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  1. Exicide

    News Xbox chief marketing officer is leaving Microsoft

    Maybe now Xbox can finally get better marketing.
  2. Exicide

    News Valorant won't support Gyro Aiming on PS5 to keep parity with the Xbox Series version

    "very severe or repeated case against a player," It doesn't take a lot to know that they will hardware ban you if you keep offending the rules, you made it sound like you get hardware banned for the first offense everytime no matter the severity.
  3. Exicide

    News Valorant won't support Gyro Aiming on PS5 to keep parity with the Xbox Series version

    Also who the hell would play Valorant with gyro 💀
  4. Exicide

    News Valorant won't support Gyro Aiming on PS5 to keep parity with the Xbox Series version

    Pretty big exaggeration and far from the truth, stop fear mongering. They hardware ban for cheating, there are other types of bans or warnings such as chat ban, temp band, account bans, etc.
  5. Exicide

    Discussion HipHopGamer says Fable and Killer Instinct are also coming to PS5

    this is the same dude who said Nintendo will be porting to PC in 2025/2026 Which we all know is not going to happen lmao
  6. Exicide

    Discussion Cultural appropriation, revision of history or just appreciation of the culture. What are your thoughts on Yasuke in the new Assassin's Creed.

    This comes from one of Oda Nobunaga's Retainer's writings, Ota Gyuicihi I think his name is, it has been faithfully translated for centuries, it is also known as the Shinchō Kōki, Nobunaga Kōki. "The Chronicle of Lord Nobunaga"/"Lord Nobunaga Chronicle" The exact quote is "The black man was...
  7. Exicide

    Discussion Cultural appropriation, revision of history or just appreciation of the culture. What are your thoughts on Yasuke in the new Assassin's Creed.

    clickbait, it doesn't say that at all. the exact quote is “Romantically, they will also attract and be attracted to different types of people. Through the pair, players will get to experience a multitude of relationships.” Also, that same article goes on to talk about homosexuality being a sin...
  8. Exicide

    Discussion Cultural appropriation, revision of history or just appreciation of the culture. What are your thoughts on Yasuke in the new Assassin's Creed.

    "he wouldn't even be considered." Say that to all the other Japanese media that depicts him as a Samurai. You're out of your depth on this one mate.
  9. Exicide

    Discussion Cultural appropriation, revision of history or just appreciation of the culture. What are your thoughts on Yasuke in the new Assassin's Creed.

    It is evident you have no idea what DEI is. Why do you think DEI is a black person being in games...? My bet is that you actually are racist and just want a scapegoat, that being DEI. You have idiots running around saying "why didn't they make one in Africa?!" they already did, it's Origins "nuh...
  10. Exicide

    Discussion Cultural appropriation, revision of history or just appreciation of the culture. What are your thoughts on Yasuke in the new Assassin's Creed.

    shit I wouldn't even call that abomination a dog whistle, that's just straight up racism
  11. Exicide

    Discussion Ghost of Tsushima took 4 years to come to pc and sold better than all ports that only took 2. Ports should take longer.

    Every single game under the sun gets cracked, that doesn't mean every single PC player pirates games. Ghost of Tsushima is cracked already and 20k people are leeching. Despite that, it's the best selling on PC. The thing you have to realize is people who crsck games are making money by doing...
  12. Exicide

    Discussion Cultural appropriation, revision of history or just appreciation of the culture. What are your thoughts on Yasuke in the new Assassin's Creed.

    leave it up to grifters to make a fake article... It doesn't even show when using the quotations either. can't believe people do this shit. The sentence under the title and name is the same, but the title and the name are different.
  13. Exicide

    Discussion Cultural appropriation, revision of history or just appreciation of the culture. What are your thoughts on Yasuke in the new Assassin's Creed.

    Actually, he was brought by an Italian Jesuit, Alessandro Vaglinano i think is his name, Yasuke was his previously unnamed bodyguard. Alessandro had an audience with Oda Nobunaga who was in awe at the sight of Yasuke, he asked Yasuke to wash his skin to prove he is not painted. His skin stayed...
  14. Exicide

    PC Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut for PC | Review Thread

    You just reminded me to leave a positive review, thanks! I am having fun with this game, I love it. Update: Left one. I have no idea why Ghost of Tsushima's picture is blurred lmao
  15. Exicide

    PC Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut for PC | Review Thread

    See, I would hope the user created levels or level editor would remain, but I completely understand why they wouldn't.
  16. Exicide

    PC Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut for PC | Review Thread

    I'd rather take a remaster port of the LittleBigPlanet trilogy, idk why that said "ah yes, Sackboy should be ported" and not the actual game its based on.