Stellar Blade Review Thread & |OT| "When Voluptuous Beauty and The Blade Meet"

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28 Jun 2022
For an action game made by a mobile cover shooter gacha the game is up there with top tier action games, they really put bigger more better funded AAA game devs to shame. Frankly I rate the game based on whether it is fun to play and this game has fun in spades, you never get bored by the combat and the perfect parry sound straight hits the dopamine receptors of your brain. The level design of the linear levels is great and the resident evil/dead space sections were a great mixup of different genres.

The boss fights are amazing and I think shift up can go on and reach from software levels of boss design. The soundtrack is best part of the game along with its combat and deserves a standalone purchase come summer. A decent story is there to discover and raises some poignant questions about transhumanism and what it means to be human. I would say the story is the weakest point of the game but it does its job and they can always improve that part in a sequel, one thing to note is that they don't frontload the game and the last section of the game ramps up to one of the best gaming experiences I had in the last decade.

It boggles my mind that a mobile gacha game developer has more respect for their paying customer than the veteran AAA studios, they delivered a complete, polished and fun experience without any caveats. I won't comment about the costumes because who doesn't like looking at a busty babe doing cool shit in skimpy clothes in a video game, but they really did not skimp out on the costumes department as well.

Overall for me it is 8.5-9 throughout most of the game but the last section is like a 12 or 13, one of the most fun experiences alongside rebirth this year.
I played the demo and loved it, buying it probably next week. Your feedback was great! Thank you.


10 Jan 2023
Maybe I’m getting old, but one of the last bosses wiped the floor with me too many times. I don't think I have what it take for hard mode 😭

10/10 still....
The last two are definitely hard. I challenged myself even then and didn't use a revive
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27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
replace your doubts with patience + the will the learn from mistakes and I promise you, you can handle normal mode!
I can't lol my brains too slow to react & I can never remember enemy attack patterns I'll do a parry then go to attack & then remember that I have to parry more than once lol