Windows Central: "Based on our sources", the next Xbox generation is a traditional console and a handheld


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Price drop would cost them billions of dollars, mostly from people who already intended to buy PlayStation and likely wouldn't shift the needle for core Xbox consumers.
So you dont think a $100 price drop is an attractive options for new fans and people who were gonna move on. Right now would be an attractive time to do it. Just like they did with the PS4 Pro release. And every other generation

Sony has been taking a loss on consoles for a long time and eventually makes money when the console ages. And now wouldnt be so bad with PS5 base. Even $50
PS sales normally increase alot after price drops. I mean i get why they are waiting for after GTA 6, but a price drop could make the console sales even worse for Xbox. Its called going for the kill

Announcing games would be going for the kill? They had God of War 2018, Horizon Zero Dawn, Spider-Man, The Last of Us Part 2, and Uncharted 4 on PS4 and people still decided to buy XSS and XSX. What game announcements were they going to make that got core consumers to switch to PS5 at "going for the kill numbers", no you want the announcements for yourself and Sony knows that announcing games early does not increase their sales AND it puts extra pressure on development studios, which makes retention and recruiting more difficult, which in the long run
Did they come out and show proof? Did Video gaming media come out with a scientific fact? Either way I wouldnt believe it. Because it was working way better in PS4 generation. The fanbase was alot happier. Sales were great. But that was more because where PS was as a mindshare then anything else.

More announcements of your best games = more hype = more exited gameers.
As fans we want announcements, why is that wrong? If Sony knows it doesnt increase sales, then they should also know how the fans feel about their lack of announcements.

Announcing games, creates more hype for sure, no amount of facts or graphs from video game experts can convince me otherwise.

Showing games coming and lack has been one of the biggest complains from the fanbase currently and this generation. You didnt get these complains during the PS3/PS4 generation.

makes games worse... but console wars mirite
Made games so much worse right? Which Playstation games did it make much worse?
I mean Sony is one of the most polished publishers, they were fine.

Spiderman was shown in 2021, released in 2023. Probably one Sony’s least polished games ever….
Bethesda one of the publishers who dont show there game till last minute… one of the least polished AAA gaming studios ever. But console wars mirite…

Sony's partnered with pretty much every 3rd party publisher in the business, so are you talking about exclusivity deals?

These deals cost a tremendous amount of money, money that's at this point better suited towards IP creation.
Im talking about deals to kIll xbox. Go for the throat, whatever it takes.

Everything you argue about is something Sony use to do. And a part of their success.

-Take a drop on consoles
-Drop console prices after a couple of years
-Announce games from far out
-Make many attractive 3rd party exclusives

So you don't think a price drop will help with sales?
You dont think announcing new games from your best studios will excite fans?
And you dont think more 3rd party deals with help?

Things have changed but nothing to prove these wouldnt work or improve things. Price drops always help
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20 Sep 2024
Sony has had awhile to go for the kill. They havent even tried, console price drop, announcementsof loads of 1st party games, new 3rd partyu partnerships. Sony could have gone for the head by they are just throwing ammo at MS….
The idea Sony could kill Xbox is a bit overblown. The Xbox brand isn’t going anywhere, MS is one of the most valuable companies in the world. They will just fund hardware with software sales. What they lose in hardware is a pittance, and hardware for them is just another way to onboard people into their software ecosystem.

They can’t compete with Sony when it comes to quality single player games, but they have so many multiplayer games and cloud services, they can’t go under. Hell, Sony uses MS’s cloud services for their own games.

So what I’m saying is, Sony is a far better gaming company, but Microsoft is playing a far deeper game. Sony has the games, but MS has the infrastructure that supports those games. And with games like D4, CoD (I hate it, but it’s incredibly profitable), and other live services, MS’s gaming division will always be profitable, even if it’s never great.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
The idea Sony could kill Xbox is a bit overblown. The Xbox brand isn’t going anywhere, MS is one of the most valuable companies in the world. They will just fund hardware with software sales. What they lose in hardware is a pittance, and hardware for them is just another way to onboard people into their software ecosystem.
Not exactly kill but show them the door quicker. Xbox is not gonna stay in the console business like they have done. Whatever moves them faster to their next plan the better.

Hell, Sony uses MS’s cloud services for their own games.
They dont anymore
So what I’m saying is, Sony is a far better gaming company, but Microsoft is playing a far deeper game. Sony has the games, but MS has the infrastructure that supports those games. And with games like D4, CoD (I hate it, but it’s incredibly profitable), and other live services, MS’s gaming division will always be profitable, even if it’s never great.
Xbox gaming division isnt always profitable though. I dont think it ever has been?

