service games Sony is trying to put together. At Bungie calling the shots... At Sony management closing Japan Studio, Evolution and many more... Not the couple of late PC ports long after the console sales dried up...

But those PC ports deprive you fanboys of precious ammo right?
I've regularly critiqued about all of those things, look through my posts clown, PC support is just as bad as all that other stuff. But like I said, you don't care about reality as long as you get to pirate PS games. Another typical scorned Xbox fanboy larping as a PC gamer
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Well-known member
10 Jan 2023
If playstation is so great, why do you guys write books on their financial strategies instead of playing games?

I think you guys just like playstation to belong to something.
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21 Jun 2022
It's all about list wars. Always was, always will be. The difference is that, as adults, many try to rationalize: Talk about high level corporate strategy, financials and so on and so forth. But at the end of the day, it all resorts to:

"I don't want to share my toys"
Yes, it's just that: adults crying because don't want to share their toys with PC gamers or with players who like multiplayer games.

They can't accept that AAA publishers need to grow and get more revenue sources and a bigger userbase to compensate the rising costs every generation and want instead to keep Sony stuck on full exclusive single player PS5 games.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Yes, it's just that: adults crying because don't want to share their toys with PC gamers or with players who like multiplayer games.

They can't accept that AAA publishers need to grow and get more revenue sources and a bigger userbase to compensate the rising costs every generation and want instead to keep Sony stuck on full exclusive single player PS5 games.

Here, fixed it for you, since revenue sources are seemingly a problem.

Yes, it's just that: Adults crying because don't want to share their toys with Xbox and Nintendo gamers or with players who like multiplayer games.

They can't accept that AAA platform holders need to grow and get more revenue sources and a bigger userbase to compensate the rising costs every generation and want instead to keep Sony stuck on full exclusive single player PS5 games.

Seriously, this guy is an absolute clown. I'm sad he blocked me because every single thing he writes is a big fat blowjob to the shit Jimbo has been pulling. Must be trying to build a portfolio of bullshit to apply for a job at Playstation.
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Deleted member 223


1ndIrEct CoMPetIT0rs

I'm let you have fun with the children. If I get into the ring, things will go left quick.
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21 Jun 2022
If you're talking about GaaS like Dreams, then yeah no duh those won't get a port. Even when I think they arguably should have, because those games have reached EOL support on console (at least in terms of new updates).

But, you keep saying SP/traditional games won't get Day 1 PC ports, were you so confident years ago to say they wouldn't be getting ports at all? See, I'm of the camp where I wouldn't write it off as happening, but IF it happens, Sony at least have an avenue to maybe make it work to their best benefit.
I'm just explaining what Sony did until now and what they said that they will do. It's a fact that until now they didn't port any GaaS to PC and that SP games they ported have been released around 2 years or more after their original PS release.

And it's also a fact that Hermen said that they are happy with this margin and that they might release some of the upcoming GaaS day one on PC, and regarding SP games more than one year (they did it counting from a remaster/remake/PS5 SKU, not from the original PS release of the game).

This is literally one of the optimal scenarios (at least to mitigate any heavy losses) from Sony I've been bringing up here and there for months now.
These supposed heavy loses to mitigate are a fantasy: they don't exist. SIE has a very profitable business both in console and in PC.

These are projections and you keep ignoring that Sony fell short of their FY '22 PC revenue fiscal targets :/
As shown in the graph the only estimation is the FY23 number, the one from the current FY. The other ones are factual numbers reported by Sony.

TLOU PC got delayed and released only 3 days before the end of the FY, so part of its revenue (the missing 50M that they 'fell short') instead of being posted in FY22 got posted in FY23. TLOU sold around a million in Steam (according to the reviews x25 estimate method) until now. They made that money, just a few months later because TLOU PC got delayed.

You didn't prove anything above in that respect :S
I proved these 'shorter windows' are a fantasy by posting the release dates of the ports and the difference against their original PS release. For normal human beings this is to look at facts to measure reality.

