Post-launch updates and what's to come

Legacy Admin

Master of the Dark Side
18 Jun 2022
Hi all,

Hope you're all doing great and enjoying yourselves in the new forum!

I must admit the response and engagement have been better than the staff expected, and we're super happy at the level of discourse and engagement from all of you. The last few days pre and post-launch have been quite a bit overwhelming, as requests pile up and changes come thick and fast, but we're catching up. That said, I wanted to add a small update on what has been done, what we'll be doing in the next few days, an update on the future of IconEra and some Q&A.

  • We've added a gif functionality to posts, that speaks directly to GIPHY and allows you instantly add animated reactions to posts;
  • Google Analytics has been added to the site. We'll be anonymizing requests so that your IP is not provided to google, as we just want to capture engagement data and ensure we're reaching as big of an audience as we can;
  • We fixed a bug that caused the second sticky thread in each Forum to display in a completely different color. This only occurred in some browsers, and shouldn't be there now;
  • Youtube - You don't need to use the "media" option in a comment to have youtube videos added to said comment - simply drop the link and that's it!
  • Custom Reactjis in posts. Yes, enjoy them,
To do
  • Changes to our logo - While the logo we have on the Discussion Board is final, the file itself isn't. We will be updating this shortly with higher resolution options
  • Home page - We're checking the possibility of removing the "home" link at the top of the page, as it takes you to the exact same place as the "forums" one. This may be a trivial fix, but we haven't explored the option too much yet.
The Future

Your may be wondering what the future has in store for IconEra - This is an interesting topic. There's only a few things, but I'd like to make it very clear on what you can count on. As a lot of you may understand, running a forum is an expensive task. We're not just talking about server, but we're also talking about all the nice and handy add-ons that make your engagement more fun, as well as quality of life improvements that may come as we grow.

That said, we will, at some point in the future, be introducing some sort of paid membership that gives you a few additional perks - We have a price in mind, and a list of perks you'll be getting, but all will come in due time. This will also mean that we'll also add some sort of ad scheme to the website. I can promise this won't be too intrusive, and that we'll make a conscious effort to not have ads be in your way, but it will help us gather some revenue so that we can continue to do better, and hopefully grow this forum to be the gaming place to be. Nevertheless, this is not something that is coming tomorrow, and we'll always be transparent and share with you our timelines as we determine them.

On a final note, you are the key to our future. The more members we get, the bigger we can grow, and the more diverse our discussions will become. We welcome all kinds of gamers, supporting every plastic box, and only ask that you abide by our Terms of Service so that we can keep the interactions pleasant and productive. Please be sure to share our forum with any of your acquaintances that may be interested in participating, and in social media. It's as simple as sharing

Thank you for your time and look forward to seeing this community growing!
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Deleted member 13

Love it bro! Thanks for that. Sounds very encouraging and I'm sure we will grow - and fast at that.

The gaming world needs options for sharing their hobbies with the world. 2 websites isn't enough options for people to grow. Having more options spreads out the community where things may not be comfortable at another site and people want to move to a site that is more comfortable to express freedom of speech. We hope to bring that.


Dixon Cider Ltd.
Icon Extra
22 Jun 2022
Can we have the thread prefix auto set to discussion rather than select one every time?


Dixon Cider Ltd.
Icon Extra
22 Jun 2022
On the subject of ads, how do they work? Can you make it so it doesn't interupt the message feed? The amount of times I kept reading some table of car price comparisons on GAF, thinking it was someone's thread reply was infuristing.


Dixon Cider Ltd.
Icon Extra
22 Jun 2022
Oh, is this the thread for feature requests/meta questions or have I missed it somewhere else?

Getting High GIF by Paramount+
Legacy Admin

Legacy Admin

Master of the Dark Side
18 Jun 2022
Can we have the thread prefix auto set to discussion rather than select one every time?

That's something that can be added for sure, I'll check with the rest of the staff and see if it's something we want to implement

On the subject of ads, how do they work? Can you make it so it doesn't interupt the message feed? The amount of times I kept reading some table of car price comparisons on GAF, thinking it was someone's thread reply was infuristing.

We don't have ads yet, so I wouldn't be able to answer this question in full, however the idea, whenever we add them, is to make them unobtrusive.
Oh, is this the thread for feature requests/meta questions or have I missed it somewhere else?

Announcements, suggestions, whatever you want related to the main post :)
  • fire
Reactions: Bryank75


Forum Collector
24 Jun 2022
Speaking of reactions, could we get an "informative" one please? I think it's one of the defaults, or it used to be.


They / Them
24 Jun 2022
I was just going to say the forum is so good! Super impressed with what you all have done with it
Speaking of reactions, could we get an "informative" one please? I think it's one of the defaults, or it used to be.
Could we get a pride or rainbow react for pride month?


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷

Should be nice if the embed YouTube could maintain the timesamp or the URL.

For exemple:


Should put you at 247 seconds in the video and not at beginning like below: