Sony's future and possible studio/publisher acquisitions


2 Jul 2022
Uh yes. Hellblade 2. All of the Bethesda stuff. I’m sure there are more I’m not thinking of. If you deny this you are being incredibly intellectually dishonest. And that’s putting it nicely.
And how many of those games have come out yet? None, Microsoft has actually been the strongest proponent of supporting contractual agreements. Have they not? They have while at the same time Sony is going out of their way to take games which would otherwise release elsewhere and pay specifically so they will not. Have they not? You want to talk about intellectual dishonesty? Laugh out loud.


Uh yes. Hellblade 2. All of the Bethesda stuff. I’m sure there are more I’m not thinking of. If you deny this you are being incredibly intellectually dishonest. And that’s putting it nicely.

Hellblade was a PS4 timed exclusive based on Ninja Theory. Sony had nothing to do with it. And there IS a major difference. Sony is paying to keep games and content off Xbox that they DON'T OWN. Microsoft is BUYING studios, publishers and IP's which means they can do whatever they want with it. The only difference is that what Sony has been doing for 25+ years has simply been elevated to a greater level by Microsoft. It's funny, if roles were reversed and Sony acquired Bethesda and ABK, vast majority wouldn't be saying shit.

It's ONLY when Microsoft does something, everyone wants to cry, especially PlayStation fans who have been so spoiled for 25+ years and feel so entitled to get everything. Sorry but those days are gone. Last generation, PlayStation fans praised all of their exclusives, made fun of Xbox for their 60 something rated exclusives and were so happy because their brand was dominant and Microsoft was the laughing stock.

What's better for consumers? Getting games on Game Pass day one or spending $70 on one game? Perhaps $10 upgrades is better for gamers. Or perhaps, raising the console $30-$50 two years after launch in every region where they DOMINATE except for the one they don't. That's definitely giving PlayStation gamers the best.

PlayStation fans have always loved exclusive games and content. No one fans, media, etc. didn't say fucking shit. Microsoft paid for ROTTR back in 2015 and everyone fucking bitched. One major game in an entire generation and everyone complained while Sony continues to do the same shit and no one says anything. Microsoft realized that they can't do what Sony does because they know everyone will bitch about it so what did they do? They went a different route. Both Bethesda and ABK were up for sale. What is Microsoft supposed to do? Pass on it? Come on.

The real truth is that Sony doesn't want Microsoft to compete and take away market share because it then forces Sony to actually perhaps do better things for their fans base instead of nickel and diming them every chance they get but the thing is that Sony is far too comfortable and wants to keep coasting which is the real NOT best for gamers that no one wants to see. Microsoft offers gamers and consumers way more options and choices in how to access their games where as Sony, gives you ONE option which isn't great for gamers at all. Sony forces their fan base to buy and play their games day one one way and that's it. You either do it or you pass on it.

It's simple hypocrisy. Whenever Sony does something, no one bitches at all. Any move Microsoft makes, people want to bitch which is hilarious to me. Well, now, it's the not the Xbox One generation anymore and while Sony can drop their little firecrackers or pipe bombs, Microsoft will be dropping nukes and yeah, im all for it. Because it's better for me NOW. I'm not concerned what it may or may not be in 20 years from now. Back in the day, I didn't care what 20 years in the future would look like. Whatever it is, it is and that's it.

Hypocrisy and double standards. Sony can get away with everything and no one bitches but anything Microsoft does, everyone bitches. I simply find it hilarious and so damn entertaining. I want Microsoft to buy more publishers and development studios because it's better for me NOW and until if/when that changes, it's all speculation, it's all assumptions and all bullshit.

The best part for me is that I simply enjoy it all and will do so until I no longer can do so.
  • haha
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Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Hellblade was a PS4 timed exclusive based on Ninja Theory. Sony had nothing to do with it. And there IS a major difference. Sony is paying to keep games and content off Xbox that they DON'T OWN. Microsoft is BUYING studios, publishers and IP's which means they can do whatever they want with it.