MS is playing a far deeper game. But they over estimate there own involvement.
MS really doesnt bring anything to the industry anymore, they wouldnt be missed.
Just the IPS they bought like COD, Doom, Elder Scrolls etc. Games like Halo, Gears and Forza arent gonna do much anymore.

Phil/Xbox has spent close to 100billion in 4 years. Xbox division isnt gonna have that kind of profit. They never have. MS is gonna tighten the Xbox leash if Gamepass numbers don’t pull a miracle with the new COD


20 Sep 2024
So you dont think a $100 price drop is an attractive options for new fans and people who were gonna move on. Right now would be an attractive time to do it. Just like they did with the PS4 Pro release. And every other generation

Sony has been taking a loss on consoles for a long time and eventually makes money when the console ages.
PS sales normally increase alot after price drops. I mean i get why they are waiting for after GTA 6, but a price drop could make the console sales even worse for Xbox. Its called going for the kill

Did they come out and show proof? Did Video gaming media come out with a scientific fact? Either way I wouldnt believe it. Because it was working way better in PS4 generation. The fanbase was alot happier. Sales were great. But that was more because where PS was as a mindshare then anything else.

More announcements of your best games = more hype = more exited gameers.
As fans we want announcements, why is that wrong? If Sony knows it doesnt increase sales, then they should also know how the fans feel about their lack of announcements.

Announcing games, creates more hype for sure, no amount of facts or graphs from video game experts can convince me otherwise.

Showing games coming and lack has been one of the biggest complains from the fanbase currently and this generation. You didnt get these complains during the PS3/PS4 generation.

Made games so much worse right? Which Playstation games did it make much worse?
I mean Sony is one of the most polished publishers, they were fine.

Spiderman was shown in 2021, released in 2023. Probably one Sony’s least polished games ever….
Bethesda one of the publishers who dont show there game till last minute… one of the least polished AAA gaming studios ever. But console wars mirite…

Im talking about deals to kIll xbox. Go for the throat, whatever it takes.

Everything you argue about is something Sony use to do. And a part of their success.

-Take a drop on consoles
-Drop console prices after a couple of years
-Announce games from far out
-Make many attractive 3rd party exclusives

So you don't think a price drop will help with sales?
You dont think announcing new games from your best studios will excite fans?
And you dont think more 3rd party deals with help?

Things have changed but nothing to prove these wouldnt work or improve things. Price drops always help idea that Sony can kill Xbox is absurd. The brand will be around for decades.
The idea that Xbox can be “killed” is fanboy nonsense, sorry. MS doesn’t need to win the console war to be profitable.

And Sony CAN’T lower prices, they have been raising prices because inflation has been so destructive. Sony can lose money, but they can’t take a complete bath on hardware.

And you say “show games” but we have no idea what is ready to show.

But also, why would anyone want Xbox dead? Competition is good for consumers, not bad. Why cut off your nose to spite your face?


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13 Nov 2023
Your Mom
Okay. but for who?
I Did It Nbc GIF by America's Got Talent
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Slayer of Colossi
23 Jun 2022
Competition is good for consumers

It is, when the competition isn't Microsoft/Xbox, with shitty moves adopted by the other platforms like paid online play, subs which decrease the game quality, ads on the UI (not adopted yet, but we know it's coming), PC ports (thankfully only Sony has been dumb enough to follow, for now at least).
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20 Sep 2024
Not exactly kill but show them the door quicker. Xbox is not gonna stay in the console business like they have done. Whatever moves them faster to their next plan the better.

They dont anymore

Xbox gaming division isnt always profitable though. I dont think it ever has been?

MS is playing a far deeper game. But they over estimate there own involvement.
MS really doesnt bring anything to the industry anymore, they wouldnt be missed.
Just the IPS they bought like COD, Doom, Elder Scrolls etc. Games like Halo, Gears and Forza arent gonna do much anymore. That 100bn is amortized over 20-30 years.

Phil/Xbox has spent close to 100billion in 4 years. Xbox division isnt gonna have that kind of profit. They never have. MS is gonna tighten the Xbox leash if Gamepass numbers don’t pull a miracle with the new COD
They don’t need to make 100b right away, that’s not how investments work.

And Halo, Gears and Forza are and will remain very popular and profitable. If Space Marine 2 showed anything it’s that the market wants more Gears of War styled bro shooters. And MS doesn’t care about exclusivity so they can stick their iron in every fire. Hardware is secondary to them, something for their little base of hardcore fans, and they can easily afford to continue making more. They don’t have to win generations, they just have to be profitable, as they were last year and will be this year.

