Helldivers II best-selling premium game of 2024 year-to-date after placing 2nd in March. Ranks 7th in lifetime US. PC/Console both successful.



28 Jun 2022

Difficult to know for certain, but it's possible the gap between PC and PS5 is larger in March than it was in February.
Back in Feb Mat said PC was nearly 60%(I assume 58-59%) of Helldivers' 2 US sales.

Man gave us a little preview here from April's data.
Although that is not difficult to figure out if you just look at the CCUs on SteamDB for bigger games during US timezones.
HD2 is one of the few games that really have strong NA numbers on Steam relative to other time periods.

Let it be a success on both, good to see.

mibu no ookami

21 Feb 2024
But it's not "over" though, and the console is still paramount in whatever forward strategy Sony has for the next 10-15 years...

...or at least, it should be...

That said, it starts to feel more and more like they are just content with what their consoles have realized so far, when even I can throw up a laundry list of areas they could significantly improve the console experience on. Besides, it's not like just because Xbox as a console may be dying, means PlayStation has no other competitors. Nintendo and Steam still exist, they're stronger as indirect competitors than Xbox has been the past 10 years as a direct competitor.

Sony better have contingencies in place if console sales start dropping down if their "publisher-first" mentality leads to things like Day 1 across multiple platforms for all games. Because that has a cause-and-effect ripple on other parts of the typical console business strategy, which'd no longer work, leading to a gradual heavy drop in console adoption rates.

The console wars is over. That doesn't mean Sony is giving up on consoles or even that they'll become overly complacent.

They still want to sell as many PS5s as they can. Sony will know more than anyone if PC starts to encroach on console sales if their software sales on console start missing their mark and PC software sales pick up by a similar number.


19 Dec 2023
Let it be a success on both, good to see.

For PlayStation fans, all eyes are on going to be on Concord in the near future and if it's able to sell even just a fraction of this game(which would make it a success as well).

We're inching our way closer towards the end of May/early June and knowing what's the reset of the year looks like.


19 Dec 2023
That feels waaaay different from his previous tweet.

Then why post all that PR bs until called out? Have some backbone.

This was never in any doubt tbh.

If we look at his previous tweets:

7th highest Sony USD LTD in dollars
February "nearly 60%" (59%(?) on PC
If we keep the ratio the same~ for March, it's clear it would still be #1 in units with about 40% of its sales on PS5.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Then why post all that PR bs until called out? Have some backbone.
The Rebirth stuff is also weird. Comparing a game that came out last month with the total sales of all the games that came out decades ago. Why is he doing this pointless comparison?

Does he do that usually for other franchises when they come out? I don't think so. What was the dollar sales of RE Village compared to the whole series after 1 month? Starfield compared with Fallout + Skyrim?


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
Helldivers beating out CoD, the best selling multiplat every year, just on PS5 single platform should put to rest ANY AND ALL multiplat fearmongering about how titles need to release everywhere to be successful.


21 Jun 2022
You're conflating revenue and profit. Sony is looking to focus more on profit rather than just revenue, which is what you're not quite understanding. It's why they're decreasing the cost of 1st party games by reducing payroll and why they're focusing more on GaaS and PC (and eventually mobile). Because these things bring in more profit and continuous operating income.
By expanding to these markets they seek boosting both revenue and profits.

They reduced their manpower in around 8%, but after growing becoming 3-4x times bigger they were before. They just did cut some fat after a big growth before continuing growing, something most companies do after making acquisitions. And they continue hiring after it: in case of Bungie after firing 100 people they hired 400-500 more. Plus like any big company they also fire people in every studio every year, in the same way they also hire.

Same goes with cancelling a few games, it's something companies does frequently. In fact, Sony has now more game under development than they ever did. And not only because of GaaS or PC: their investment in console games are also growing and non-GaaS too. The investment on PC, GaaS or mobile is made on top of also growing their investments in their traditional business. So again, they are just cutting some fat after growing a lot before continuing growing.

So no, they are not decreasing the cost of the 1st party games. The opposite, they are highly growing them. GaaS are much more expensive than non-GaaS games. They are investing record numbers in 1st party, record numbers in 2nd party, in 3rd party and also for their game sub. Plus now they are investing more than before in PC and in mobile. They are just cutting some fat before continuing their growth.

Regading profitability, as always it depends. As of now they don't make a shit from mobile. Some mobile games are more profitable than other ones, as happens in PC or console. PC ports are pretty great ROI for them, but PC still generates for them less than 1/50 of their revenue, so still is only a small secondary revenue channel for them.

And much of that revenue comes from hardware sales that come at an operating loss... You continue to focus on revenue...
Hardware is not even a third of their revenue, and the loss they take for every unit is very small, and that loss gets way more than compensated for the extra revenue and profits generated with the games, game sub, accesories sold on average for each console.

And yes, I focus in hardware like any analyst in the world because it's by far the most important KPI. It's really stupid, shorminded and nonsensical to only focus on profit.

SIE doesn't have any profit issue at all. They are better than they always have been. It just temporally decreased a bit because they made many acquisitions, and because had a big peak of sales and they were selling them at a loss, while also having a record number of big projects being funded.

Having passed the peak years hardware sales will drop, so loses from them too: these consoles sold will sell games, so what generated loses last year now will generate profit. The record investment on gmes will result on record revenue and profit from them when released. And these costs in acquisitions will result in the mid term in more games so again more revenue and profit.

