Helldivers 2 will require Steam players to sign in with PSN account, led to review bombing games & refunds. |UP| Gamers organizing to revert reviews.


14 Jul 2022
Steam already has there steam machine (console) it’s called the Steamdeck. Non of these gaming companies that create hardware will go back to a traditional box console when you have hybrids that does the same thing traditional box console can do while also allowing you to play on the go. Nintendo will never go to a traditional box high power console when hybrids like Switch does 2 thing in 1 instead of solely 1 thing.

Nintendo doesn’t needs power to compete with PS. Nintendo consoles are outselling PS consoles. Power isn’t key to success nor you need to be to in similar power to be “direct competitor” idk why people think Nintendo aren’t competitor or the leader when they are. Switch 2 will be around the power of a PS4 less power then PS5 & outsell PS5. Switch 2 will support more 3rd party in general but more day n date releases making the Nintendo platform just that better & similar to PS you can say Nintendo platform is better since they have exclusive & PS doesn’t anymore

There won’t be a new platform maker unless you count the new hybrid handheld that will pop up when Switch 2 continues to show success. But there’s other platform outside Xbox, PS & Nintendo you have Steam, Meta & Apple who have there own gaming platform. For instance Apple is getting AAA games with there new phone in 10 years I wouldn’t be surprised if you see AAA games release simultaneously across PS, Nintendo, PC & Mobile (IPhone) for AAA games at the very least games like P6 & more smaller scope or artistic style games that have slower gameplay to release on Mobile decide such as IPhone so very much these platforms are competitors weather people want to count them or not. There all fighting the be the best platform to play/invest your time when playing games & they all have exclusive atleast for IPhone, Nintendo & Steam (Xbox & PS don’t have exclusive). Even Netflix could be a competitor by acting as a platform without the hardware to access games in the future

The point wasn't about Nintendo needing power to compete. It's that there are certain games that don't play well or even at all on their present hardware. Those games require a more powerful machine. It's unknown whether the Switch 2 will address this issue, but if it doesn't, then Sony will be the go-to choice for most people. The initial topic was PS heading down the path that Xbox is on - ultimately resulting in a failure of the console and brand. My thought was that, among other points, PS will soon become even more of the default console than it is now (due to Xbox moving towards exiting the traditional console space entirely).

Nintendo and Sony co-exist and have been doing so for quite some time now. The Switch has the utility of being a hybrid and Nintendo's game library. But for people who want to play more technically demanding games, there's PS too. There's no doubt all the platforms you mentioned are competitors for people's time and money, but for the average person looking to buy a console - their options are going to be limited if Xbox drops out. Due to that, I hypothesized that even if Sony makes mistakes - it will not significantly impact their console business.
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Well-known member
7 Mar 2024
Good decision to be honest, not because of the linkage.

But because of the PSN regions not being available. That's it.

The linkage is completely fine, it's one of the many things I think they were interested in when venturing into live service.

They need to make it so that PS is available in many parts of the world, & make it so that if those two acount regions don't match people don't get banned.
24 Jun 2022
They're postponing it, that's all.

Those who were throwing a tantrum will claim it's a victory, but in a couple months they will roll it back out with a solution for those unsupported countries.

Doesn't matter. The way they rushed to force the mandate made them look greedy and stupid. Them capitulating at the brink of midnight (or late Sunday evening for those in midwest & west coast of USA) makes them look scared and week.

PC gamers, media, shills & console warriors basically have SIE by the balls now, or they will feel they do anyhow. SIE are now cucks, and PlayStation is now CuckStation. A brand of no sensibility or strength.

It'll take a hell of a lot to change my mind, personally speaking.


8 May 2023
here's no doubt all the platforms you mentioned are competitors for people's time and money, but for the average person looking to buy a console - their options are going to more limited if Xbox drops out. Due to that, I hypothesized that even if Sony makes mistakes - it will not significantly impact their console business.

And that is why I always thought that PS fanboys wanting Xbox out was asinine. You want Xbox healthy to keep PS in check and give you more benefits as a customer. Icon eras dream like endgame scenario of a PS2 like monopolistic future would be detrimental to them.

