Recent content by Nhomnhom

  1. Nhomnhom

    Discussion Sony too focused on shareholder value & profitability at expense of sales figures... - Hideki Yasuda (Analyst)

    I agree 100%, they are way too aggressive in trying to chase short term profits at the expense of the long term health of their PlayStation business, pretty stupid. It's what you expect from these bean counters leading Sony. The market is not stupid, Sony showed again and again that they are...
  2. Nhomnhom

    Xbox Starfield now runs at 120fps on Series S (Thanks to mods)

    2024 and the dude still wants to push the narrative that the Series S is more powerful than the PS5 because its 100mhz faster when the PS5 has already beat the Series X on CPU bound scenarios. Starfield is pure junk, who cares?
  3. Nhomnhom

    Discussion Another Xbox flop? Starfield has 14 Million players, includes those who have it for free in Game Pass.

    Even Gamepass users have more sense than to waste their time playing this game.
  4. Nhomnhom

    Leak Wolverine leaked again (new footage)

    Looked open world to me, in fact looked like a Spider-man mod like someone already mentioned.
  5. Nhomnhom

    Discussion Icon-Era is looking for 1 - 2 mods to add to our staff

    You are lucky I'm not a mod. I think I would raise it to a 2 months ban now, just your questioning of my judgment and then I would charge you a subscription each month to keep me from banning you and deleting all your posts.
  6. Nhomnhom

    Discussion Icon-Era is looking for 1 - 2 mods to add to our staff

    They would be quarantined and would only be able to post in a thread only they could see, a punishment way worse than a simple ban. Someone has to clean up this place and get rid of all the green rats stinking up this joint. Out of 18 names in my ignore list, only 8 have been banned, those are...
  7. Nhomnhom

    Discussion Icon-Era is looking for 1 - 2 mods to add to our staff

    I would get rid of all green rats on my first day at the office and dooming would become mandatory.
  8. Nhomnhom

    Leak Elden Ring Shadow of Erdtree started leaking online

    Sad, trophies are one of the most useless things ever introduced in gaming. You are willing to deprive yourself from playing a great game over some stupid digital trophies that nobody should care about? The best thing Nintendo ever did was to ignore this stupid trend on a system level and I bet...
  9. Nhomnhom

    Discussion Another Xbox flop? Starfield has 14 Million players, includes those who have it for free in Game Pass.

    Helldivers 2 was never availiable for free and got to 12m+ in a lot less time. Starfield was given away by AMD, included on Gamepass, accessible for as little as $1. Based on the expectation it's an embarrassing flop and it's also an awful game that I had the displeasure of playing for about 15h.
  10. Nhomnhom

    Xbox Todd Howard wants Yearly Expansions for Starfield

    And they didn't even create Fallout.
  11. Nhomnhom

    Discussion Xbox fanboy claims PlayStation gamers would not be playing online if it weren't for Xbox

    Thanks Xbox, for giving us the worst thing ever in the history of consoles. Paid online is a scam and always was. It's hilarious that paid online is what these demented Xbox fans bring up when it comes to listing Xbox biggest influence and accomplishment.
  12. Nhomnhom

    Leak Wolverine leaked again (new footage)

    Lmao, odds are near zero. They don't care about how console players feel, "pay your online subscrption and be quiet", that is their attitude.
  13. Nhomnhom

    Leak Wonder Woman (Monolith) Game Story and Concept Art Leaks

    I dont doubt it, still, I have other things I'm more intrested in watching. At this point I just bother with Batman/Joker and Spiderverse when it comes to super heroes.
  14. Nhomnhom

    Leak Wonder Woman (Monolith) Game Story and Concept Art Leaks

    I never even watched the Wonder Woman movie, making an AAA game seems like a guaranteed flop. Not many of these super hero IPs are viable as video games regardless if they are well made or not.