Rise of the Tomb Raider never happened, bad Sony, good Microsoft, Yadda Yadda Yadda.


28 Jun 2022
So far Microsoft is the only one who hasn't taken games off of other platforms while Sony continues their vendetta of blocking third party releases. Am I wrong?
I have you blocked so I don’t even know if you can read this but this is asinine.

-Hellblade is a game that started on PlayStation and the sequel is only on xbox. I don’t know why mods put up with your schtick, I would’ve banned you along time ago for trolling because there’s no way you believe anything you say. It’s for attention and you’re good at getting it by making ridiculous claims that you yourself don’t believe.
  • they're_right_you_know
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Rise of the Tomb Raider never happened, bad Sony, good Microsoft, Yadda Yadda Yadda.

I mentioned ROTTR in the exact same post. And I can say the same for PlayStation fans - Sony good, Microsoft bad. It's the exact same shit on both sides. The only difference is that I adapt and enjoy whatever I get instead of bitching about it all like fans do on both sides. I own both so regardless, none of it affects me but do I want Microsoft to acquire more studios and publishers? Absolutely because it's better for me.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
I have you blocked so I don’t even know if you can read this but this is asinine.

-Hellblade is a game that started on PlayStation and the sequel is only on xbox. I don’t know why mods put up with your schtick, I would’ve banned you along time ago for trolling because there’s no way you believe anything you say. It’s for attention and you’re good at getting it by making ridiculous claims that you yourself don’t believe.

Keep him ignored. I won't block him because it's amazing to read his hot takes and frequent meltdowns.
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Reactions: Dabaus


2 Jul 2022
I have you blocked so I don’t even know if you can read this but this is asinine.

-Hellblade is a game that started on PlayStation and the sequel is only on xbox. I don’t know why mods put up with your schtick, I would’ve banned you along time ago for trolling because there’s no way you believe anything you say. It’s for attention and you’re good at getting it by making ridiculous claims that you yourself don’t believe.
Apparently good enough where even ignored people read what I'm saying. Got a problem? The solution is the self control you lack.
I would really be interested in seeing a list of games that Sony has "bought" to keep off of Xbox. I'll give you a heads up though. If your list includes Spider-Man, Street Fighter 5, Final Fantasy VII Remake (or any FF game really), or Stellar Blade you've already lost this argument.


21 Jun 2022
Hellblade was a PS4 timed exclusive based on Ninja Theory. Sony had nothing to do with it. And there IS a major difference. Sony is paying to keep games and content off Xbox that they DON'T OWN. Microsoft is BUYING studios, publishers and IP's which means they can do whatever they want with it. The only difference is that what Sony has been doing for 25+ years has simply been elevated to a greater level by Microsoft. It's funny, if roles were reversed and Sony acquired Bethesda and ABK, vast majority wouldn't be saying shit.

It's ONLY when Microsoft does something, everyone wants to cry, especially PlayStation fans who have been so spoiled for 25+ years and feel so entitled to get everything. Sorry but those days are gone. Last generation, PlayStation fans praised all of their exclusives, made fun of Xbox for their 60 something rated exclusives and were so happy because their brand was dominant and Microsoft was the laughing stock.

What's better for consumers? Getting games on Game Pass day one or spending $70 on one game? Perhaps $10 upgrades is better for gamers. Or perhaps, raising the console $30-$50 two years after launch in every region where they DOMINATE except for the one they don't. That's definitely giving PlayStation gamers the best.

PlayStation fans have always loved exclusive games and content. No one fans, media, etc. didn't say fucking shit. Microsoft paid for ROTTR back in 2015 and everyone fucking bitched. One major game in an entire generation and everyone complained while Sony continues to do the same shit and no one says anything. Microsoft realized that they can't do what Sony does because they know everyone will bitch about it so what did they do? They went a different route. Both Bethesda and ABK were up for sale. What is Microsoft supposed to do? Pass on it? Come on.

