PS5 has sold more than 533,000 units In February NPD, breaking the record set by PS2 in 2005


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
Microsoft isn't even the first company to care about player numbers. The whole point of wanting 10M players to play your game over 5M is to make more players engaged.
I didn't say they don't care about player numbers. But your contention was that player numbers are the only thing they care about, or that the player numbers matter so much more than other metrics of success, and I didn't see any evidence of that other than that's the only public information they've shared. I believe it's always a good policy to question the context behind numbers used in public relations. It's a completely reasonable take that they've shifted to presenting engagement metrics because other, more concrete and tangible metrics such as revenue and subscriber count aren't growing or aren't growing as fast as they'd like it to.

Do you question why Activision made a F2P COD? Warzone boosted the popularity of the brand to a new peak because more people could play the game. Same exact reasoning for Game Pass. More people playing games results in more exposure.
The f2p model only works on the back of microtransactions. Gamepass is different entirely, because it relies on 3rd party licensing agreements for content which costs money. It is not fortnite or warzone, it is netflix. And we all know netflix has been running at a loss for the majority of its existence. The difference is, investors were willing to continue eating the losses because the subscriber count continued to rise at a pace that gave them confidence. If this is the same model that gamepass is following, why doesn't microsoft talk about its subscriber count except on a very few occasions, and why is it that recently there's been a lot of talk about raising prices and the subscriber count reaching saturation levels on console?

Microsoft is not going to cancel a game or close a studio because it'll only sell X units, or didn't sell some arbitrary million milestone. Pentiment is the prime example for this. They allowed freaking Bleeding Edge to survive and make it to the store.
?? They just had massive layoffs at bethesda and 343i. If Halo was doing gangbusters would that still be happening? If Deathloop had sold 10 million, are they still forcing people out at Bethesda? They also just completely shut down their metaverse division.

I'd argue Game Pass missed targets for one, because the impact of COVID dropped faster than Microsoft anticipated in 2021, and 2, Xbox hardware didn't grow by much in 2022 while also having a non existent lineup last year. We know PC Game Pass is booming, it grew 159% one quarter last year. Microsoft are also investing in doubling their cloud server capacity.
Ok, but you just listed a revenue loss on game&network services, if 159% growth on PC gamepass was such a huge amount then that wouldn't happen. It's like when they did a PR campaign about how well Xbox was doing in Japan and how they doubled their sales of Xbox in Japan and then turns out it's like 300,000 consoles total and they just complained to their paypig senators in DC about how Sony is a monopoly in Japan and has 96% market share.


Maybe that's too blunt, but how else would you describe it? How would you or anyone else actually explain Microsoft's current strategy around games and services? How important has unit sales been since 2018?
I would describe it as "failing". They clearly had ambitions and a projection/model about how things were going, and maybe you'd be right if gamepass had followed those projections. If gamepass was able to successfully undermine Sony's market position and steal users from that ecosystem, that would clearly be a success for Microsoft's strategy. But they didn't. I think they're clearly trying to pivot away from gamepass being their main focus, otherwise zenimax and activision wouldn't be subsidiary divisions separate from xbox game studios. They might give it one last shot by putting CoD on gamepass but I believe if it doesn't do numbers it's going to be yet another xbox initiative that dies and gets buried.
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Forum Veteran
23 Jan 2023
Denying that MS reporting only sell-in matters when looking at their numbers over the years was a rather huge red flag, and you have only gone to more ridiculous extremes and even more aggressive fanboy bait posts.
I don't even know what you mean by this. What did I deny exactly?

Also, for like the 5th time now, if me describing how Xbox operates today is me being a cheerleader, you're delusional and either in a massive bubble that you're afraid to leave or refuse to believe that Microsoft is operating in a different manner than before. For all the worrying over Microsoft buying publishers, it's insane to think that Microsoft is doing this for software unit sales. No, it's for Game Pass. Game Pass is on console, PC, and now cloud streaming. I already mentioned above how consoles sales are stagnate and haven't grown in decades.

This is all years old by now and not new information.
If Game Pass isn’t devaluing games, why are Xbox gamers not buying ANY games in any kind of sustainable quantities anymore, regardless of being on Game Pass or not?
I already showed above that Xbox content and services makes more money than ever. There's no devaluing and the data actually shows an increase in value.

