Sony's future and possible studio/publisher acquisitions


21 Jun 2022
As of now their only partnership is a 2nd party deal: Sony will publish a game of a 3rd party studio. Which means nothing regarding the chancess of being acquired by them. Since before PS1 Sony published games of a ton of 3rd party studios and only bought a small portion of them. And Sony also acquired many studios that didn't have a single Sony published game.
I agree, but it's a different industry environment now. It's a different, more aggressive PlayStation too. They have already bought Haven even though the studio hasn't even released a game yet.

Deviation Games fill two gaps that Sony has: multiplayer and FPS. Now with Activision (almost) gone, Sony would like to buy it; I'm sure. But they don't have to right now.

They can wait for a few years until they release their first game (which is a PS Studios title anyway) and then buy the studio. I think they bought Haven because they had technology that they could offer to other PS Studios in the meantime. Deviation Games isn't offering anything extra on top of the game, which is a PS Studios exclusive title anyway.
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Well-known member
9 Jul 2022
As of now their only partnership is a 2nd party deal: Sony will publish a game of a 3rd party studio. Which means nothing regarding the chancess of being acquired by them. Since before PS1 Sony published games of a ton of 3rd party studios and only bought a small portion of them. And Sony also acquired many studios that didn't have a single Sony published game.
Right, but Haven was also a partnership, yet Sony bought them anyway.


22 Jun 2022
I agree, but it's a different industry environment now. It's a different, more aggressive PlayStation too. They have already bought Haven even though the studio hasn't even released a game yet.

Deviation Games fill two gaps that Sony has: multiplayer and FPS. Now with Activision (almost) gone, Sony would like to buy it; I'm sure. But they don't have to right now.

Exactly, with Microsoft and the rest of the competition gobbling up Studios/Publishers, Sony has no option but to be aggressive and proactive.

The days of organic growth and only acquiring a studios after they have proven themselves with games has long gone.

Haven is proof of that.


21 Jun 2022
I agree, but it's a different industry environment now. It's a different, more aggressive PlayStation too. They have already bought Haven even though the studio hasn't even released a game yet.
Yes, but Haven's project have their project in full production, they also have their "all gamedev tools, engine and other stuff in the cloud" innovative thing that increases their workers' productivity specially when remote work is involved and is highly promising to use it in other teams. Plus most of their top tier team already worked toguether in many super successful projects, including top tier new IPs and their progress so far (faster than expected) suprised Hermen and Cerny.

Deviation also has a top tier team and many key staff worked toguether in CoD, but they have a way bigger portion comes from other top tier teams and their game will move to full production during this year so they are in a very early stage. Yes, Sony could buy them too, but I think they'll wait to see more results.

Deviation Games fill two gaps that Sony has: multiplayer and FPS. Now with Activision (almost) gone, Sony would like to buy it; I'm sure. But they don't have to right now.
I agree. But seems they are making an action rpg that may not be a FPS.

They can wait for a few years until they release their first game (which is a PS Studios title anyway) and then buy the studio. I think they bought Haven because they had technology that they could offer to other PS Studios in the meantime. Deviation Games isn't offering anything extra on top of the game, which is a PS Studios exclusive title anyway.
Yes, I agree but they also bought them because before Bungie broke the record of best/fastest selling IP with Destiny, key people at Haven did it twice with AC and Watchdogs, plus also worked together before haven in more super successful games and new IP. Plus also their first game -new IP- is progressing faster than expected and they surprised Hermen or Cerny.


21 Jun 2022
Yes, but Haven's project have their project in full production, they also have their "all gamedev tools, engine and other stuff in the cloud" innovative thing that increases their workers' productivity specially when remote work is involved and is highly promising to use it in other teams. Plus most of their top tier team already worked toguether in many super successful projects, including top tier new IPs and their progress so far (faster than expected) suprised Hermen and Cerny.

Deviation also has a top tier team and many key staff worked toguether in CoD, but they have a way bigger portion comes from other top tier teams and their game will move to full production during this year so they are in a very early stage. Yes, Sony could buy them too, but I think they'll wait to see more results.

I agree. But seems they are making an action rpg that may not be a FPS.

Yes, I agree but they also bought them because before Bungie broke the record of best/fastest selling IP with Destiny, key people at Haven did it twice with AC and Watchdogs, plus also worked together before haven in more super successful games and new IP. Plus also their first game -new IP- is progressing faster than expected and they surprised Hermen or Cerny.
That surprised me as well.

