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  1. E

    News Paradox Announces life-sim "Life By You" is Cancelled

    Indeed: No wonder the game was not up to par, sure there's always outsourcing of the gruntwork, but a team to this size is not set up for success when it comes to making such a type of game. Maybe this team would've been allowed to cook if Paradox was doing better, but they've been fumbling...
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    News Hidetaka Miyazaki 'knows for a fact' other FromSoftware devs want a Bloodborne PC port: 'If I say I want one, I'll get in trouble, but it's nothing I'

    I continue to find it insanely hilarious that of all the games not to port to PC, a souls game is one of those that is seemingly not happening.
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    News Elden Ring sold 25 million copies

    From Installbase: 22/02/25: Release 22/03/16: 12.0M 22/03/31: 13.4M 22/06/30: 16.6M 22/09/30: 17.5M 23/02/22: 20.0M 23/03/31: 20.5M 24/02/22: 23.0M 24/06/12: 25.0M As we can see, the game has been accelerating in sales due to the DLC hype in the last few months, but especially in the last few...
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    Multiplatform Dragon Age: The Veilguard Early Previews Thread + Gameplay Reveal

    That's the 6 abilities for your two companions. Which is also down from 3 from the previous games.
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    Multiplatform Dragon Age: The Veilguard Early Previews Thread + Gameplay Reveal

    The only thing I'm not a fan of is that they're severely restricting the amount of abilities you can have at any given time. Having only 3 active abilities at a time is dumb, I'm not a fan. It was the same in FF XVI. Having such low pool of active skills just mean that people will usually just...
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    News Arcane: Season 2 Is the Final One | Official Teaser Trailer

    Yeah that was rumoured for quite some time that they were likely going to do way more and possibly have already started on something with Fortiche.
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    Multiplatform Dragon Age: The Veilguard Early Previews Thread + Gameplay Reveal

    I liked what I saw. It's a bit more stylized than Inqusition, but I think it may have been what they were aiming for anyway if you look at some of the concept art and whatnot from that game. One visual nitpick is that somehow Varric's skin was smeary unlike the rest of the cast, dunno why it was...
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    News Bungie teases Destiny 2 codenamed ‘Frontiers’ for 2025

    It's like Endwalker for FFXIV, it's the narrative conclusion of a long arc, not the end of the game. Edit: Beaten by like 5 seconds, lmao.
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    News Lego Horizon Adventures Announced | Summer Game Fest | PS5/Switch/Steam/EGS

    Being on switch is slightly surprising, but at the same time not. I'm fairly sure the LEGO game sell much much more on Switch than anything else.
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    Xbox Nearly 90% of Hellblade 2 Xbox Players Haven't Completed It

    Gamepass players trying the game for "free" and bouncing off real quick. I would wager that any game that would be subscription day one is going to have depressed completion rates. I mean, anybody can check any game on Steam or other trackers and check just how many people just don't complete...
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    News [ESQUIRE] new expose on summer games fest: studios pay up to $550,000 a trailer.

    Even at that price, it's worth it for a lot of double AA studios and some of those unknown "triple AAA" startups as well as some Asian studios from China/South Korea that have almost no footprint in the west. Them dropping trailers on their own socials who have little to no traction is not...
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    Discussion Should PLaystation Gamers boycott Square Enix Games Now that Theyve Embraced Microsoft's Bribe Money?

    Me and my sister coordinated our time to maximize our free trials a few years ago to play as many game with the trial. Hey, if Xbox wants to let us play dozens of games for free, I won't complain.
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    News [ESQUIRE] new expose on summer games fest: studios pay up to $550,000 a trailer.

    Nah, it's always best to set expectations for viewers. This is why PlayStation/Capcom/Nintendo/X always say "Hey this will last X minutes and will mostly feature YZ. If you don't do that, people will get mad they didn't get their toys. To be fair they'll always get mad GTA6 isn't there or...
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    Rumor Square Enix Will Be a Part of the Xbox Showcase, It’s Claimed

    My bad, it's not that Visions isn't coming to PS4, I had my wired crossed. It's that the back porting is allegedly going poorly and the PS4 might not...
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    Rumor Square Enix Will Be a Part of the Xbox Showcase, It’s Claimed

    Nah, it's going to be Visions of Mana again. Its going to need a release date. When it was shown they just said Summer 2024. Funniest thing is that there's no Switch for a game that will definitely skew towards Japan. Whoever was the producer on that project working with the studio making the...
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    Discussion Should PLaystation Gamers boycott Square Enix Games Now that Theyve Embraced Microsoft's Bribe Money?

    Refusing to buy something because somebody else might enjoy it is hilarious to me.
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    Rumor Lego Horizon to be day one on PC & PS5

    I mean, it's dinosaur robots that have parts that can fall off. I've never seen a better gameplay fit than that for lego blocks. They're going explode everywhere. LEGO collabs have done much weirder things successfully.
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    News Octopath Traveler now available for PS5, PS4 Both games are there. Edit:
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    Playstation Concord will offer Free Heroes and Updates | Firewalker Studios reportedly ignoring fan criticism

    Concord is really getting it from the general public, it's not quite hard to see why. It's another hero shooter in a sea of GaaS titles, but it also has that dialogue style that is increasingly met with hostility as well. Basically, each title that will feature things that "people" hate will...