Search results

  1. Sircaw

    Discussion Sad news about Gamernyc

    Sadly, icon-era has some sad news to share about four of its members who are no longer with us. We received sad news today that the fab 4, which included @Lord Mittens, @Satoru, @JAHGamer, and @Gamernyc78, were attending the courthouse to protest Donald Trump. Seems things got a little bit out...
  2. Sircaw

    Discussion Interesting Youtube Videos

    As the title says, link your favourite, interesting YouTube videos. Here are a couple of ones I enjoy.
  3. Sircaw

    Discussion Diablo 4 community thread

    Hello IconEra Diablo fans I thought I would make a post about the massive changes in Diablo 4, season 4. For those who don't know, itemisation, gear, and levelling will undergo massive reworks for the current season ahead. Besides a new season theme, there will be many more quality-of-life...
  4. Sircaw

    Discussion IconEra's official Screen-shot/capture moments thread:

    Have a beautiful screenshot to share. What about a moment or achievement that you are most proud of? Let's see those images. Screenshots, captures, and achievements are all welcome. Finally, beat that pesky heart for a sapphire + achievement. This boss wrecked my shit a 100 times. My...
  5. Sircaw

    Discussion Stella Blade: Beautiful women are not a sin screenshot competition.

    3 top prizes of $20 each for the top 3 entries: Amazon gift card/voucher *we will do our best to provide an alternative currency amount if the winner's local choice is unavailable. i.e. Amazon / PayPal/subscription to @Bryank75 Only Fans channel, etc. The competition will run for precisely one...
  6. Sircaw

    Discussion Sea of Thieves Goes Multi-Plat: PS5 and Xbox Series X/S Tested!: The PS5 is the best place to play Xbox exclusives.

    00:00 Overview 00:43 Visual Settings Comparison 05:42 Performance 08:55 Graphical Features and Conclusion
  7. Sircaw

    Discussion Sony Strikes a blow for common sense. There is nothing wrong with women being allowed to look beautiful and Sexy.

    Sony, in their divine wisdom, has decided to use Lee Dayhe, a Korean cheerleader, to promote the upcoming release of Stella Blade. Inside sources at Resetera show Ripples of discontent, as angry red-headed feminists can be heard shouting out, "This is not what a real woman looks like."...
  8. Sircaw

    Discussion Are the ladies from Stella Blades, the most beautiful game characters ever made

    The question is simple: are the Ladies of Stella Blade the most beautiful ever created? Tachy, to me, looks very beautiful, perhaps even beating out Tifa as a fan favourite; Eve is Fine, but it's more about the body suit and climbing ladders, I would imagine. What say you guys and girls? I...
  9. Sircaw

    Discussion Diablo 4, Campfire, massive changes to the game coming. |UP| Blizzard announces changes and info.

    Blizzard will release details on changes to the game for season 4 tonight. There are meant to be massive changes to itemisation as well as a host of sweeping changes that will affect the way the game is played. There will also be a Ptr releasing coming soon for testing and feedback on the...
  10. Sircaw

    Discussion Bryank will be taking a break from the forums

    Unfortunately, Bryank has family issues to attend to, leaving me in charge of the site. If anyone needs to contact someone about donations and bunga bunga parties, please don't hesitate. The article below explains what happened in detail. Fri, 8 March 2024 at 2:00 pm GMT Police tracked the...
  11. Sircaw

    Discussion A big "Thank You" to a couple of people

    I thought I would make a quick post to thank a couple of people, mainly @Gamernyc78 and @John Elden Ring. I was checking today the amount of posts these workaholics submit to the forums , it is an incredible amount of work that they do. You're work has not gone unnoticed, and i know at times it...
  12. Sircaw

    Discussion A new GPU from AMD/RdN3

    Hey, I am not a tech guy, but I just watched this video and was wondering if this is the type of performance we could or might expect from the PS5 pro, or am I expecting too much? It is meant to be really competitive, and it seems Digital Foundry, at least, is raving about it. If any of you...
  13. Sircaw

    Multiplatform Lords of Exile - Launch Trailer

    Looks cool as hell. Music rocks, too. Kinda reminds me of Rygar in some ways.
  14. Sircaw

    Discussion Playstation Protection Unit

    Let's face it: it's been a tough time for our Xbox friends this generation. -The world's most powerful console did not work out; it has seen itself constantly being outperformed by a system that not only costs less to make but has weaker specs on paper. -The Tools failed to fix anything. -You...
  15. Sircaw

    Discussion Diablo 4 season 3 is a disaster

    It's a sad state of affairs with Diablo4 season 3. Season 2 seemed to be a very good step in the right direction, and season 3 seems to be a couple of steps back. Just a couple of videos for those who are interested. It's not looking good, not good at all.
  16. Sircaw

    Discussion Your gaming friends, Who do you play with?

    So, the question is, who do you play with, more specifically, anyone from this site? The friend I play with the most is @Nobermeijer, a chap I have known since my early days of World of Warcraft. Great guy with a personality and humour that matches mine; (Gutter level) I have had a thousand...
  17. Sircaw

    Discussion New years resolutions//What are your's

    Another year, another New Year's resolution. What say you people? Realistic expectations. -Exercise more -Want to publish three books for the year. -Spend more time with family unrealistic expectations -be nicer to @Dr Bass @Satoru @Bryank75 @Lord Mittens @KiryuRealty @arvfab @PropellerEar etc
  18. Sircaw

    Discussion A massive Merry Christmas to everyone

    In the big festive day's lead-up, I wish everyone a genuinely massive Merry Christmas. It's been a fantastic year of growth for our wonderful community here at IconEra, and we are only getting started. Whether you are traveling to friends and family or just staying at home over the festive...
  19. Sircaw

    Discussion Another one of our members caught lying to us.

    I have even more sad and disgusting news to share with people today. If the previous horrors of catching and exposing @KiryuRealty xbox account was not bad enough with his beloved starfield franchise, i have made another disgusting discovery today on another website. And this one involves a...
  20. Sircaw

    Discussion One of our members has been lying to us, he is not who he seems.

    This bit of news I found is rather disturbing and involves one of our well-known members. I like to visit a lot of different websites as to entertain a lot of different views, but on my travels this morning, i came across a particularly heavily biased Xbox forum and to my utter shock, I found...