And the same goes for PC gaming and steam. But steam keeps adding features to their store to decimate all competition, whole the others provide s vastly inferior experience.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
Doesn't matter. The way they rushed to force the mandate made them look greedy and stupid. Them capitulating at the brink of midnight (or late Sunday evening for those in midwest & west coast of USA) makes them look scared and week.

PC gamers, media, shills & console warriors basically have SIE by the balls now, or they will feel they do anyhow. SIE are now cucks, and PlayStation is now CuckStation. A brand of no sensibility or strength.

It'll take a hell of a lot to change my mind, personally speaking.
the only corporations that are going to stand on business are the privately owned ones lol


14 Jul 2022
And that is why I always thought that PS fanboys wanting Xbox out was asinine. You want Xbox healthy to keep PS in check and give you more benefits as a customer. Icon eras dream like endgame scenario of a PS2 like monopolistic future would be detrimental to them.

And the same goes for PC gaming and steam. But steam keeps adding features to their store to decimate all competition, whole the others provide s vastly inferior experience.

I think the key word here is "healthy". Xbox hasn't been for a long time. Personally, I never had a big problem with Xbox (the Xbone reveal was an issue but they resolved it) until MS decided to buy publishers. That ham-fisted attempt to compel people to their ecosystem was a good look at their long-term plans. I'm thankful they've had to walk that back to some extent, but doing that in lieu of creating a great ecosystem (which people would want to support) was the final straw, so to speak.

Basically, I don't think present-day Xbox is capable of being healthy competition to PS or Nintendo. I would welcome a new contender, but it doesn't seem likely. Steam is a lot like PS in terms of providing customers what they want. Their success proves that. As well, I hear you on the worries that a monopolistic PS could be detrimental, but the existence of alternatives (PC, mobile, etc.) are far more prominent now than in the PS2 days. Not to mention that the disaster of the PS3 reveal, coming off of the success of the PS2, proved that Sony did not and does not have carte-blanche to do whatever they want.


21 Jun 2022
Doesn't matter. The way they rushed to force the mandate made them look greedy and stupid. Them capitulating at the brink of midnight (or late Sunday evening for those in midwest & west coast of USA) makes them look scared and week.

PC gamers, media, shills & console warriors basically have SIE by the balls now, or they will feel they do anyhow. SIE are now cucks, and PlayStation is now CuckStation. A brand of no sensibility or strength.

It'll take a hell of a lot to change my mind, personally speaking.
I'm guessing you don't have kids?

Sometimes when they throw a tantrum, it's okay to give them a little something to calm them down.

If you think that's weakness, see in a couple months when the mandatory PSN linking gets rolled out again.


Oldest Guard
23 Jun 2022
Doesn't matter. The way they rushed to force the mandate made them look greedy and stupid. Them capitulating at the brink of midnight (or late Sunday evening for those in midwest & west coast of USA) makes them look scared and week.

PC gamers, media, shills & console warriors basically have SIE by the balls now, or they will feel they do anyhow. SIE are now cucks, and PlayStation is now CuckStation. A brand of no sensibility or strength.

It'll take a hell of a lot to change my mind, personally speaking.
Yep, going to give Helldivers 2 a one-star rating now on PSN.


21 Jun 2022
Yep, one of the biggest gaming youtubers just said PSN shouldn't be a thing in any multiplayer game going forward. And other big influencers will repeat the same sentiment. Everyone is allowed to have 3rd party accounts linked except Sony. No foresight as always

Little do they know, it's only getting postponed.
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24 Jun 2022
I'm guessing you don't have kids?

Sometimes when they throw a tantrum, it's okay to give them a little something to calm them down.

If you think that's weakness, see in a couple months when the mandatory PSN linking gets rolled out again.

Again, it's not that SIE changed their minds (for the time being, if that's actually the case) or reversed the mandate. It's how they went about doing the reversal.

The way they've done it shows weakness as a brand to me, in terms of their leadership. This feels like an emergency 11th-hour decision, probably to not have the bad press over the weekend negatively affect their stock prices Monday morning. Or inevitable articles from the Bloombergs, Reuters, NYTs etc. covering the backlash do the same throughout the week.