Again, why would you want Xbox to die? It doesn’t do anything good for us gamers. It just doesn’t make sense to want them to fail. It’s binary thought. There can only be one is Highlander, not high end console hardware.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
The idea that Xbox can be “killed” is fanboy nonsense, sorry. MS doesn’t need to win the console war to be profitable.

Any other company would of been dead if it wasnt for MS money. So its not nonsense. Look what happened to many others like Sega.

Xbox is almost out.
They gonna move to being windows gaming. Console sales are worse than last 2 gens. There are supposedly stopping consoels in middle east. More focus on PC. None of this is looking good for Xbox

No1 is talking about MS. Xbox needs profits to keep going, they cant just bleed billions. They are not selling much, and gamepass isnt doing the numbers.

And Sony CAN’T lower prices, they have been raising prices because inflation has been so destructive. Sony can lose money, but they can’t take a complete bath on hardware.

And you say “show games” but we have no idea what is ready to show.
We always have no idea what is ready to show but we get games.
Show whatever the studios that havent shown a game in 4+ years to show. Like they always have.

ND, Sucker Punch, Cory’s Santa Monica team, Bend. All have been making games for 4+ years. Nothing shown. They can show something there lol.

But also, why would anyone want Xbox dead? Competition is good for consumers, not bad. Why cut off your nose to spite your face?
Yeah, time for new competition.
What does Xbox bring for the industry? Nothing. Awful leadership and so many lies all the time. And trying to buy there way to success.

I dont like how Xbox and MS do business. Actually I hate Microsoft, Id rather someone else come into the industry.


20 Sep 2024
It is, when the competition isn't Microsoft/Xbox, with shitty moves adopted by the other platforms like paid online play, subs which decrease the game quality, ads on the UI (not adopted yet, but we know it's coming), PC ports (thankfully only Sony has been dumb enough to follow, for now at least).
None of those things started with Xbox though, and Sony is just as excited to implement all that stuff. Sony isn’t some altruistic company, they are a corporation bound by fiduciary duties.

Also, why shouldn’t Sony port to PC? You realize the games are more important than the console, right? PC increases sales, and on-boards a small percentage of those players to PS hardware to play further games sooner.
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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
They don’t need to make 100b right away, that’s not how investments work.
I know but you have to show profits.

And Halo, Gears and Forza are and will remain very popular and profitable.
Xbox isnt making a profit… Halo probably didnt make a profit.

Again, why would you want Xbox to die? It doesn’t do anything good for us gamers. It just doesn’t make sense to want them to fail. It’s binary thought. There can only be one is Highlander, not high end console hardware.
There doesnt need to be 1. Theres Sony, Nintendo and others might come.
I don’t like Xbox or MS as a company, why wouldnt I want them not to die?


20 Sep 2024
Any other company would of been dead if it wasnt for MS money. So its not nonsense. Look what happened to many others like Sega.

Xbox is almost out.
They gonna move to being windows gaming. Console sales are worse than last 2 gens. There are supposedly stopping consoels in middle east. More focus on PC. None of this is looking good for Xbox

No1 is talking about MS. Xbox needs profits to keep going, they cant just bleed billions. They are not selling much, and gamepass isnt doing the numbers.

Yeah, time for new competition.
What does Xbox bring for the industry? Nothing. Awful leadership and so many lies all the time. And trying to buy there way to success.
Xbox was profitable last year, will be this year, and next. The Xbox brand isn’t going anywhere. Comparing MS to Sega is ridiculous. Saga wasn’t backed by one of the biggest companies in the world. Xbox isn’t going anywhere.

And MS does business the same way all companies do. There isn’t another competitor coming to market and Xbox isn’t dying or close to dead. They will continue to make billions. Will they ever catch Sony? Almost impossible. That doesn’t mean they are failing.
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20 Sep 2024
I know but you have to show profits.

Xbox isnt making a profit… Halo probably didnt make a profit.

There doesnt need to be 1. Theres Sony, Nintendo and others might come.
I don’t like Xbox or MS as a company, why wouldnt I want them not to die?
Xbox was profitable in 2023 and will be for 2024 and beyond. That’s a fact, the financial reports are public for you to see.

And “I don’t like them so they should fail” is some real weird stuff. I’m not a huge fan either, I’m just not blind to facts.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Xbox was profitable last year, will be this year, and next. The Xbox brand isn’t going anywhere. Comparing MS to Sega is ridiculous. Saga wasn’t backed by one of the biggest companies in the world. Xbox isn’t going anywhere.

