Incredible week for the forum - Thank you!


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
As most of you are aware, in the small hours of last Sunday we went live with our second exclusive leak since our forum began.

Our first leak was footage of the PC port of Returnal, displaying the options etc.

However this latest leak has been massive for the site and has led to many new members. Many of which have become very active here and added to the quantity and quality of discourse....

We have seen daily active users increase by 30% this week, posts, reactions and views are also all up substantially, with around 69K views in one 24 hour period. For a site of our size, I consider this a great achievement but we will not stop here....

We have many ambitious plans for the site, plans to improve the site in every conceivable way, giving our users more content, more ways to interact, adapting to what you want.

We are always open to suggestions, listening to your ideas and our DM's are open.

I have been giving out Icon Extra all this past week to celebrate and if you have not got any yet, just DM me and I will arrange it. Nobody should feel like they are left out.
Everyone is a valued member here and we appreciate you and your time spent here.... we want it to become a type of home for you.

[Also, as always, if anyone is ever having a hard time with anything, please DM me if you need someone to talk to. ]



Deleted member 417

Thanks for having me and having such a great site.

I hope this site doesn't fall for the same tricks other sites have fallen into and let marketing accounts come on here and turn discussion into disingenuous trolling. It has almost certainly killed GAF for good.


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
Thanks for having me and having such a great site.

I hope this site doesn't fall for the same tricks other sites have fallen into and let marketing accounts come on here and turn discussion into disingenuous trolling. It has almost certainly killed GAF for good.
We will never give in to shameless advertising or being bought off, we have a thing called integrity.

Anyways, no time to chat, have a new green fridge arriving any second.