Redfall is launching on Xbox consoles with Quality mode only (4K30FPS)


22 Jul 2022
Bet many now wished the game was as good as that shitty IGN gameplay
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Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
I’m sure it could do 240fps in 480i. Not so sure about 480p though.

Old Gamer

5 Aug 2022
What's this? A first party game with performance issues?

Could it be that Xbox was, in fact, not the lead development platform, and that the actual lead platform was suddenly dropped due to, let's say, "new business priorities", leaving developers with an unoptimized mess to clean up due to all the suddenly abandoned work?

Nah, must just be bad luck.
  • thinking_hard
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2 Jul 2022
He’s actually right for once. Most really don’t, but this is a “highly anticipated” game by their fanbase and not having a 60fps mode at launch will attract a lot of negative attention from the media and the fans themselves. It’s not about if people care or not, it’s about how it’ll be seen. And it’ll be seen in a negative light.
Truly, prioritizing 4K/30fps on a coop fps makes no damn sense.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
What the mother fucking fuck??? SMH.

Delay the game until it's fucking ready Microsoft. I can wait a few more months. Jesus fucking Christ. The delay of Jedi Survivor to April 28th has now turned into a blessing in disguise.

Seriously, this is fucking horrible and such bullshit. Even solo is only 30FPS? I can see maybe 4 player un-tethered co-op but solo too? Fuck off.

Phil Spencer is a visionary, am I right?
  • haha
Reactions: Gediminas


You are right… I just pointing that maybe in MS situation there is no option at all… they have to release it and after task force to fix all things.

As the market already showed with others games it is more prone to accept rushed games that got fixed with regular patches than delays.

When you end fixing everything in your game you will be still congratulate for being a supportive developer.

People already forget Cyberpunk and are just highlighting how the life support of CDPR for the game is being awesome 🤷‍♂️

There's always an option. Microsoft is a $2T dollar company and I don't care if they lose money or have to spend money to fix issues that let's be honest, are easily fixable. The Redfall issue is not a difficult issue. Just delay it until it's ready.

Accepting rushed games to be fixed later is fucking horrible. I hate that shit. It's so stupid because outside of the "big" games like a Cyberpunk via CDPR, most games will never recover releasing in a horrible state. They can be congratulated for supporting their game by releasing it in a better and acceptable state which is what they should be.

I guarantee you this game would have been released with 60fps day 1 if it were coming to ps5. Why? Because they would want to get the sales. Not so much of a concern on gamepass.

Also your point about ms affording delays due to their cash reserves. It matters not, a profit must be reported to the shareholders - that’s the only thing that matters, cannot spin wheels indefinitely.

I agree with this general but I don't think Redfall would have sold that much on PlayStation 5 anyway because none of Arkane's games have ever sold well in general. Could be their best selling game on PS5 but at the same time, that wouldn't be saying much.

I get the money points but releasing games that aren't ready will do more damage and lessen profits compared to delaying the game and it being ready for release.

How is it better for you that they acquire more, when the more they acquire, the more they struggle to keep all of those acquired things organized and going smoothly? Time and attention and finite; the more MS acquires the less of both they can dedicate to their growing list of assets.

Meaning you end up with more situations like RedFall.

Uh oh. I see a long debate incoming. Hehe. :)

I agree with you in theory but it's not like the issues are impossible to solve. This generation should be where they make sacrifices in order to get everything set and in order for future generations. I'm more than willing to accept this generation as a reset to get everything set in exchange for next generation being far better, more organized and in a better overall state.

MS can't keep affording to delay games because they have to hit certain revenue targets for fiscal quarters, even for the Xbox division, else shareholders will become angry. They've already delayed RedFall once, they're barely making the H1 2023 timetable mentioned back in their last Showcase. Delays don't come free, there's a financial cost associated with them.

Delaying the game again, MS probably feels it's not worth it for what the expected returns on the game are. It's not like RedFall is going to magically become their Super Mario 64. It won't catapult Xbox to new heights no matter how many times it's delayed, and it won't make a lot in revenue to make multiple delays worth the cost.

The entire 12 month format was a horrible idea. I hated it then and still hate it now. They should have at least said 18 months which would have covered them for all of 2023. Still horrible but at least, I could be like, okay fine.

I know there's a lot of things that come when delaying a game. I know all that but again, I don't care if they're losing money. Stop rushing out games that aren't ready which is going to cost them money anyway because look at me, I was easily going to sign up for Redfall and a few other Game Pass games that I want to play but now, they lost me indefinitely because nah, im not playing Redfall at 30FPS especially since I have been hyped for it for a year.

I agree with the last part but it sets a bad example because now, in my head, im thinking that Starfield will be 30FPS and maybe perhaps Hellblade 2 at 30FPS and im like, fuck that shit. No. This is why im in favor of subscriptions because I don't want to give any publisher more money than I have to because none of them are worth it in my opinion which ties in to why im not a collector and trade in my physical games once completed. And you can't say this is due to only Game Pass because look at Crackdown 3 which had a shit ton of issues or Recore or Halo MCC or Ryse. List goes on and on. I still believe that games should be delayed until they're ready. UGH.

