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  • Thread starter Deleted member 417
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Deleted member 417

Only in America they are not, lol

In Europe they are
Maybe this is lost in translation but liberals are not right wing. The only way a person could perceive liberals to be right wing would to be so far left, beyond normal left boundaries, that the centre looks right wing.

Regardless what the media says, there are no right wing parties, in the states, in Europe or in the UK. There may be parties right of centre, but there are no right wing political parties.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Maybe this is lost in translation but liberals are not right wing. The only way a person could perceive liberals to be right wing would to be so far left, beyond normal left boundaries, that the centre looks right wing.

This is incorrect. The "normal" political axis has 4 quadrants, two of them that fit the name "liberal".


Together with the political economy of a country, you can either be liberal left or liberal right. People in a limited number of countries such as the US use the name "liberal" for someone that is socially liberal. In most of the world, people use "liberal" for those that advocate for laissez faire economic policies with minimal state intervention.

Regardless what the media says, there are no right wing parties, in the states, in Europe or in the UK. There may be parties right of centre, but there are no right wing political parties.

Most "western countries" sit anywhere between the "authoritarian right" and "libertarian right" in the 4 axes above, with the tendency (being reversed now) to lean liberal right. Please don't assume that just because the axis says "authoritarian" that it means that those parties are authoritarian in nature. They don't necessarily have to be. There are exceptions, but please do not assume that "having some degree of social welfare = left-wing", because that's just wrong. Additionally, there are literal fascist parties with parliamentary seats in Europe. I'm not talking "oh you don't like it ergo fascist", I'm talking fascist fascist, the "right" (worse word here) kind.

Even though some of those institutes that pull these rankings are ideologically economic liberal, this kinda shows a bit of what I;m talking about:


And this is a visual guide of each quadrant. There may be a couple of things one can disagree with, but it's not too far off from reality considering the spectrum is fluid and not entirely boxed.


And if you'd like to know where more or less you sit in a political compass (names may be different), you can always run such tests


Deleted member 417

This is incorrect. The "normal" political axis has 4 quadrants, two of them that fit the name "liberal".


Together with the political economy of a country, you can either be liberal left or liberal right. People in a limited number of countries such as the US use the name "liberal" for someone that is socially liberal. In most of the world, people use "liberal" for those that advocate for laissez faire economic policies with minimal state intervention.

Most "western countries" sit anywhere between the "authoritarian right" and "libertarian right" in the 4 axes above, with the tendency (being reversed now) to lean liberal right. Please don't assume that just because the axis says "authoritarian" that it means that those parties are authoritarian in nature. They don't necessarily have to be. There are exceptions, but please do not assume that "having some degree of social welfare = left-wing", because that's just wrong. Additionally, there are literal fascist parties with parliamentary seats in Europe. I'm not talking "oh you don't like it ergo fascist", I'm talking fascist fascist, the "right" (worse word here) kind.

Even though some of those institutes that pull these rankings are ideologically economic liberal, this kinda shows a bit of what I;m talking about:


And this is a visual guide of each quadrant. There may be a couple of things one can disagree with, but it's not too far off from reality considering the spectrum is fluid and not entirely boxed.


And if you'd like to know where more or less you sit in a political compass (names may be different), you can always run such tests

Good post. I'll take the test and post the results, though I'm sure I'm a right wing anarchist.

You raise a good point about socialism. I believe all countries should have strong social programs, but in America, that would place me in the camp of the commies and lefties. In Europe, social programs are the norm, regardless of left/right alliance. The UK has dole, NHS, free schools etc, even when the tories are in power.

I don't pay much mind to politics because its all bollox designed to make you think you have a say in what your country does, but we don't. Those in power would never allow anyone to take the power away from them. That's reality and applies to every powerful group, no matter how big or small.

As for the fascist parties in the EU, they're meme parties, as the whole of the EU assembly are illegally placed, unelected dictators who have absolute power and authority over a country's own government and are themselves left wing authoritarians, who I believe hate their population with absolute prejudice.

Edit: I won't be taking that test. The first question opens with "if globalism is inevitable". I disagree with it being inevitable so the rest of the test is pointless.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
You raise a good point about socialism. I believe all countries should have strong social programs, but in America, that would place me in the camp of the commies and lefties. In Europe, social programs are the norm, regardless of left/right alliance. The UK has dole, NHS, free schools etc, even when the tories are in power.

There's a reason for that:

As for strong social programs, I'd say some are more middling than others, but compared to the US yeah, they are much better.

As for the fascist parties in the EU, they're meme parties, as the whole of the EU assembly are illegally placed, unelected dictators who have absolute power and authority over a country's own government and are themselves left wing authoritarians, who I believe hate their population with absolute prejudice.

All of that is nonsense. First, I'm not sure if you're talking about the EU parliament, but it is voted for by the people in each country:

Second, they are not left-wing authoritarians. You need to stop throwing jargon you don't understand simply because you don't like something. Most of the EU parliament is represented by centre-left to centre-right parties, and even the European Commission is represented by mostly centre-right people. The person that right now seems to hate us the most is Christine Lagarde (ECB), and you cannot tell me with a straight face that she's left-wing. The president of the EP is a conservative:

Even the European Commission, which is not voted in by direct suffrage, is indirectly appointed by the people of the EU:

Finally, they are not meme parties. These are just some of them:

Fidesz – Magyar Polgári Szövetség
Fratelli d'Italia
Rassemblement National

They are big in their respective countries, with Fratelli d'Italia being the actual party in power in Italy. These are fascist/neo-facist parties. Additionally, if you want to read on it, Fascism is a big mess of ideas put together, so there will be differences in for example fiscal policy among different fascist parties.