The real truth is that Sony doesn't want Microsoft to compete and take away market share because it then forces Sony to actually perhaps do better things for their fans base instead of nickel and diming them every chance they get but the thing is that Sony is far too comfortable and wants to keep coasting which is the real NOT best for gamers that no one wants to see. Microsoft offers gamers and consumers way more options and choices in how to access their games where as Sony, gives you ONE option which isn't great for gamers at all. Sony forces their fan base to buy and play their games day one one way and that's it. You either do it or you pass on it.

It's simple hypocrisy. Whenever Sony does something, no one bitches at all. Any move Microsoft makes, people want to bitch which is hilarious to me. Well, now, it's the not the Xbox One generation anymore and while Sony can drop their little firecrackers or pipe bombs, Microsoft will be dropping nukes and yeah, im all for it. Because it's better for me NOW. I'm not concerned what it may or may not be in 20 years from now. Back in the day, I didn't care what 20 years in the future would look like. Whatever it is, it is and that's it.

Hypocrisy and double standards. Sony can get away with everything and no one bitches but anything Microsoft does, everyone bitches. I simply find it hilarious and so damn entertaining. I want Microsoft to buy more publishers and development studios because it's better for me NOW and until if/when that changes, it's all speculation, it's all assumptions and all bullshit.

The best part for me is that I simply enjoy it all and will do so until I no longer can do so.

Timed exclusive or whatever, you still get the game on both platforms. You have talked it into yourselves that buying is better that a marketing deal. Don't you think a marketing deal helps give a game a certain status precisely? If it's all so bad for MS, why are they doing Timed exclusives for STALKER 2, Warhammer, Scorn and many more games?

The real truth is that Sony doesn't want Microsoft to compete and take away market share because it then forces Sony to actually perhaps do better things for their fans base instead of nickel and diming them every chance they get but the thing is that Sony is far too comfortable and wants to keep coasting which is the real NOT best for gamers that no one wants to see. Microsoft offers gamers and consumers way more options and choices in how to access their games where as Sony, gives you ONE option which isn't great for gamers at all. Sony forces their fan base to buy and play their games day one one way and that's it. You either do it or you pass on it.

Well that has been on consoles for more then 30 years already, on Nintendo and PlayStation. Only reason xbox fanboys have been complaining so much about everything Sony does last year is because you guys don't dare admit to yourselves that MS just slept for 2 generations. Now you guys are trying to pretend MS is so sad and put them in a victim role.

The new narrative is that Sony bullies Microsoft. Nothing stops MS from doing timed exclusive deals namely as I said...why do they still do that with certain games if it's something Phil hates? The 12TF narrative didn't work and all the otther bla bla from MS strong words before launch about all their hardware features. No one dares to spit that bullshit anymore since PS5 kicked Series X his nuts day one with better versions of MP games. And then what follows was a Halo Infinite...a game that MS just killed short in the gen and no other big games for more then 2 years.
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21 Jun 2022
So far Microsoft is the only one who hasn't taken games off of other platforms while Sony continues their vendetta of blocking third party releases. Am I wrong?
Steve Harvey Wow GIF by NBC


Timed exclusive or whatever, you still get the game on both platforms. You have talked it into yourselves that buying is better that a marketing deal. Don't you think a marketing deal helps give a game a certain status precisely? If it's all so bad for MS, why are they doing Timed exclusives for STALKER 2, Warhammer, Scorn and many more games?

Both companies do the same thing. It's just that Sony and their fan base want to cry whenever Microsoft does something but when they do something, it's perfectly fine. I'm not into the timed shit as I see it as a waste of money and would prefer the game to be fully exclusive or if it's on the Microsoft side, let it be day one multi-platform but I get it on Game Pass. I'll take that exchange. I don't know what Warhammer Darktide and Scorn are timed exclusive wise. I know Stalker 2 is 3 months. Microsoft tends to do 3-6 months while Sony does 1-2 years. Microsoft goes after the AA/Indies while Sony goes after mostly AAA titles.