But this doesn't matter for flatearthers like you who keep rejecting reality even if put in front of your face.

I feel like you are getting a tad repetitious when you keep bringing this up.
Flatearthers like you keep rejecting reality even when I post the release dates of the PC and PS versions. It's your issue, not mine.

It's also a fact that no one has actually developed a development pipeline maximized around (smart and ethical) AI implementation.
Developers have been using AI for several years in many areas. As an example, many Photoshop filters and tools have been using AI for years.

You do realize many people with a Switch also have a PlayStation or PC, right?
Yes, I posted many related studies or polls. Many people has a Switch as a secondary device mostly to play there some exclusive games or the portable version of some indies, while they primarly play mostly on PS or PC.

So, their buying habits aren't just focused on Switch games; their budget is spread about between two or three systems any given year. Meaning Nintendo's games still have to compete for their dollar against Sony's, against Ubisoft's, against Capcom's, against EA's, so on and so forth.

And Nintendo's price retention strategy is one Sony should have probably taken a page from on the console side, if they don't want situations where people feel they can just wait for a big price drop to finally buy the game later. If the price is known to stay the same months or a year later as at launch, then they're more likely to just buy it at launch.
Nintendo doesn't need to price drop their games because they don't have enough big sellers released every year. They don't have the competitive pressure that happens in PS and PC where many super sellers are released every year.

After a player buys the 2-3 big sellers of that year, or isn't interested on them, goes to look at older games because there were no other big sellers on Switch.

Sony can't do that because they have to compete against the AAA super sellers from Activision, EA, Take 2, Ubisoft, Capcom, Square, Bandai Namco, etc.
25 Jul 2022
I'm gonna try to cut through the waffle and take things back to basics.

PlayStation are here to sell hardware and software. This we can all agree. I'm leaving subs out for now to simplify things.

The aguments essentially boils down to:

2+ year PC ports negatively affects PlayStation hardware sales making PS5 useless
There is absolutely no evidence to suggest this. PS5 will outsell PS4 by March 2024 already ahead in the US
With no pandemic hardware sales would already far surpass PS4. Hardware sales are trending upwards.

Maybe not now but will hurt in the long term
While selling PC ports PS5 hardware sales have only trended upwards.

PC and Cloud destroyed the Xbox brand, PS making same stupid mistakes Xbox did the last 10 years.
PC day and date software destroyed Xbox and the brand. That decision killed Xbox and made the console useless.
2023 US Xbox hardware sales trending behind PS5 2-1 first time since PS2.
Being outsold 4-1 worldwide. PS5 hardware forecast to widen the gap going farward.
Xbox XS now selling behind Xbox ONE and already trending downwards year on year.

What a difference releasing PC day and date vs 2+ years later makes.

Now to help the sky is falling crew @JAHGamer better understand what is happening think...CINEMA.
Its most analogous to what Sony are doing with ports.

Essentially its like arguing cinema film releases should stay in the cinema. And only the cinema "we should pretect its prestige."

Selling your film 2 years after theatrical release will make the cinema useless.
Selling your film 2 years after theatrical release will hurt the cinema long term.
Selling your film 2 years after theatrical release shows you don't value your film.
People might wait to buy the film making the cinema useless
People might pirate the film making the cinema useless

When VHS first released people may have said the above. Many decades later and saying it today would sound nonsensical.

Swap cinema to PS5, films to 1P games and VHS to PC ports and thats what your arguments boil down to. Much ado about nothing.
  • they're_right_you_know
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8 May 2023
I'm gonna try to cut through the waffle and take things back to basics.

PlayStation are here to sell hardware and software. This we can all agree. I'm leaving subs out for now to simplify things.

The aguments essentially boils down to:

2+ year PC ports negatively affects PlayStation hardware sales making PS5 useless
There is absolutely no evidence to suggest this. PS5 will outsell PS4 by March 2024 already ahead in the US
With no pandemic hardware sales would already far surpass PS4. Hardware sales are trending upwards.