Also, what says Xbox games aren't being purchased anymore? When those full UK numbers come in with digital, the Xbox version is almost always at the same market share as the hardware.

I subscribe to Game Pass but even I bought some games recently because of the holiday sales.
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Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
Welfare my good brother. You’re a champ for coming in here 10 on 1, you’re wrong about everything but I commend you nonetheless.

With that said, the burden of proof is not on me to prove to anyone that studio founders and creatives are leaving Microsoft game studios on an almost monthly basis. You read the same headlines I do, you know it’s true and I know it’s true. This is the consequence of consolidation, poor management, and bad businesses practices. People who create and make quality products don’t want to be in a situation where people don’t want to spend money on it and dumped in a service that sits next to garbage like peppa pig and scorn.

25 million gamepass suscribers ( i don’t think it’s even that high because every subscription service since has had sharp declines and gamepass was a wasteland in 2022) but whatever let’s go with it. 25 million gamepass suscribers on gamepass means 25 million Xbox customers unwilling to pay for your game. It’s come out that gamepass DOES affect game sales for the negative and whenever we get sales splits 80:20 in favor of PlayStation. Microsoft reports every quarter a drop in third party sales.

So you say I don’t understand Microsoft’s strategy, but I do and I know it more than you or are more honest about it than you if you do know. It’s burn the games industry to the ground as long as it takes PlayStation out. That’s it. There’s no other explanation other than some vengeful anti Japanese sentiment to explain why they are spending this amount of time and money hand over fist other than to buy out the games industry and or damage it as much as possible before they pull the plug.
I'm actually pretty sure that gamepass is slightly over 30m by now. But they haven't talked about it because that growth rate is way below what they were expecting.

Cool hand luke

14 Feb 2023
The condescension is unreal here. Everyone can understand what Microsoft's strategy is - this is not relevant to the only objective metric for success, which is profit generation.

Gamepass is devaluing games - this is an objective fact. Strawmanning by saying the version of Persona that was released on it is not worse than the B2P version is insulting. Gamepass depresses game sales - that was obvious to anyone from the get go and now we have it from the snake oil salesman's mouth. The No More Robots owner with a hate boner for Sony can't change that fact either.

Hifi rush would've sold 500k if it wasn't on game pass? Great. That's much more successful than having 2 million users effectively paying a fraction of the price of a subscription to play it. The only way a subscription model works is if legacy content is being played, or if subscribers pay more than the value they receive i.e. they're irrational. Devs don't benefit from that, and Microsoft's strategy is to devalue gaming to the point where only they can sustain the garbage GP model, which is anticompetitive predatory pricing.

This isn't Crysetera, so stanning for GP won't catch anyone a ban, but it should earn you a shillful of side-eyes.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
I mean let's be real, if revenue and profit from software sales didn't matter to Microsoft but only "user engagement" why not give gamepass for absolutely free, and buy software licenses to give out for free like the Epic Games Store does?

They'd hit record numbers in no time.


2 Jul 2022
Not only that, Xbox core fans are so against buying games that they now fantasize about MS buying even more publishers just to have those games included on Gamepass (that they have stacked for years using some 1$ conversion trick). Hardly seems like they are fostering a healthy environment for games to be successful.

Now all hope lies in Starfield a game that looks far worse than games release 5 years ago on the PS4 and runs at 30fps. I just can't wait for the excuses if it doesn't change much for the Xbox right around the time that Spider-man 2 and PS5 Slim are expected to be hitting the market.
Nobody is hyping Starfield and space opera games are not very successful. Microsoft should’ve invested in ES6 and shoved Starfield tbh, but, as usual, they’re short sighted.
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Cool hand luke

14 Feb 2023
I mean let's be real, if revenue and profit from software sales didn't matter to Microsoft but only "user engagement" why not give gamepass for absolutely free, and buy software licenses to give out for free like the Epic Games Store does?

They'd hit record numbers in no time.
Absolutely right. I mean, what a ludicrous argument that Welfare is making on behalf of Phil Spencer.

Referring to MS reporting and taking it as an example of anything except obfuscation due to poor performance is blatant shilling.

The saying goes:
If you have profit, report it.
If you don't have profit, report revenue.
If you don't have revenue, report subscribers.
If you don't have subscribers, report MAUs. <-MS is here
If you don't have MAUs, report downloads.
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17 Aug 2022
They haven't had a big new game in the service since holiday 2021. Forza Horizon 5 and Halo Infinite in holiday 2021 was the last big event for Xbox, and either Starfield or Activision games going in Game Pass will be the next major event, 18 to 21 months later.