At a time, when every developer is delaying games left, right, and center. How many studios can we say are not just meeting the deadlines but exceeding them? And to think, this is a new studio; teams usually take time to gel together and understand each other's flow.


21 Jun 2022
That surprised me as well.

At a time, when every developer is delaying games left, right, and center. How many studios can we say are not just meeting the deadlines but exceeding them? And to think, this is a new studio; teams usually take time to gel together and understand each other's flow.
Well the studio may be new, but the fellas working there are super talented and very experienced devs who worked in several record breaking new AAA IPs and many other super selling AAA games plus they also got tech people from Google, who should know a thing or two regarding servers and cloud.

They built an enterily could based game development environment that seems highly increased their productivity. Something Sony sees it as very interesting that obviously could be applied to increase the productivity of their other teams.

It is very rare to exceed milestones in gamedev. Typically peope barely gets on time and very frequently there are tasks delayed to other future milestones or some secondary tasks canned to achieve the milestone on time, or directly milestones get failed and delayed as a whole when they can't achieve their main goals for that milestone.
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21 Jun 2022
I agree, but it's a different industry environment now. It's a different, more aggressive PlayStation too. They have already bought Haven even though the studio hasn't even released a game yet.

Deviation Games fill two gaps that Sony has: multiplayer and FPS. Now with Activision (almost) gone, Sony would like to buy it; I'm sure. But they don't have to right now.

They can wait for a few years until they release their first game (which is a PS Studios title anyway) and then buy the studio. I think they bought Haven because they had technology that they could offer to other PS Studios in the meantime. Deviation Games isn't offering anything extra on top of the game, which is a PS Studios exclusive title anyway.
Yes, they made many gamedev studio acquisitions starting with Insomniac since the Jim Ryan era started in 2019. Nothing new, Sony bought studios even before the PS1 days, but it's true that in the Jimbo era they are buying more than before.

But it's important the context and details:
  • They can buy more now because they now generate way more revenue and profit.
  • They are also in a context of industry consolidation, so acquisitions like Bungie are needed.
  • But most of these acquisitions are more smaller tier strategical acquisitions related with very long term strategies that started many years ago, like support, porting or mobile gaming studios, or small teams that did work with them for many years or teams and now are making their first AAA, or studios with tons of pedigree making top tier AAA games but that still don't have them on their current studio.
Yes, Deviation could make top tier AAA FPS, MP and GaaS games because their devs have this pedigree and Sony bought several of their former 2nd party studios. They can buy Deviation and would totally fit and to do it now would be way cheaper than after they released several games. Same goes with Firewalk.

But to acquire a studio who still didn't release their first game as happened with Haven or Savage isn't something common. They could do the same with Firewalk and Deviation but it isn't very common. Same as the Kena guys I think it's likely they may do it, but I think once they prove they deliver quality, successful and profitable 2nd party games (which I bet will be the case).

For now regarding FPS they have Destiny 2, future Bungie IPs, rumored shooters from Deviation, Firewalk, Arrowhead, Guerrilla, Firesprite or London Studio. They are working on like 10 GaaS to be released until 2026 and many MP games. And well, there are a shit ton 3rd party FPS, MP and GaaS with PS as their main platform so -like CoD- that even if bought by PS they won't leave PS.

Yes, to buy someone like Deviation could help but they can perfectly do it later. In a context of growth and consolidation they have to focus on the areas where they are weaker and have more room to grow or are in risk of being made console exclusive by MS or Nintendo. Plus they are growing their internal development teams and buying new ones so will also need to grow their support teams.

We also have to consider that mobile generates over half of the gaming global revenue worldwide and that has over half of the players, that it's the platform with higher growth and that rising costs of AAA and being developing more AAA games at the same time than any console maker ever did is so fucking expensive so they need as much as revenue as possible.

We also have to consider that digital addons (DLC, IAP, season passes) already generate more revenue than games sold and that while revenue from selling games it's expected to keep flat or slightly decrease in the coming years, revenue from addons will continue being the highest growing game revenue source. Meaning GaaS and F2P will become more important.

We also have to consider that most top grosssing games are MP and that eSports are growing a lot and becoming more and more important to increase fanbases and to enlarge the popularity and lifetime of (mostly GaaS) games.

