Is it time for PlayStation users to do a massive boycott of PSPlus to demand better conditions & prices on the platform

Jim Ryan

Not Lyin
22 Jun 2022
We can now see that Sony is willing to change course for pc gamers if the backlash is big enough.

Is it time for PlayStation gamers to mass boycott PSPlus to demand free online play, better game prices in line with Steam and a better refund policy?

Sound off below.


Well-known member
11 Aug 2023
Not sure if you are trolling or not, but it should have been when they introduced needing to pay for online gaming or done at the price increase, no use now. Also, good luck trying to get enough people to go thgrough with it. They would have never made enough pressure WO the massive astroturfer backlash, Sony does not even invest minimally in marketing, let alone pay astroturfers and is a platform that has the least crazies.
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8 May 2023
We can now see that Sony is willing to change course for pc gamers if the backlash is big enough.

Is it time for PlayStation gamers to mass boycott PSPlus to demand free online play, better game prices in line with Steam and a better refund policy?

Sound off below.

One correction there. Steam does not set prices, the publisher does. Steam has suggested regional prices for games, which AAA publishers, specially japanese typically do not follow.

In fact steam prices got a lot worse for many regions since late last year. Still cheaper than PS.

But it is the right thing to do. Focus on making your experience better and not whine because other get to play with your toys.


Oldest Guard
23 Jun 2022
We can now see that Sony is willing to change course for pc gamers if the backlash is big enough.

Is it time for PlayStation gamers to mass boycott PSPlus to demand free online play, better game prices in line with Steam and a better refund policy?

Sound off below.

Already planned to not renew my PS+ sub, but unfortunately it still goes until summer 2027.

But I've stopped buying their games day-1 now.


25 Mar 2023
- No more paid online.
- Better refund policy.
- Better regional pricing.
- Price equivalency to Steam.
- Patches to make use of PS5 and PS5 Pro hardware.

If they want PC to be their main priority, PlayStation should at least have parity with all that Steam offers.

Personally despite actually wanting a PS5 Pro I don't think I'll be getting one and I'll not be subscribing to PS+ anymore. All digital or multiplayer games I'll be getting on PC, PlayStation is now strictly for physical media. I'll also try to hold off as much as I can when it comes to buying games day one or going out of my way to buy Sony games.
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27 Feb 2024
We can now see that Sony is willing to change course for pc gamers if the backlash is big enough.

Is it time for PlayStation gamers to mass boycott PSPlus to demand free online play, better game prices in line with Steam and a better refund policy?

Sound off below.
Heh its not even about charging for ps plus, 70-80$ a year is nothing in the grand scheme of things, its about bending the knee to a consumer base that brings in only 28$ per copy in revenue. We just have to remember when the time of ps 6 launch comes around, I was going to buy the ps5 pro but now they can get that money from the steam userbase they so desperately want.


14 Jul 2022
I haven't had PS Plus for years now. I stopped a couple price increases ago when I noticed they wanted more money for less value. I also buy physical and one of the reasons is Sony's refund policy ie. lack thereof. The refund policy would likely take involvement of external agencies to effect change. That was the case with Steam. Lastly, I'm on the fence about game prices. I don't buy games when they release and instead wait for prices to drop. On the other hand, though, games can provide hours upon hours of entertainment so it can be argued they're worth the price. A lot of this comes down to individual tolerances, I think.


20 Jun 2022
I agree but will they listen? There are still 40 million something people paying for Ps Plus.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Jim Ryan


25 Mar 2023
I agree but will they listen? There are still 40 million something people paying for Ps Plus.
Doesn't matter if they'll listen or not, they are already becoming everything I hated about Xbox. A console that is simply a lesser version of a gaming PC with nothing special about it.

All we can do is to do out part, I'll not accept being a sucker that gets taken advantage while they cater to what PC player want.

If they see no value on PlayStation why should I?


21 Jun 2022
We can now see that Sony is willing to change course for pc gamers if the backlash is big enough.

Is it time for PlayStation gamers to mass boycott PSPlus to demand free online play, better game prices in line with Steam and a better refund policy?

Sound off below.
We already have enough retarded boycotts on Steam, we don't need them on PS too.
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24 Mar 2023
Outer Heaven
Not gonna work. People need to realize that this is more than losing money. This was done entirely for legal reasons. This could have and still might, leave them open to a lawsuit. I'm not sure if selling a game in unsupported countries was on Steam or Sony but I don't think Sony wanted to risk it.

