Why Xbox Abandoning The Traditional Console Business Model, Makes Business Sense

24 Jun 2022
The kickback never subsided

It didn't? Seems like it did for the most part. Majority of Xbox people online stopped complaining about Day 1 PC years back.

But I suppose there were always some who continued to stress why it wasn't the best idea to do that, for the console side of things. Too bad they were drowned out more or less.


24 Oct 2022
It didn't? Seems like it did for the most part. Majority of Xbox people online stopped complaining about Day 1 PC years back.

But I suppose there were always some who continued to stress why it wasn't the best idea to do that, for the console side of things. Too bad they were drowned out more or less.
Sales started declining with many going playstation and pc instead. Who needs a xbox was a common saying back then.

Poor quality games and GP further destroyed the brand.


10 Feb 2023
To be honest I think Microsoft will scrap Gamepass entirely eventually. It is just unfeasible right now, and probably always will be - there just aren't enough people in the world who are interested in core console gaming to the extent that they can make a sub like that sustainable. What I envision them doing is that they might sell a monthly subscription that will give you access to the battlepasses of all their live service games. They will, of course, continue to struggle to make it happen for a while... but I believe they will quickly realize that the business model they wanted makes zero sense mathematically.

I also think Phil will be out of a job after this business meeting or soon thereafter. He even mentioned that the higher ups were pressuring him to find a replacement at the end of 2021, which ended up being Sarah Bond (although tbh she was probably brought in to be the fall guy for everything that's happening). It would be absolutely baffling if he's not fired after how badly he's managed Xbox.

I cant believe that big corporation has no clue about market and dont do research.
They re delusional if they think average Joe ll pay 20$ for gp who uses smartphone or android tv. Certainly not in a numbers they expect to reach 100M subs.
In a age where subscriptions re everywhere, f2p re everywhere...that sony, nintendo, apple wont allow GP to canibalize their 3p sales etc.
Nature of games s different from movies. No1 has time for 300 games. Majority of people dont play games 24/7.

I think Phil s on way out already. Wont be surprised if hes gone this year.


Active member
With the whole rumor of the Surface team working on some portable, it sounds like they are pretty much out of the console market at this point.

It sounds like it will be some optional steam deck type shit and they will just put their games on all platforms moving forward, but its not looking like MS wish to be in this market the same way any longer and their plans are now to be a 3rd party.

Keep in mind, I don't think they'll say all that shit on Tuesday or something, I think they will lie, start putting a few games on PS, end up putting all their games on other platforms and tell us last minute that they are not doing a home console when PS6 is announced as to keep up with Series X sales.

Most companies when putting out a new system or upgrade, won't just say years in advance cause they want people to keep buying the system until the very last day.

So.....its not looking to bright for XB's future at this point, it sounds like they are about to go the way of Zune and this will just be called "MS publishing" or "Microsoft Gaming" etc

Snes nes

4 Aug 2023
IMO the future of the tech industry is going to result in a market bubble that will cause a very bad crash.

Subscription services and free to use applications with strings attached just aren't going to cut it in the future. Netflix discord etc could very well crash in on itself. If they make this service profitable there'll spring up competitor services. You'll get capcom pass squarepass etc maybe a pass for a specific genre or something like that. While I guess this is better than the gacha kinda games its still going to be expensive to keep up with all of this crap. They'll make this about subscriptions and it may just fail.


Active member
Sony might be heading that way too if theyre not carefull( keep releasing games on pc)


Sony is putting their games on PC, they are not putting their games on XB and Nintendo systems.

MS is doing this based on selling less and less systems, so if they end up exiting the market, why would Sony then go 3rd party to join them? lol

So Sony and Nintendo already move record units, thus have a solid install base where putting games on PC or Mobile is a added plus, a benefit, not a fucking survival do or die type thing like we are seeing from MS.

So when they move an average of 100 million, they can have PC as an option...

When MS has NEVER moved 100 million for even 1 generation...then yes, going to put games on Nintendo and PS makes much more sense in their situation as they need the install base, Sony does not as they already have the install base sir...
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24 Oct 2022

Sony is putting their games on PC, they are not putting their games on XB and Nintendo systems.

MS is doing this based on selling less and less systems, so if they end up exiting the market, why would Sony then go 3rd party to join them? lol

So Sony and Nintendo already move record units, thus have a solid install base where putting games on PC or Mobile is a added plus, a benefit, not a fucking survival do or die type thing like we are seeing from MS.

So when they move an average of 100 million, they can have PC as an option...

When MS has NEVER moved 100 million for even 1 generation...then yes, going to put games on Nintendo and PS makes much more sense in their situation as they need the install base, Sony does not as they already have the install base sir...
Because putting all your games on PC will kill a brand.


21 Jun 2022


21 Jun 2022

Rare Studios is now a pseudo Bee-Honey farm.
... is Microsoft trying to tell us something?
Soon after MS acquired it, most the talent left. MS also decided to almost don't use Rare IPs and instead putting them to do stupid stuff like Kinect Adventures. Recently Rare won the lottery with Sea of Thieves, which at least on Steam sold well.

Not sure if the talented bees that remained there or hired for Sea of Thieves are still there or flew away. They were working on Everwild, whose cg trailer looked cool, but years after starting they still didn't have clear the main game concept. Let's hope they found it soon after they said that and the game is ready to be released soonish, because if not, MS's graveyard will become bigger.