So SIE priorities regarding acquisitions I think are, or should be:
  1. Acquiring top mobile gaming talent fo their PS Mobile Division team to release mobile games using PS IPs, plus strengthen thei presence in mobile publishing games made by 3rd party buotique mobile teams, to sell emulated games on mobile and release their PS cloud gaming on mobile
  2. Get at least another porting studio to help Nixxes with the PC ports without needing to make sure external porting teams like Iron Galaxy are available
  3. Acquire more top GaaS/F2P talent, knowledge, tools and data
  4. Acquire more MP gamedev talent and everything that may improve the MP experience and help make it cross platform including PC or mobile (Discord, tournaments, eSports, accesories...)
  5. AAA development costs and manpower needed to make them skyrocket every generation so outsourcing team are more and more busy with other projects so every year gets more complicated to find them available. Sony must not only continue growing their internal development teams, but also get more internal support teams (as Valkyrie or Nixxes) or that provide them something that helps them be more productive and reduce their costs (Haven)
  6. Some key stategical top console game genres are in the hands of one or a handful companies so they should acquire acquire related talent to secure them from being kept away from PS if acquired by Microsoft, Nintendo, Facebook, Amazon or Apple. Examples: fighting (Bandai Namco, Netherrealm, Capcom), JRPG (Square Enix), survival horror (Capcom), soulsborne (FromSoft), monster hunting (Capcom), interactive dramas (Quantic Dreams, Supermassive)
  7. Get more AAA-ish VR talent because this generation expectations will be higher for VR, must secure more content from being made exclusive by Facebook and may need help to build or share knowledge with Sony's non-VR teams
I think they'll focus on these points, and I think they'll continue not giving a fuck on what MS and Nintendo does outside (something I think won't happen) making these strategical companies I mentioned exclusive. As long as PlayStation continues being the market leader, something that market numbers lead to think won't happen at least this generation.
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Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
Nah.....1st quarter 2023

It will be in November, because major acquisitions in Japan have to be in periods.

Because this is Japan it has to be periods Nov - March and April - Oct

Announce in Nov and be approved in March
Announce in April/May be approved in Oct

Squaresoft and Enix 2002
Nov - March

Koei and Tecmo 2008
Nov - March

Sammy acquired Sega 2004
May - Oct

Kadokawa and Dwango 2014
May - Oct

Bandai and Namco 2006
May - Oct

Pretty sure it will be November.


Well-known member
9 Jul 2022
It will be in November, because major acquisitions in Japan have to be in periods.

Because this is Japan it has to be periods Nov - March and April - Oct

Announce in Nov and be approved in March
Announce in April/May be approved in Oct

Squaresoft and Enix 2002
Nov - March

Koei and Tecmo 2008
Nov - March

Sammy acquired Sega 2004
May - Oct

Kadokawa and Dwango 2014
May - Oct

Bandai and Namco 2006
May - Oct

Pretty sure it will be November.

Pretty good observation. But question. Why in periods? Is this due to how things have gone in the past or something Japan mandates (for lack of better word)?


I'm going to stay with my original prediction that Sony doesn't acquire Square Enix or any publisher for that matter. Sony will stay with development studios that are cheap to acquire, can easily be expanded and cost post close would be minimal.


Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
Pretty good observation. But question. Why in periods? Is this due to how things have gone in the past or something Japan mandates (for lack of better word)?

Because the laws in Japan differs between the west (Europe and North America). Japanese government is much more stricter.


Well-known member
9 Jul 2022
I'm going to stay with my original prediction that Sony doesn't acquire Square Enix or any publisher for that matter. Sony will stay with development studios that are cheap to acquire, can easily be expanded and cost post close would be minimal.

Well, for $10B they are about to acquire between 40 - 60 cheap

Assuming SIE is getting the majority of that budget.
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Well, for $10B they are about to acquire between 40 - 60 cheap

I don't see Sony spending the money on a publisher especially Square Enix because they already get the main games they want exclusive anyway so why buy them?

I see Sony acquiring good solid development studios that are already established or new and upcoming because they can get them cheap, invest into them in order to expand them and make them grow bigger over time. It's basically low risk, high reward situations.

I still believe that they acquire Ember Lab and Deviation Games at some point. And since I forgot about them until recently, you could probably throw in Arrowhead Studios as well.
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