It's actually impressive that Game Pass can maintain 25M subscriptions, if it's still at 25M.
Gamepass is amazing value, isn't it?
They add new games every month.
So why aren't people attracted to it?
Is it all about monster games?
After six years of Microsoft subscription, have they finally figured it out? Congratulations to them
Is everything black and white? Microsoft has different priorities compared to Sony and Nintendo. Are you going to question why Nintendo is making the Switch and not a direct competitor to PS5 and Series X, or do you realize Nintendo's hardware priorities are different?

Hardware obviously matters, it's a quick and easy way to sell more Game Pass subs. We've seen recently in the last FY report for Microsoft that Game Pass growth was far less than expected which is due to console sales not really growing at a 2x rate. The only source of major growth right now for GP has been the PC side.

If Microsoft cared 0 about software, they'd stop selling games and force you to buy Game Pass for Starfield. They aren't doing that though.
In fact, Microsoft cares more about console sales now than it did in 2016.
That's why they released the Xbox Series S, but it's sinking as we see it now
Right now, every new xbox owner is a potential Gamepass owner.

That's why I told you in a previous comment that if nothing changes with console sales by the fall, then Microsoft can start a new generation now
Yeah, absolutely... >.>

Come on, are Game Pass and player numbers that scary?
I still don't understand how the number of players in a game helps that game at all.
I can roughly understand how this will help starfield.
The project gives the service millions of new subscriptions (If it does) and thus Microsoft makes more money
Therefore, the game partially pays off.
But, I don't understand how Gamepass will help a game like Redfall, and how Redfall will help Gamepass
If you look at the metrics of people's interest, they are very low.
I'm sure this game won't attract anyone at all
Will these 2 million Redfall players help it pay off? No
Will they attract 2 million in subscription? No


17 Aug 2022
Do you question why Activision made a F2P COD? Warzone boosted the popularity of the brand to a new peak because more people could play the game. Same exact reasoning for Game Pass. More people playing games results in more exposure.
This sentence doesn't make sense.
Warzone was literally created to make money on microtransactions.
This is how f2p games work.
How will millions of players contribute to the success of a single player game without donations?
This is the question

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Game Pass is not devaluing games. Simple as that. What a weird stance. I didn't realize that when I played Persona 5 Royal I played an objectively worse version, all because I played on Game Pass Ultimate.

Another strawman. Where did I say you would be playing a lesser version of games? Please point that out so that we can move on from this point.

Tell me this guy is lying, I dare you

I believe him, the same way I can safely say gamepass hurts game sales and developer bottom lines (and I've shared an article on that).

What objective data says anything about how Microsoft operates Xbox? Your opinions about Game Pass is not data.

I was talking about your bullshit numbers that show close to 4M consoles sitting on store shelves because you wanted Xbox to hit a magical "sales" number. The one where you said it's your gut feeling or something like that. Glad to see you forgot.

How am I using bad faith arguments when I'm just describing how Microsoft works?

You're not describing how they work, you're attributing attributes as to why they work like that.


Old Guard
Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
I'm actually pretty sure that gamepass is slightly over 30m by now. But they haven't talked about it because that growth rate is way below what they were expecting.

Mainly they have not made it a big point lately because of the ABK deal. It would add credence to Cloud issues, and subscription dominance which was part of FTC/CMA's concerns.
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14 Feb 2023
This has turned into a 5000 people respond to Welfare thread. Yawn. I'm ready for those March numbers.


23 Jul 2022
People still talking about MS's global profits? And hyping up cloud streaming which is years away from even being a reliable alternative, never mind replacement to dedicated hardware which overwhelmingly dictates subscription numbers.


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
People still talking about MS's global profits? And hyping up cloud streaming which is years away from even being a reliable alternative, never mind replacement to dedicated hardware which overwhelmingly dictates subscription numbers.
It is something I never understood.

Each division / area / team on a company has it own targets, costs and profits... and that is how the executive board defines if that small part of the company is doing well or not (and define the strategy or even the cease of that small area).

But for Xbox fans only the overall MS profit makes from several products outside gaming is important.
To be fair overall MS profit means nothing to Xbox.

But maybe it is the lack of MS transparency.
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