Maybe not now but will hurt in the long term
While selling PC ports PS5 hardware sales have only trended upwards.

PC and Cloud destroyed the Xbox brand, PS making same stupid mistakes Xbox did the last 10 years.
PC day and date software destroyed Xbox and the brand. That decision killed Xbox and made the console useless.
2023 US Xbox hardware sales trending behind PS5 2-1 first time since PS2.
Being outsold 4-1 worldwide. PS5 hardware forecast to widen the gap going farward.
Xbox XS now selling behind Xbox ONE and already trending downwards year on year.

What a difference releasing PC day and date vs 2+ years later makes.

Now to help the sky is falling crew @JAHGamer better understand what is happening think...CINEMA.
Its most analogous to what Sony are doing with ports.

Essentially its like arguing cinema film releases should stay in the cinema. And only the cinema "we should pretect its prestige."

Selling your film 2 years after theatrical release will make the cinema useless.
Selling your film 2 years after theatrical release will hurt the cinema long term.
Selling your film 2 years after theatrical release shows you don't value your film.
People might wait to buy the film making the cinema useless
People might pirate the film making the cinema useless

When VHS first released people may have said the above. Many decades later and saying it today would sound nonsensical.

Swap cinema to PS5, films to 1P games and VHS to PC ports and thats what your arguments boil down to. Much ado about nothing.

PC ports have little to do with low Xbox one sales.
Consoles are all about momentum. As Sony understood since the ps1 days: Ending a generation well is more important that starting it well. Positive momentum from last generation can carry through a game drought during the first year, year and a half.

Xbox started dropping the ball game wise since 2010. That, bad PR with the DRM debacle and having an accessory no one wanted sealed the fate of the Xbox one.

Folks already forgot that the Xbox one was 500 USD and less powerful than the ps4?

I do agree with your cinema example.
25 Jul 2022
PC ports have little to do with low Xbox one sales.
Consoles are all about momentum. As Sony understood since the ps1 days: Ending a generation well is more important that starting it well. Positive momentum from last generation can carry through a game drought during the first year, year and a half.

Xbox started dropping the ball game wise since 2010. That, bad PR with the DRM debacle and having an accessory no one wanted sealed the fate of the Xbox one.

Folks already forgot that the Xbox one was 500 USD and less powerful than the ps4?

I do agree with your cinema example.

Yeah agreed, only mentioned Xbox one to show the contrasting hardware numbers and trends for Xbox and PS this gen.
PS5 to sell above the successful PS4 (by March 2024)
SS/SX selling below the "disaster" Xbone

PC Day and date killing Xbox console sales
PC 2+ year later releases and PS5 is thriving

Actually most complaints I read about how badly Sony are run make more sense directed at Xbox, every worst case scenario aimed at Sony are actually real for Xbox and the brand.

There are Xbox fans on the forum but its like they don't give a shit
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8 May 2023
I'm gonna try to cut through the waffle and take things back to basics.

PlayStation are here to sell hardware and software. This we can all agree. I'm leaving subs out for now to simplify things.

The aguments essentially boils down to:

2+ year PC ports negatively affects PlayStation hardware sales making PS5 useless
There is absolutely no evidence to suggest this. PS5 will outsell PS4 by March 2024 already ahead in the US
With no pandemic hardware sales would already far surpass PS4. Hardware sales are trending upwards.

Maybe not now but will hurt in the long term
While selling PC ports PS5 hardware sales have only trended upwards.

PC and Cloud destroyed the Xbox brand, PS making same stupid mistakes Xbox did the last 10 years.
PC day and date software destroyed Xbox and the brand. That decision killed Xbox and made the console useless.
2023 US Xbox hardware sales trending behind PS5 2-1 first time since PS2.
Being outsold 4-1 worldwide. PS5 hardware forecast to widen the gap going farward.
Xbox XS now selling behind Xbox ONE and already trending downwards year on year.

