Sony's future and possible studio/publisher acquisitions



Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
I don't see Sony spending the money on a publisher especially Square Enix because they already get the main games they want exclusive anyway so why buy them?

I see Sony acquiring good solid development studios that are already established or new and upcoming because they can get them cheap, invest into them in order to expand them and make them grow bigger over time. It's basically low risk, high reward situations.

I still believe that they acquire Ember Lab and Deviation Games at some point. And since I forgot about them until recently, you could probably throw in Arrowhead Studios as well.

If Square Enix wouldn’t want to be bought, then had not sold Eidos/Crystal and Montreal Studio + 50 IPs for cheap $300M. Gearbox is a much smaller asset in comparison to this three studios. Gearbox has 1000 employees and much lesser value IPs and sold for $1.3B lol.

There is too much smoke already. Square Enix didn’t talk about the future of the company in their investor calls. You know why, because they are getting acquired. I think it’s more your wishing for Sony not to do so.


Well-known member
9 Jul 2022
If Square Enix wouldn’t want to be bought, then had not sold Eidos/Crystal and Montreal Studio + 50 IPs for cheap $300M. Gearbox is a much smaller asset in comparison to this three studios. Gearbox has 1000 employees and much lesser value IPs and sold for $1.3B lol.

There is too much smoke already. Square Enix didn’t talk about the future of the company in their investor calls. You know why, because they are getting acquired. I think it’s more your wishing for Sony not to do so.

I feel like at the very least, Sony is going to buy stakes into SE (selling stakes was mentioned about a month ago) studios if not buy them as a whole.
There's a lot of smoke here. SE selling western division, Former Eidos boss saying he heard Sony only wanted the Tokyo part of SE, and then SE themselves saying they want to sell stakes in some of their studios. It just makes sense.....and I'm sure Sony would love to get their hands on FF14.


If Square Enix wouldn’t want to be bought, then had not sold Eidos/Crystal and Montreal Studio + 50 IPs for cheap $300M. Gearbox is a much smaller asset in comparison to this three studios. Gearbox has 1000 employees and much lesser value IPs and sold for $1.3B lol.

There is too much smoke already. Square Enix didn’t talk about the future of the company in their investor calls. You know why, because they are getting acquired. I think it’s more your wishing for Sony not to do so.

Doesn't matter to me if Sony acquire Square Enix or not. Doesn't change anything for me. Outside of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, Final Fantasy XVI and Forspoken, they have nothing for me and all three games are full/timed exclusive to PlayStation 5 anyway.

Square Enix selling off Crystal Dynamics and Eidos Montreal was more because they were losing money for Square Enix even though that's more on Square Enix as they never knew how to manage their Western Studios. But we'll see what happens.


21 Jun 2022
Well, for $10B they are about to acquire between 40 - 60 cheap

Assuming SIE is getting the majority of that budget.
Ngl, I'd actually prefer that. But the only downside is that it will be too much stuff for Hermen and his team to manage, and the quality of games may suffer.

But new individual studios that can give us additional games is always preferred.


21 Jun 2022
How likely you think is now a sequel to Blooborne or Demons Souls, thoughts?
Very unlikely, in the short term at least. I don't even see foresee an exclusive as of now, because SIE will benefit more from FS selling more copies on multiple platforms.

They may get timed exclusivity, however. Over time, I do see Sony fully acquiring FromSoftware and making their games PlayStation console exclusives.


29 Jun 2022
Very unlikely, in the short term at least. I don't even see foresee an exclusive as of now, because SIE will benefit more from FS selling more copies on multiple platforms.

They may get timed exclusivity, however. Over time, I do see Sony fully acquiring FromSoftware and making their games PlayStation console exclusives.
Sony have worked with them on an exclusive every gen. No reason it can't be the case again
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Old Guard
Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Sony have worked with them on an exclusive every gen. No reason it can't be the case again

Similar to Japan Studio helping out Blue Point Studios in a consulting role, I think FROM will do the same for whatever Bluepoint is currently working on.
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Old Guard
Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
So at this point a division of TenCent owns more of FromSoft than Sony does? Why is this celebratory?

Sony owns 14% just below what Tenecent making them the third largest shareholder. So having a seat at the table of using FROM software for possible exclusives, and using them maybe for collaborating with Blue point.


Dixon Cider Ltd.
22 Jun 2022
Sony owns 14% just below what Tenecent making them the third largest shareholder. So having a seat at the table of using FROM software for possible exclusives, and using them maybe for collaborating with Blue point.
But you havent got the most voting power? Wouldn't TenCent always want to additionally sell into the multiplatform market for whatever extra profit could be gleamed? Doesn't this set off a game of leapfrog between Sony and TenCent, whom already kick the shit out of Sony when it comes to the amount invested in Epic, outbidding Sony on Leyou (? I cant remember this company's name), buying/investing in the developers that Sony let slip away despite how much they fit the PS identity.

They're never gonna out-TenCent TenCent, or out-MicroSoft MicroSoft. But you gotta do something, and should have been making moves for a long-ass time now.

Instead Jim sleepwalks through his marketing speil and manaages to cock that up even and alienate people, looking like he cant even be arsed to put a brush throgh his hair. He's a bum!


28 Jun 2022
The arm of tencent that invested in fromsoft is sixjoy, which is a mobile game distributor. Kadokawa Probably doesnt have much say or negitation when it comes to bandai namco and wants more leverage. Sony can be the new distributor/ publisher for new ip. Maybe sony is more willing to give from/kadokawa what they want than bandai namco? I have no idea but i dont think sony invested this money just to make us fanboys feel like we got a win, surely they will get something transactional from this. I would hope/assume.


1 Jul 2022
Just buy fucking crapcom already. They have an amazing engine. They were the only ones able to make a 100% port to VR of a high profile game.

What are you waiting Jym Ryan? Staph fucking around and just do it.


22 Jun 2022
I have no idea but i dont think sony invested this money just to make us fanboys feel like we got a win

They invested in them, to later sell that investment for more than they bought it for.

I don't know what "transaction" you think would be happening. Sony gets a stake, Kadokawa gets cash.

That's really it... Sony has reasons to help From increase in value, that's the only other aspect. Fromsoft/Kadokawa has zero reason to "do anything" explicitly for Sony.
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