Well like I said, there's a financial cost associated with each delay, and RedFall just isn't the type of game that's worth justifying those costs due to the limited potential it has in offsetting that through revenue. This is not the type of game that'll massively bolster Game Pass subscription numbers or sell tons of millions of copies. It'll be lucky to break a million lifetime.

I don't understand why you don't see your purchase as an investment, because in reality it IS an investment. You're just as important to the company's success as a typical shareholder, and they certainly see their money as an investment. I think there are maybe too many Xbox owners who devalue themselves in the ecosystem and maybe don't see their purchases as investments, which could explain why Microsoft feels like they can skirt by with the bare minimum to satisfy them.

It's very telling for example that the only two actual Xbox exclusives (as in, no PC Day 1) were Crossfire X and Space Jam. Both of which reviewed terribly.

I don't see any purchase I make as an investment because to me, making an investment means that you're going to get emotionally attached. I treat all this shit like they all treat me - as business. Not personal. I bought Series X and I like the product. I bought PS5 and I like the product. Happy with both. I buy Ubisoft games (for now anyway) and am usually happy with my purchase but in no way, shape or form do I get "invested" in any of this shit. If anything, I believe that's why people get outraged at anything and everything nowadays. I agree with the Redfall part but I still prefer it to get delayed. Also, im not loyal to any one company. Ubi is my favorite and im not loyal to them.

Those two Xbox exclusives, one which was published by Smilegate in CrossfireX outside of Microsoft paying for it to be timed and getting the first episode on Game Pass, had nothing to do with it. It's not like Contraband for example where Microsoft is literally funding the game and will be publishing it. Had to look up the Space Jam game. It's from Digital Extremes. Neither one of these games were published by Microsoft. It's like Godfall for PS5. Sony paid for it to be timed exclusive but other than that, they had nothing to do with that crappy game.

If the point is more that this looks bad for the Series X/S, I don't see any of the consoles being an issue. It's all about the people in the studios and the publisher giving them the money, time and resources they need to ensure the best product they can release day one.

They've been taking hits for 2+ years now this gen and are probably getting tired of taking these hits. RedFall simply isn't a priority for them. If the game doesn't do well, they'll try making up for it with the June Showcase. Then of course comes Starfield in September, which is the actual game Microsoft are placing their bets on.

In all honesty, I don't give two shits that they may be tired of taking hits. Easy solution. Stop doing stupid fucking shit that let's be honest, more times than not can be easily avoided and they wouldn't take as many hits as they currently are. Redfall being great or bad isn't going to change the showcase because I would imagine that majority of it would be set in stone already by the time Redfall releases and if anything, Redfall being bad lowers my hype for the showcase. It won't increase. A delay will increase my hype because they would be showing me that they're willing to take a money and PR hit in order to ensure that the game releases in the great stable 60fps state that it should launch in. I know Starfield IS the game Microsoft is putting their bets on. We'll see how that turns out. I'll say 30FPS and we'll be having the same debate in 5 months from now.

But it's only "easy" if the costs of delay can be justified through the game guaranteed to make enough money. Every delay means they have to pay the devs more money for the extra time to fix up the game. Planned marketing may have to be delayed or cancelled, that's more money to account for. Shipments for physical copies may become outdated and Day 1 patches may have to be made or updated to account for the delay, so that's logistical complications added on top of everything else.

It's just not as simple as delaying the game and there being nothing else to it.

I understand the marketing issue money wise but pre or post release, they would still be paying all the developers, testers, etc. anyway but at least they wouldn't have to fix a potentially bad game and keep taking PR hits while also making Xbox and Game Pass look bad and still probably take a few months to add 60FPS. Shipments for physical though could be pushed back. Has Redfall gone gold? Even if it has, FFXV was delayed after it went gold so while extremely rare, if it's for the betterment of the game, I still say delay it.


26 Feb 2023
Delay the game until it's fucking ready Microsoft. I can wait a few more months. Jesus fucking Christ. The delay of Jedi Survivor to April 28th has now turned into a blessing in disguise.

Seriously, this is fucking horrible and such bullshit. Even solo is only 30FPS? I can see maybe 4 player un-tethered co-op but solo too? Fuck off

You can't? Gamepass needs 1st party games.

You've ASKED for it. You, XBOX FANS, are constantly ASKING for Gamepass and constantly yelling how it needs 1st party games. This is what you get when game is designed for Gamepass and around Gamepass. Now stick with it and live with it.


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
You can't? Gamepass needs 1st party games.

You've ASKED for it. You, XBOX FANS, are constantly ASKING for Gamepass and constantly yelling how it needs 1st party games. This is what you get when game is designed for Gamepass and around Gamepass. Now stick with it and live with it.
i was really upset when Bethesda was bought up by Microsoft, but day by day i am getting over it really fast now.
  • haha
Reactions: Gediminas


8 Jul 2022
I'd be willing to bet the cancelled PS5 version was going to be the optimized version at launch. It's down right hilarious though that we keep seeing results like this on the worlds most powerful gaming console. I know that Microsoft themselves aren't the ones out here misleading everyone, but they've let Xbox positive content creators run absolutely bonkers with various performance delta claims, etc. The chickens are coming home to roost.
  • they're_right_you_know
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