The game failed at being a successful GAAS and retaining a base despite being the GAAS to date with the most decorated media praise and media hype - with a strong marketing campaign in tow on top of a platform holder power behind it. "Player's Choice" "Neogaf GOTY
- never forget"... you gotta ask yourself how such a decorated GAAS had one of the quickest, most painful GAAS death's around. Something doesn't connect in that story... how could critics love it so much and recommend it so much, and "gamers" love it so much and recommend it so much and at the same time let the game die an unceremonious, IP killing, studio killing death in a short span of a few months.
Moreover if the crutch is that it was a Multiplayer GAAS failure but the Singleplayer was so great then how come, once again, a game that was decorated and praised so much by media and recommended so much by "gamers" has the game die unceremoniously and instead of propping the game with sales and the studio with money from sales, like singleplayer games do for Naughty Dog or SSM or FromSoftware or CDPR.... it all ended up in 343i becoming office space on liquidation?
A game that was afforded and given all the pre-requisites for success, a game that wasn't sent out to die without a marketing campaign etc opposed to other gems that unfortunately do.... how come? If the game was such a success along those metrics how come the game wasn't a success on all the metrics that actually matter? Player retention, sales, studio health, IP health?
If you look at Destiny for example... shit on by reviewers and critics (rightfully). But still around...
Something doesn't smell right.... smells a bit....manu, also a bit, factured. A bit bull.... a bit shit.....
But my smell may be off.... who knows right?
Asking questions is always a tried and true way to arrive to the truth - provided you're asking the correct questions.