As for Plus, it's never happening. First of all, we don't have a way to affect them financially. We can't do refunds en masse. We can review bomb a few games but what would that accomplish? Unlike Steam, console gamers have no unified social space to voice their concerns.

Furthermore, this would be about money, not legal issues. Sony will never back down on that. Even if a million of us stop subscribing, it means nothing to Sony. And you'll never get a million PS gamers to unsubscribe, let alone more.
  • sad
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16 Jul 2023
Facts Steam Nonces can get away with bullying developers, doing fraud and spreading viterol hate but console players pay for everything?


8 May 2023
This fight was lost too long ago, Xbox fanboys threw everyone under the bus. Everyone remembers during the 360 days, "because we pay for internet, we get higher quality servers unlike ps3 owners!!!". They all repeated that lie until people started to believe it. And now those same exact Xbox fanboys are the ones pretending to be PCMR.....

At least (the old) Sony gave Ps3,ps4, psvita games and f2p games didn't require a subscription. And now Nintendo is doing the same. That's over 80m+, it's never going away.


...owns a 3080...why?
24 Jun 2022
Psn sucks
Psn prices suck
Psn ui is terrible and nested
Online should be free or at least very cheap without other cheap games in it.

Why do I even need psn account to patch w game
24 Jun 2022
I say go for it.

Demand them to give console owners perks for B2P online 1P & 3P titles.

Demand them to add some real value to PS+ with that price hike, that isn't just more old movie VODs.

Demand them to add native PS1 & PS2 game support on PS5, and expand the Classics library significantly,

Demand them to add a ton more PS3 support and native PS3 support going forward.

Demand them to add community forums to the system's online network.

Demand them to offer free performance upgrades for older 1P games getting PS5 upgrades.

Demand for a refund policy at least as good as Steam's.

Heck, demand them to remove the paid online paywall for console.

SIE have shown they'll capitulate to pressure if the demand is strong enough, and the console owners have a lot more power & value to the brand than the Steam users they were so quick to weakly cave in to. Again, it's not that they reversed the mandate. Reversing it was a good thing. It's how they went about doing the reversal that was weak.

Console gamers built the brand. For the past few years SIE have gradually made small or bigger steps here and there potentially undermining the console experience while taking the baked-in console diehard audience for granted with price increases and removal of certain features, removal of events for the fans, etc. So if you feel like your voice isn't being heard, do what you gotta do (within legality and decency, obviously) to make it heard.

And for these companies nothing seems to fret them more than a potential hit to their pockets.


25 Mar 2023
Not gonna work. People need to realize that this is more than losing money. This was done entirely for legal reasons. This could have and still might, leave them open to a lawsuit. I'm not sure if selling a game in unsupported countries was on Steam or Sony but I don't think Sony wanted to risk it.

As for Plus, it's never happening. First of all, we don't have a way to affect them financially. We can't do refunds en masse. We can review bomb a few games but what would that accomplish? Unlike Steam, console gamers have no unified social space to voice their concerns.

Furthermore, this would be about money, not legal issues. Sony will never back down on that. Even if a million of us stop subscribing, it means nothing to Sony. And you'll never get a million PS gamers to unsubscribe, let alone more.
PlayStation fans have no way to affect PlayStation/Sony financially? :ROFLMAO:

Sure people might not be willing to do it, but that is their choice. In the end Sony will do everything that PlayStation fan allow them to get away with.

I personally feel like we are doing this way to late but it is still worth a shot, if it doesn't work, well then there is nothing else left beside moving on from PlayStation and into PC, it's clearly what they are asking smart people to do, so I say we give them what they are asking for.

Not sure if you are trolling or not, but it should have been when they introduced needing to pay for online gaming or done at the price increase, no use now. Also, good luck trying to get enough people to go thgrough with it. They would have never made enough pressure WO the massive astroturfer backlash, Sony does not even invest minimally in marketing, let alone pay astroturfers and is a platform that has the least crazies.
There is no need to convince people to do it, long term people will just naturally move to PC since now PlayStation has become just a limited PC that charges for stuff that are free on PC and where even Sony prioritizes the need of PC players over giving support to players on PlayStation.