And MS does business the same way all companies do. There isn’t another competitor coming to market and Xbox isn’t dying or close to dead. They will continue to make billions. Will they ever catch Sony? Almost impossible. That doesn’t mean they are failing.
Where does it show it was profitable?

Console sales and game sales are down for Xbox. Console sales are lower than a long long time.
They might be stopping in some regions.

They arent succeeding in there plans. Series S and X were meant compete with PS5. Gamepass was the future. Now they are selling there games on rival platform.
Microsoft isnt gonna die, but Xbox consoles are gonna be a ghost of what they were even last generation going forward


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Xbox was profitable in 2023 and will be for 2024 and beyond. That’s a fact, the financial reports are public for you to see.

And “I don’t like them so they should fail” is some real weird stuff. I’m not a huge fan either, I’m just not blind to facts.
Why is it weird. Im being honest unlike most fanboys.

They are an awful company, with a bad history. Bill Gates is a hack, Phil Spencer is a constant liar. And the Xbox division admittingly wants to spend Playstation out of business. They try every dirty tactic. Why would I like them?

They tried to dictate and use narrative to dictate the industry that I enjoy, with Gamepass and other things.

Theres no facts that Xbox is making profit… Xbox doesnt even show profits
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Slayer of Colossi
23 Jun 2022
None of those things started with Xbox though, and Sony is just as excited to implement all that stuff. Sony isn’t some altruistic company, they are a corporation bound by fiduciary duties.

Of course Sony follows suits, they see how Xbox starts these shitty trends without backlash and have a reason to squeeze also their customers.

Also, why shouldn’t Sony port to PC? You realize the games are more important than the console, right? PC increases sales, and on-boards a small percentage of those players to PS hardware to play further games sooner.

Simply because games made for a single platform have (or should have) many benefits for the end-user. The amount of people joining the ecosystem because of the ports is lower than the ones leaving it because of them.


24 Mar 2023
Outer Heaven
MS isn’t my enemy. Competition is good for gaming. I want a strong Xbox like I want a strong Nintendo.
There is no competition because MS doesn't provide competition. Embrace, Extend, Extinguish. That's what they do.

When they literally tried to "spend Sony out of business", that wasn't competition. That was pure attempted monopoly.

I see we have another MS apologist here. You seem to be coming out of the woodwork these days. Hope you're getting pad to astroturf, otherwise it's pathetic.

The sooner MS is out of gaming, the better for everyone. It's a company that only brought shit to the industry. Nothing of value would be lost with them gone. Nintendo can compete with PS.


21 Jun 2022
There is no competition because MS doesn't provide competition. Embrace, Extend, Extinguish. That's what they do.

When they literally tried to "spend Sony out of business", that wasn't competition. That was pure attempted monopoly.

I see we have another MS apologist here. You seem to be coming out of the woodwork these days. Hope you're getting pad to astroturf, otherwise it's pathetic.

The sooner MS is out of gaming, the better for everyone. It's a company that only brought shit to the industry. Nothing of value would be lost with them gone. Nintendo can compete with PS.
M$ closing down their ambassador's program, so these bots are auditioning for other shill roles.


10 Jan 2023
If it drops 2026 the Series generation has got to be the worst of the 4. They don't add a single good thing to the medium. Only subscription services.
24 Jun 2022
The idea Sony could kill Xbox is a bit overblown. The Xbox brand isn’t going anywhere, MS is one of the most valuable companies in the world. They will just fund hardware with software sales. What they lose in hardware is a pittance, and hardware for them is just another way to onboard people into their software ecosystem.

They can’t compete with Sony when it comes to quality single player games, but they have so many multiplayer games and cloud services, they can’t go under. Hell, Sony uses MS’s cloud services for their own games.

So what I’m saying is, Sony is a far better gaming company, but Microsoft is playing a far deeper game. Sony has the games, but MS has the infrastructure that supports those games. And with games like D4, CoD (I hate it, but it’s incredibly profitable), and other live services, MS’s gaming division will always be profitable, even if it’s never great.

You people really do just repeat things like a script, don't you?

SIE does NOT use Azure for PS's cloud backbone; they use Amazon's AWS. What they did back in 2019 was sign a Memorandum of Understanding with Microsoft to potentially use Azure, but actual usage never materialized.

SIE have made a lot of mistakes this gen, but they avoided a big one by going with AWS over Azure. Some 2P games, like Helldivers 2, do use Azure, but they are games developed by external studios (3P) who had the choice in deciding what cloud providers to go with. SIE's 1P studios and SIE themselves do not use Azure.

This talking point really needs to die out but people not informed on that bit keep repeating it instead of taking two minutes to research the point at hand.