What a difference releasing PC day and date vs 2+ years later makes.
It's funny you agree that day and date PC/Cloud destroyed the Xbox brand and made the console useless, but you think putting it "2 years later" is perfectly fine. You do know that window is shrinking right? Day and date is only a matter of time because of people like you. Uncharted Legacy of Thieves collection was only 9 months, TLOU Part 1 was only 6 months, and whatever live service games they make will be day and date. If they don't put a stop to it soon, single player games will be next, and then RIP PlayStation it'll become a shell of its former self like Xbox. Misery loves company which is why braindead Xbox cultists like Colteastwood cheer on PC ports, they saw it kill Xbox and know the same will happen to PlayStation. If you're cheering on the same things as the worst Xbox fanboys, you need to take a good look at yourself and re evaluate your thought process.
Essentially its like arguing cinema film releases should stay in the cinema. And only the cinema "we should pretect its prestige."

Selling your film 2 years after theatrical release will make the cinema useless.
Selling your film 2 years after theatrical release will hurt the cinema long term.
Selling your film 2 years after theatrical release shows you don't value your film.
People might wait to buy the film making the cinema useless
People might pirate the film making the cinema useless

When VHS first released people may have said the above. Many decades later and saying it today would sound nonsensical.

Swap cinema to PS5, films to 1P games and VHS to PC ports and thats what your arguments boil down to. Much ado about nothing.

And that is a terrible analogy, comparing 2 hour movies to 20+ hour video games is disingenuous. But just selling movies wouldn't even be the equivalent of a PC port (and cloud to a lesser extent), that would be putting your film on a streaming service. And the entertainment industry as a whole agrees that streaming has decimated their revenue. They're now begging people to go back to the theatres and start buying blu rays again


Active member
5 Sep 2023
Really, what is $10 in the grand scheme of things, when you’re gaming on Mark Cerny’s peerless, glorious vision of the future?

I mean, I kinda feel bad for our PC bros in comparison. I don’t mind letting them have some late games, or helping them fund those games, after thousands of dollars spent trying to get rid of stuttergate.

I hope those poor souls will see the light some day, and keep my hand out.
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11 Jul 2023
PS games are way too expensive on PC. I haven't played Spiderman yet, it's currently $40 on Steam at 33% off. It's a 5 year old game, I'm not paying $40 that's ridiculous. Cyberpunk released 2 years after Spiderman and regularly goes 50% off. $40 on sale for a 5 year old game vs $60 for Baldur's Gate 3 which just released.
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8 May 2023
PS games are way too expensive on PC. I haven't played Spiderman yet, it's currently $40 on Steam at 33% off. It's a 5 year old game, I'm not paying $40 that's ridiculous. Cyberpunk released 2 years after Spiderman and regularly goes 50% off. $40 on sale for a 5 year old game vs $60 for Baldur's Gate 3 which just released.
$40 is pretty fair. It comes with all of the DLC and significant technical improvements that weren’t there 5 years ago like raytracing


Dixon Cider Ltd.
22 Jun 2022
Really? Look at PS financials and sales, far from being destroyed. If you really cared about the brands identity, you would aim all your criticism to the dime a dozen live service games Sony is trying to put together. At Bungie calling the shots... At Sony management closing Japan Studio, Evolution and many more... Not the couple of late PC ports long after the console sales dried up...

But those PC ports deprive you fanboys of precious ammo right?
It is more to do with the idea of wasted effort, misaligned focus, and not seeing the wider landscape, as it appears to be trending.

For the cost incurred of buying Nixxes, and the time and focus taken for PC ports; not only could that money time and focus gone somewhere else, towards dlc/sequel or having money to buy someone else with, but you wouldn't be actively enabling a future/current competitor in Valve.