If they try pushing the mandate a couple months from now, it's just going to be much of the same backlash because the ones fervently complaining...MOST of them were doing it simply because of the PSN account requirement itself, not because they were in an affected country without PSN. So the only way for SIE to avoid cycles of this blowback is to not require PSN altogether, or make it opt-in. And they likely already know, these crybabies are going to avoid opting in, so there goes their MAU booster strategy out the window.

Also it's like I was saying a day or so ago; this push for PSN account linking only suggests to me they're doubling down on the PC ports, and will probably shorten the window between them for non-GAAS titles if not make them Day 1. So all of the problems myself and others have gone into great detail to discuss with that scenario, would still play out.

Sony Corp, as it stands now, is a company that doesn't value SIE, and SIE is a subsidiary that doesn't value the PlayStation console. That's the main takeaway I get from their string of odd, bewildered, greedy and snaky decisions (for the most part) over the past 18 or so months. At this point I'd have to see a hell of a lot to have a change of opinion on that.


Well-known member
7 Mar 2024
Yep, one of the biggest gaming youtubers just said PSN shouldn't be a thing in any multiplayer game going forward. And other big influencers will repeat the same sentiment. Everyone is allowed to have 3rd party accounts linked except Sony. No foresight as always

Man that's one of the big things about live service games.

Riot games account to play League of Legends, Valorant. Aimlabs account to play Aimlabs.

Just make sure that you launch it with the account link requirement and make sure the game isn't available in regions where PSN isnt.

That's literally it.
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21 Jun 2022
Again, it's not that SIE changed their minds (for the time being, if that's actually the case) or reversed the mandate. It's how they went about doing the reversal.

The way they've done it shows weakness as a brand to me, in terms of their leadership. This feels like an emergency 11th-hour decision, probably to not have the bad press over the weekend negatively affect their stock prices Monday morning. Or inevitable articles from the Bloombergs, Reuters, NYTs etc. covering the backlash do the same throughout the week.

If they try pushing the mandate a couple months from now, it's just going to be much of the same backlash because the ones fervently complaining...MOST of them were doing it simply because of the PSN account requirement itself, not because they were in an affected country without PSN. So the only way for SIE to avoid cycles of this blowback is to not require PSN altogether, or make it opt-in. And they likely already know, these crybabies are going to avoid opting in, so there goes their MAU booster strategy out the window.

Also it's like I was saying a day or so ago; this push for PSN account linking only suggests to me they're doubling down on the PC ports, and will probably shorten the window between them for non-GAAS titles if not make them Day 1. So all of the problems myself and others have gone into great detail to discuss with that scenario, would still play out.

Sony Corp, as it stands now, is a company that doesn't value SIE, and SIE is a subsidiary that doesn't value the PlayStation console. That's the main takeaway I get from their string of odd, bewildered, greedy and snaky decisions (for the most part) over the past 18 or so months. At this point I'd have to see a hell of a lot to have a change of opinion on that.
I mean, I've got a different reading on the situation.

They'll make it opt-in for the time being but eventually will make it mandatory and much of the crying will have died down.

If they figure out what to do with those copies sold to "unsupported" PSN regions, the mob won't have a foot to stand on.

It's smart PR.

GoT Legends is already set to have PSN mandatory linking day one.


Oldest Guard
23 Jun 2022
And that is why I always thought that PS fanboys wanting Xbox out was asinine. You want Xbox healthy to keep PS in check and give you more benefits as a customer. Icon eras dream like endgame scenario of a PS2 like monopolistic future would be detrimental to them.

And the same goes for PC gaming and steam. But steam keeps adding features to their store to decimate all competition, whole the others provide s vastly inferior experience.

I'm sorry, but Xbox hasn't been competition since mid-360 era. They are actually to blame for paid online and other shitty practices, which their fanbase took without hesitation, giving Sony (and later Nintendo) the idea and possibility to do the same.

The PC and GaaS initiative is another page they copied from the failed Xbox strategy, and will lead them in the same position long-term.

Their is still healthy and actually "good" competition, Nintendo, but somehow people seem to think they aren't relevant....


21 Jun 2022
Yep, one of the biggest gaming youtubers just said PSN shouldn't be a thing in any multiplayer game going forward. And other big influencers will repeat the same sentiment. Everyone is allowed to have 3rd party accounts linked except Sony. No foresight as always

It is xbot. It pretends to be effected but it is really one mind in it's head, hurt PS.
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