Edit: I won't be taking that test. The first question opens with "if globalism is inevitable". I disagree with it being inevitable so the rest of the test is pointless.

There are two tests, but the question is simple: You need to assume. It doesn't mean it's inevitable, it asks you to assume it is and then answer.

"If the Microsoft ABK acquisition is inevitable, do you think X?" would be an analogous question.

Edit: One of the tests actually has this question:

"If taxation exists, churches should be taxed the same way other institutions are taxed.". It asks you to assume if, then provide an answer on whether you agree or not.

Good post. I'll take the test and post the results, though I'm sure I'm a right wing anarchist.

I'm willing to bet you're towards the upper right quadrant, not bottom right.
Last edited:

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022

Social Libertarian/Authoritarian​

does this not somehow conflict with each other?

My compass is social libertarian though? Authoritarian is at the top, my dot is almost rock bottom.

And you can be economically liberal and socially authoritarian, or vice versa. For example someone that wants fully planned centralised state economy but is also an advocate for social liberalism would fall on the top left. most modern Conservative parties would fall on the upper right quadrant
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Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
To add upon the above and grabbing extreme examples

Top left quadrant: authoritarian socialist/ communist
Top right quadrant: authoritarian conservative / fascist
Bottom left: stateless socialist / communist
Bottom right: stateless capitalist


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
My compass is social libertarian though? Authoritarian is at the top, my dot is almost rock bottom.

And you can be economically liberal and socially authoritarian, or vice versa. For example someone that wants fully planned centralised state economy but is also an advocate for social liberalism would fall on the top left. most modern Conservative parties would fall on the upper right quadrant

My test,


Did you like my Glasses, Snake?
21 Jun 2022
Somewhere in the top right, I don't want to take a survey
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Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
Somewhere in the top right, I don't want to take a survey
if ever you find your self and on the run in the UK , we got you covered m8

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Deleted member 417

All of that is nonsense. First, I'm not sure if you're talking about the EU parliament, but it is voted for by the people in each country:
No-one got a vote to join the EU. The Uk didn't in the 70s. We voted to join the common market, which changed over the decades. The frog was boiled slowly and the people had no choice. The EU laws placed themselves above national laws.

Second, they are not left-wing authoritarians. You need to stop throwing jargon you don't understand simply because you don't like something. Most of the EU parliament is represented by centre-left to centre-right parties, and even the European Commission is represented by mostly centre-right people. The person that right now seems to hate us the most is Christine Lagarde (ECB), and you cannot tell me with a straight face that she's left-wing. The president of the EP is a conservative:
We will just have to disagree here and not go into too much detail as I don't want to give the site a bad name. All i'll say is nothing the EU are doing/supporting/working towards is right wing. The parties in the 1930's and 1940's that were popular in germany and italy were no far right parties, regardless of what people try and tell me.

Finally, they are not meme parties. These are just some of them:

Fidesz – Magyar Polgári Szövetség
Fratelli d'Italia
Rassemblement National

They are big in their respective countries, with Fratelli d'Italia being the actual party in power in Italy. These are fascist/neo-facist parties. Additionally, if you want to read on it, Fascism is a big mess of ideas put together, so there will be differences in for example fiscal policy among different fascist parties.
They're meme parties because they aren't fascist in the Mussolini/1930s sense. In the same way that the BNP wasn't a far-right nazi party.

There are two tests, but the question is simple: You need to assume. It doesn't mean it's inevitable, it asks you to assume it is and then answer.

"If the Microsoft ABK acquisition is inevitable, do you think X?" would be an analogous question.

Edit: One of the tests actually has this question:

"If taxation exists, churches should be taxed the same way other institutions are taxed.". It asks you to assume if, then provide an answer on whether you agree or not.

I'm willing to bet you're towards the upper right quadrant, not bottom right.

Your Political Compass​

Economic Left/Right: -5.13
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.13​

I disagree with it. Some of the questions should have a "idgaf" option. Anyway, it's just a shitty online test.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
No-one got a vote to join the EU. The Uk didn't in the 70s. We voted to join the common market, which changed over the decades. The frog was boiled slowly and the people had no choice. The EU laws placed themselves above national laws.

A) that's besides the point, and B), EU laws are votes by the countries of the EU, and the UK elected their representatives. Depending on the law, some even require 100% of the vote for. Additionally, the UK voted for EU laws the overwhelming majority of the time via their elected representatives.

We will just have to disagree here and not go into too much detail as I don't want to give the site a bad name. All i'll say is nothing the EU are doing/supporting/working towards is right wing. The parties in the 1930's and 1940's that were popular in germany and italy were no far right parties, regardless of what people try and tell me.

You can agree to disagree with reality, that's fine. But reality won't change just because you don't agree with it. Also, your comment on the Italian and German parties just show how you need to actually do some studying on political science. I'm not an expert, but it's beyond obvious that both of those rulling parties were fascist, which is a far right ideology. That's a fact, and you are free to dismiss it if you want.

They're meme parties because they aren't fascist in the Mussolini/1930s sense. In the same way that the BNP wasn't a far-right nazi party.

Fascism is one of the most diverse political ideologies there is. And they are not meme parties, again, one of them is even rulling a country. Stop being obtuse.

Your Political Compass​

Economic Left/Right: -5.13
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.13​

I disagree with it. Some of the questions should have a "idgaf" option. Anyway, it's just a shitty online test.

You can disagree, no test is perfect. Other tests have the option of not agree nor disagree. None is perfect.


14 Aug 2022
So ya heard about these rich assholes that hopped in a drain pipe to go see the titanic shipwrec?
No one have heard from them in 24 hours😂

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Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Well, seems like those dumbfucks probably died.

Perfect example that money doesn't buy intelligence.