I have no problem with either doing what they do. My problem is that PlayStation fans complain when Microsoft pays for something but is perfectly fine when their company does it for 25+ years. You either have to accept both (like I do especially since both companies are going to do what they want regardless of what anyone says) or dislike/be against both.


21 Jun 2022
Both companies do the same thing. It's just that Sony and their fan base want to cry whenever Microsoft does something but when they do something, it's perfectly fine. I'm not into the timed shit as I see it as a waste of money and would prefer the game to be fully exclusive or if it's on the Microsoft side, let it be day one multi-platform but I get it on Game Pass. I'll take that exchange. I don't know what Warhammer Darktide and Scorn are timed exclusive wise. I know Stalker 2 is 3 months. Microsoft tends to do 3-6 months while Sony does 1-2 years. Microsoft goes after the AA/Indies while Sony goes after mostly AAA titles.

I have no problem with either doing what they do. My problem is that PlayStation fans complain when Microsoft pays for something but is perfectly fine when their company does it for 25+ years. You either have to accept both (like I do especially since both companies are going to do what they want regardless of what anyone says) or dislike/be against both.

The only problem here is the ABK story not other studio acquisition they did. Buying 2 of the biggest pubs with multiplatform games, removing completely from a platform is something completely different? Are you really serious that xbox fans would've react different when it was the other way around?

2 Pubs with a fuck ton of IP's pulled away from a big platform, and you are shocked people react that way? And then say "SOnY Is dOinG tHe sAmE..."....

Sorry...but atm, they are not doing that. If only MS were more creative with their already existing studios they had.


The only problem here is the ABK story not other studio acquisition they did. Buying 2 of the biggest pubs with multiplatform games, removing completely from a platform is something completely different? Are you really serious that xbox fans would've react different when it was the other way around?

I personally wouldn't because I want more exclusive games and content. It's like @Bryank75 has said for Sony and PlayStation - build your platform and eco-system around it which I agree with. Only difference is that Microsoft puts everything on Game Pass (console and PC), PC via Steam and I think Epic Game Store but not 100% sure and via Cloud Streaming which I have no issues with because the platform and eco-system is simply more vital than the console itself.

It doesn't matter that the games were multi-platform. Everyone is missing the point. Microsoft acquired them. The past doesn't matter. It just doesn't. As the owner, Microsoft can do whatever they please with them. It's just that what they plan on doing doesn't favor Sony and PlayStation fans can't accept that.

What if another company acquired ABK like an Amazon or Apple? Apple is rumored to be developing a gaming console. Not a bad start if you were to have COD exclusively to your platform and are just starting up in console gaming or a company like Amazon that has Luna. If their streaming capabilities is good, not a bad way to make it more relevant than by having COD exclusively.

There were other bidders for ABK just like there was for Bethesda. Google basically bowed out because they lost that bidding war for Bethesda and simply didn't want to invest what it takes to be in gaming. Imagine if Google somehow someway came away with Bethesda and you can only stream their games and even worse, have to pay $60 for each of them to do so. UGH. Would you and other PlayStation fans be happy with that scenario? I wouldn't because I don't care or have any interest in those other companies and their respective platforms.

Sony can buy studios and publishers. In fact, I WANT them to do so but I just don't see them as a company investing billions pre and post acquisition in order to do so because for them, they consider it too much of a risk and gamble because unlike Microsoft, they can't absorb losses so they stay the way they are - acquire smaller development studios like Housemarque and others and then expand them.

People in general complain about Microsoft acquiring ABK but what are they supposed to do? Are they supposed to just let this opportunity which is basically a once in a life time type opportunity just pass them by? That's horrible business and shareholders/investors would be pissed off.

