Destiny 2: Into the Light | Launch Trailer


19 Dec 2023
Am I understanding correctly that they added a horde mode?

Yeah, seems to be have been known for a few weeks:
Destiny 2 developer Bungie has announced Onslaught, a new horde mode for the game. The offering is set to arrive for all players on 9th April, as a core component of Destiny 2's upcoming Into the Light update.

Onslaught is a three-person wave-based activity set on a selection of familiar but slightly-tweaked Crucible maps, where you and your allies must defend a war asset from taking too much damage. The aim is to protect the asset and keep each other alive for as long as possible.

Between waves, you can quickly acquire and place down a series of defensive options, including turrets, tripwires, and - brilliantly - a decoy Sweeper Bot, which will happily soak up bullets while tidying away debris.

Onslaught will offer two versions: a vanilla 10-wave option and a harder 50-wave Challenge mode, and it's here things get more interesting. This tougher challenge rotates the location you need to defend every 10 waves, warps you to a nearby Pyramid Ship to quickly take out enemies there, and introduces boss waves with meaty enemies. (Although, yet again, you're fighting minions of the Fallen and Hive.)


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
Very excited about what they've shown... new subclasses, new enemy types, exotic weapon quests etc.

Should be fun. I hope.
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