Today, which do you prefer: 2D or 3D scrolling video games?


6 Apr 2024
Out of curiosity, today, which do you prefer: 2D or 3D game mechanics. ? Because. ? Reason your answer.

A 3D game mechanic is like a 2D game mechanic, but better. ? Because. ?

On the contrary, are there video game genres that were born for 2D mechanics or gameplay. ? What could these video games be. ?
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  • thinking_hard
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21 Jun 2022
Mechanically I think 3d games are going to offer more variety, though to be honest I'm hard pressed to even think of "3d mechanics" that couldn't be translated to 2d that aren't simply camera control. There is the potential for you to be doing more at any given moment mechanically because of moving through a 3d space, but other than that what even is a 3d mechanic?

I think character action games are a genre that was born for 3d and doesn't translate into 2d, like you could technically translate say DMC or Bayonetta into a 2d game with the exact same control schemes and moves and shit and the only difference is going to be (lack of) camera movement, and reduced variety in enemy positions, less complex level design.