On another note, the only people who lose anything with any acquisition is the company that isn't making the purchase. The other side in this case, Microsoft and Xbox wins. But they also have to pay everyone and everything. The employees on all fronts will be better off. The development studios will be better off. Based on not having to develop a PlayStation version of their games already makes it better for them. They'll get more money, more benefits, just better shit. And Microsoft is letting them unionize which is very rare for a company like Microsoft.

I'm a gamer and want what's best for me. I own and play both Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5. I bought both for exclusive games and content just like im sure majority here did for their respective console of choice. I will never bitch about what either side does because im not someone who's going to be loyal to just one company for life. Fuck that. I will always do what's best for me. For Microsoft, the more games I get in Game Pass that I actually want to play allows me to spend more money in their eco-system. For Sony, if they pay for games like Kena, FF7R and FFXVI to be full or timed exclusives, okay, im not waiting to see if/when they release on Xbox, I will buy and play them day one on my PlayStation 5. All I care about is Xbox and PlayStation but have no problem with either company making acquisitions because I get more exclusives out of them.

People talk about multi-platform games going exclusive. Wasn't Final Fantasy a Nintendo exclusive for years and then went to Sony? Then went multi-platform during the Xbox 360 generation. I don't see anyone ever complain about back in the day because why would you? If it's better for you, who cares what it is? No company gives a shit about their consumers and even more so, don't even know you exist. Sony hasn't been consumer friendly this generation while Microsoft has been by giving you more options at a far cheaper price. They'll also 3rd in the console race so they should do that to get people into their eco-system and platform. Another is Spider Man. It was always licensed by Activision oddly enough and they were multi-platform. No one complains about Sony using their movie rights to Spider Man to leverage a deal for PlayStation exclusivity.

In my mind, all is fair in love and war. And this is war. And this is where gamers will truly benefit because you're going to get more for less than ever before. For PlayStation fans who just stay with Sony and never want to play on Xbox or even PC for that matter, that's up to them but in my mind, they have no right to bitch because you have a choice, you have the option to play those exclusives on Xbox or PC but if they don't do that, that's not on Microsoft at all. That's on the individual.

I am a gamer and I believe that if you're a fan of both brands or just want to play exclusives that you know you're not getting, you should buy and own both because the games should be most important and for me, the more exclusives I get, the better. I don't want less. Who does? But I don't care how either side does it. Keep doing it. Do more. I don't care because at the end of the day, if the game is of interest to me, im going to play it and sure as hell, not going to wait to see if/when it releases on the other platform.

I will say the same thing to PlayStation fans who bitch about Microsoft acquiring publishers/studios that I say to Xbox fans who bitch about Final Fantasy VII Remake. If you really want to play the games, you know what you have to do. Buy the other console. If not, then that's on the individual. And in this scenario, I don't believe that they have any right to bitch whatsoever because if that other game or games are so important to you, you would buy the other console period.

But the majority of the hardcore PlayStation and Xbox fans don't and instead, prefer to bitch, moan and groan and im like, go ahead, while those people are doing that, I'll be playing Forspoken in January on my PlayStation 5 because im not waiting for an Xbox release two years later to do so. I know so many say this or that will happen future wise but the reality is that not a single person here myself included knows what the fuck will happen in 5, 10 or 20 years from now. Hell, we could all die tomorrow. Seriously, no one knows anything until it actually happens.
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Old Gamer

5 Aug 2022
Sony is paying to keep games and content off Xbox that they DON'T OWN. Microsoft is BUYING studios, publishers and IP's which means they can do whatever they want with it.
Buying makes it ok, because then they own it?


And this comes from people who love renting all games in perpetuity!

Old Gamer

5 Aug 2022
What IP's that were traditionally (or announced) multiplatform has Sony purchased and made perpetually exclusive?
Haven't you heard? Buying a publisher makes it ok for you to miss out on content forever. It's waiting a bit longer because of a timed exclusive deal that you shouldn't like.



