Tiered List of Insiders / Leakers As Ranked by Reddit


21 Jun 2022
pigeon satisfying GIF

i hate pigeons.
cu cu cu cu cu cu cu cu cu cu cu cuuu cuuuuu
  • haha
Reactions: Sircaw


22 Jun 2022
All are garbage in my opinion except Jason Schrierer and Tom Henderson.

They get information straight from the horses mouth

The rest are wannabes.


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29 Nov 2022
Hilarious to put Jez Corden in a category that's anywhere near "reliable"

Dude is a useful idiot that MS PR uses for controlled propaganda and inserts his personal fanboy agenda into everything.

On the other hand MLiD has actual insider sources but you have to know when he's bullshitting and when he's putting out legit info. Also people don't trust him because until a couple years ago he was just bullshitting 100% of the time.


28 Jun 2022
Hilarious to put Jez Corden in a category that's anywhere near "reliable"

Dude is a useful idiot that MS PR uses for controlled propaganda and inserts his personal fanboy agenda into everything.

On the other hand MLiD has actual insider sources but you have to know when he's bullshitting and when he's putting out legit info. Also people don't trust him because until a couple years ago he was just bullshitting 100% of the time.
He knows absolutely shit except what he hears on discord.


Active member
10 Jan 2024
Robert Serrano should have his own category, which is "the opposite of what I say will occur". My dude can't get heads or tails right 50% of the time.
Well that kinda makes him a reliable source... the opposite will always happen. :ROFLMAO:
  • haha
Reactions: Satoru


Active member
3 Mar 2024
Jason Schrierer is a journalist, not really an "insider".

Btw, If someone leaks stuff under their full name, (and isnt a journo) or shows their face publicly, then he's either a hoax, or a paid shill.
I work in this industry for quite a long time, and saw how fast these companies get rid of these leakers. I had to go on full damage control after medievil 2 lol


Active member
2 Mar 2024
A tiered list is useful to some extent, but some of those characters need a reshuffle because it's not just empirical facts about how accurate their statements have been that matters when their motivations and feels affect their output...

Top tier is the kind who share stuff they get from sources they trust, like Schrierer and Henderson; untouchable. You just know to trust it because it's always well sourced.

Below that there's the kind that might get the odd direct thing here and there but supplement it with 3rd and 4th hand recounting that often ends up with a mangled result that's not quite correct, full of assumptions to fill in blanks etc.

Then there's clout chasers that are massively susceptible to being thrown red herrings because they're too eager to get the attention and engagement; they throw a lot of shit at the wall and hope stuff sticks. Not immune to just making shit up on a wet Wednesday.

The absolute worst shit-tier "insider" are those, and some appear pretty high in this purely "accuracy"-based reddit list, who might have good access to correct info a lot of the time but only as a result of being unpaid PR/marketing arms of megacorps. Corden. Warren. They're used to put out a message, damage control, all kinds of stuff. What's the absolute worst is those like Corden who also heavily supplement this with their own feels and end up misleading and self-harming regularly - anyone can quickly sus out those who just make up everything they offer pretty quickly, no real harm done other than making fools of themselves... it's the nefarious likes of Jez who do that alongside the 100% direct-from-megacorp guaranteed PR/damage control that do the most harm and are therefore the absolute worst.

This is where this tiered list fails because it's purely based on accuracy - there's a lot of harm possible when you've got regular access to guaranteed info but supplement it with fanboi hopes and dreams. Jez is fairly accurate on the whole, but he's also a gigantic bellend that hoses the socials with distilled copium-infused fanboi scheisse.
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