Cheaper than PS retail selling price, less of a sales/mtx split on Valve's platform. Valve/PC community offering mods/fixes/features that aren't on console versions of games. And Valve also have a relatively easy entry point into portability (or ROG Ally does if you just want it to be on Windows), future revisions and competitors will come. People have pc's, gaming laptops, streaming services for games like the Netflix they're used-to. Any manner of these portable PC handhelds when they become a bit cheaper and refined... As a random example: my brothers who know jack shit of emulation had a visualboy USB stick with Pokemon games on. It's all about portability of our games for the most part. Extra benefits of fixes or emulation is ultimately unfair to count, but Sony is lacking here.

Sony should be leveraging it's back catalogue and exclusive games from a PS native backend. Having the mods and tweaks is cool for the setup, but I'm not gonna be wanting to faff with that on the bus. I'd instead fire up PS4P and get a while in on such and such a PS game without the hassles of streaming and remote play delivery methods. Probably the game I was playing 5 minutes earlier before I regrettably had to go out.

I think Sony are about to get walloped by Valve, sort of like Sony Imagesoft cutting their teeth on the likes of Sega CD games, or the would-be PS-SNES, before launching the PS proper. Once the portability aspect takes further hold, or people find more benefits outside of PS ecosystem, as PS shortens release windows and such, the PS that's trying to hawk the PS6 is suddenly going to find it difficult. And this is whilst MS are taking developers/games and 3P relationships away on the software side.
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8 May 2023
It is more to do with the idea of wasted effort, misaligned focus, and not seeing the wider landscape, as it appears to be trending.

For the cost incurred of buying Nixxes, and the time and focus taken for PC ports; not only could that money time and focus gone somewhere else, towards dlc/sequel or having money to buy someone else with, but you wouldn't be actively enabling a future/current competitor in Valve.

Cheaper than PS retail selling price, less of a sales/mtx split on Valve's platform. Valve/PC community offering mods/fixes/features that aren't on console versions of games. And Valve also have a relatively easy entry point into portability (or ROG Ally does if you just want it to be on Windows), future revisions and competitors will come. People have pc's, gaming laptops, streaming services for games like the Netflix they're used-to. Any manner of these portable PC handhelds when they become a bit cheaper and refined... As a random example: my brothers who know jack shit of emulation had a visualboy USB stick with Pokemon games on. It's all about portability of our games for the most part. Extra benefits of fixes or emulation is ultimately unfair to count, but Sony is lacking here.

Sony should be leveraging it's back catalogue and exclusive games from a PS native backend. Having the mods and tweaks is cool for the setup, but I'm not gonna be wanting to faff with that on the bus. I'd instead fire up PS4P and get a while in on such and such a PS game without the hassles of streaming and remote play delivery methods. Probably the game I was playing 5 minutes earlier before I regrettably had to go out.

I think Sony are about to get walloped by Valve, sort of like Sony Imagesoft cutting their teeth on the likes of Sega CD games, or the would-be PS-SNES, before launching the PS proper. Once the portability aspect takes further hold, or people find more benefits outside of PS ecosystem, as PS shortens release windows and such, the PS that's trying to hawk the PS6 is suddenly going to find it difficult. And this is whilst MS are taking developers/games and 3P relationships away on the software side.

PS is too big to fail. PC ports are just an additional revenue stream that won't hurt it's console ecosystem. Savy folks might jump to PC, most treat any non ps controller as an alien device.
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Dixon Cider Ltd.
22 Jun 2022
PS is too big to fail. PC ports are just an additional revenue stream that won't hurt it's console ecosystem. Savy folks might jump to PC, most treat any non ps controller as an alien device.
Nothing is too big to fail.

WWE has been independant for like 70-odd years iirc. It faced down NWA territories, AWA, WCW, ECW and anyone since.

But it still just got bought by UFC parent Endeavor, and the All Time pro wres live attendance record for any company (outside of WCW Collission In Korea where attendance was mandated), just got set by All Elite Wrestling, not WWE.
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