Buying makes it ok, because then they own it?


And this comes from people who love renting all games in perpetuity!

Of course it does. First, ABK wanted to sell. Second, they were going to be sold to someone. Third, gaming wise, no one is better than Microsoft in this regard because you have plenty of options to play their games.

It's like Sony can do whatever they want but Microsoft can't. NAH. Those days are gone. Sony can acquire Insomniac, Housemarque and others but Microsoft, nope, even acquiring an Obsidian pisses PlayStation fans off. Like wow. The entitlement that PlayStation fans have is ridiculous. Then people will say, well, it's the not the same thing. How? Both were for sale and both were fucking purcahsed. It's literally that simple. But because it doesn't favor one side or the other, no no no, we can't have this or that. Give me a break.

I'm not a Game Pass subscriber so that doesn't apply to me and people renting games via Game Pass is because there's hundreds of games there and being able to access them is far better, easier and cheaper than buying each one individually.

Buying a publisher makes it ok for you to miss out on content forever.

This is such bullshit. You're not missing out on anything. If you are, it's because of yourself.

You're missing out on content as much as Xbox gamers are missing out on Final Fantasy and other games. The solution is so fucking simple - get into the other platform and eco-system IF the games are so important to you. If not, that's on you.


21 Jun 2022
You know what will happen when Square is gonna be acquired by Sony? Right now all those xbox fans are crying about FF, as if xbox is somehow the platform for this game. When Sony acquired them, suddenly FF are shit anyway and have no impact, because now they will say that western RPG’s are the shit and not jap RPG’s.

@peter42O dude tell me. What history had Housemarque with xbox? What history all this IP’s from ABK and Bethesda had with PS? Buying Ubisoft and pulling away FarCry, Asscreed is also good? Just buy the platform its on?

Well at this point, i hope Sony is going to secure some jap pubs and western to only see the energy from the other side.
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You know what will happen when Square is gonna be acquired by Sony? Right now all those xbox fans are crying about FF, as if xbox is somehow the platform for this game. When Sony acquired them, suddenly FF are shit anyway and have no impact, because now they will say that western RPG’s are the shit and not jap RPG’s.

While I don't see this happening as there's no benefit for Sony since they get their games anyway and in some cases, fully exclusive, I for one won't have any issues. More exclusives for my PlayStation 5 sounds good to me. I can guarantee that I won't say JRPG's are shit as I loved Final Fantasy VII Remake for the most part and im day one for Final Fantasy Rebirth and XVI. Western or Japanese, I do have a requirement for both - can't be turn based and must have enemies on screen, no random pop in battles like back in the old days.

Old Gamer

5 Aug 2022
It's like Sony can do whatever they want but Microsoft can't. NAH. Those days are gone. Sony can acquire Insomniac, Housemarque and others but Microsoft, nope, even acquiring an Obsidian pisses PlayStation fans off. Like wow. The entitlement that PlayStation fans have is ridiculous. Then people will say, well, it's the not the same thing. How? Both were for sale and both were fucking purcahsed. It's literally that simple. But because it doesn't favor one side or the other, no no no, we can't have this or that. Give me a break.
Oh the entitlement. So many multiplatform franchises lost from xbox now that Sony bought Bluepoint, Housemarque, Nixxes... the hypocrites! So entitled!

"Sony can do whatever they want, but not MS", my arse.

Sony hasn't done anything with regards to third party timed exclusives that MS doesn't, btw. Plenty of games still come out on xbox first to this day. Not that anyone cries foul about that, contrary to your ridiculous claims.

The amount of disingenuous false equivalence is ridiculous.
Buying a developer that you always worked with and that made the vast majority of their games exclusives of your platform over the years is not the same as buying a large third party publisher with several multiplatform franchises.

You give me a break.