Again, focused on revenue.
Of course. If you analyze the performance of a company not focusing on its revenue you have no idea what are you talking about

It's profitable, but not enough to really push Sony to where they want to go. It's not offsetting hardware, marketing, R&D, enough.
Bullshit. Sony is in perfect shape, better than ever, better than any competitor and growing in all areas. They don't have any meaningful issue to address.

Sony just had to clean the house and cut some fat after growing a lot before to continue growing, and like any big company -particularaly tech ones- also making some damage control considering potential economical fuckery that may be coming with the dollar & western finantial system apparently collapsing soon, WWIII, global finantial crisis, NATO & allies economy committing suicide by isolating themselves from the BRICS, and others.

again why they're focusing more on GaaS and PC games rather than just console.
No, this is a lie.

GaaS is a minority of the games they have under development, and by far the focus of their business, revenue, profit, userbase, investment and development is in console and not in PC.

Helldivers beating out CoD, the best selling multiplat every year, just on PS5 single platform should put to rest ANY AND ALL multiplat fearmongering about how titles need to release everywhere to be successful.
Mat said that if not counting PC sales Helldivers 2 wouldn't be in the top 20. When also counting PC is when it's top 7.
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19 Dec 2023
Helldivers beating out CoD, the best selling multiplat every year, just on PS5 single platform should put to rest ANY AND ALL multiplat fearmongering about how titles need to release everywhere to be successful.

Multiplat just means you're more successful not that you're not successful.
How much more successful depends on genre and how generally appealing your game is to different ecosystems.
It can be a small boost or quite a large boost(like HD2).

I do wonder about this year in total(US market).

There's a not insignificant chance that Helldivers 2 ends up being 1st in the US depending on the sales trajectory of the game and/or how this year's CoD gets received by customers.
If that does happen, it'll be the first time that CoD doesn't get 1st two years in a row since 2009. That year was the beginning of the monster with the release of OG MW2.
In 2023 CoD lost to Hogwarts Legacy.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
Multiplat just means you're more successful not that you're not successful.
How much more successful depends on genre and how generally appealing your game is to different ecosystems.
It can be a small boost or quite a large boost(like HD2).

I do wonder about this year in total(US market).

There's a not insignificant chance that Helldivers 2 ends up being 1st in the US depending on the sales trajectory of the game and/or how this year's CoD gets received by customers.
If that does happen, it'll be the first time that CoD doesn't get 1st two years in a row since 2009. That year was the beginning of the monster with the release of OG MW2.
In 2023 CoD lost to Hogwarts Legacy.
Well, no one knows what is coming for CoD, traditionally the Treyarch titles are well received ans iirc this is their year so we'll see. Regardless though Helldivers just shows that you need to make a good game that hits a big market that isn't being served (in this case a live service shooter that isn't monetized to hell and has a strong identity and isn't trying to be everything to everyone) and you'll find success.


19 Dec 2023
Well, no one knows what is coming for CoD, traditionally the Treyarch titles are well received ans iirc this is their year so we'll see.

Apparently this is the first CoD that has been in development for 4 years instead of 3(or lower).
Activision clearly wants to capitalize on the Black Ops name to possibly repeat the successes they pulled off with MW2019 and MW2 2022.

So yeah, it could be a huge title, still TBD though.

Regardless though Helldivers just shows that you need to make a good game that hits a big market that isn't being served (in this case a live service shooter that isn't monetized to hell and has a strong identity and isn't trying to be everything to everyone) and you'll find success.

Flexible pricepoint is also something that has been quite useful for a lot of titles in recent years.
Seen this mostly on Steam, I feel like it probably is useful on consoles too and is most likely and underutilized strategy.

It's okay for a game that may or may not appeal to everybody if you can convince more people than usual to at least give your game a try because they feel like it's less of an investment.
One of the reasons many of these new GaaS IPs keep failing is because the development cost is so high that the publisher's feel that they need to set the price at $70 and fill stuff with MTX.
So many of them are boom or bust, which is not healthy at all and is probably really nerve wracking for the people working on those games.
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28 Jun 2022
Apparently this is the first CoD that has been in development for 4 years instead of 3(or lower).
Activision clearly wants to capitalize on the Black Ops name to possibly repeat the successes they pulled off with MW2019 and MW2 2022.

So yeah, it could be a huge title, still TBD though.

Flexible pricepoint is also something that has been quite useful for a lot of titles in recent years.
Seen this mostly on Steam, I feel like it probably is useful on consoles too and is most likely and underutilized strategy.

It's okay for a game that may or may not appeal to everybody if you can convince more people than usual to at least give your game a try because they feel like it's less of an investment.
One of the reasons many of these new GaaS IPs keep failing is because the development cost is so high that the publisher's feel that they need to set the price at $70 and fill stuff with MTX.
So many of them are boom or bust, which is not healthy at all and is probably really nerve wracking for the people working on those games.
Ugh I don't buy all tht COD long dev bs.


30 Apr 2024

"PC has been a huge part of the success of Helldivers II in the US. With PC, Helldivers II is already the 7th highest grossing Sony published game in history. Without PC it wouldn't currently rank among the top 20."

Without PC it would drop from 7th to below 20th.
This means PC is at least 80% of the sales.
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30 Apr 2024
people joining IconEra to shit on PlayStation will find themselfs having hard times trying to argue and debate with long time playstation fans here
Why would someone feel the need to defend PS in 2024? Between releasing all their games on PC, censoring their games left and right, and so on, I just don't see the point. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • haha
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