DOOM: The Dark Ages Will Have More Enemies, Larger Arenas, and Slower Action

John Elden Ring

The Thread Maker
Content Creator
5 Jul 2022
United States

DOOM: The Dark Ages creative director Hugo Martin has revealed that the game was designed as more of a direct successor to the original DOOM, rather than as a sequel to DOOM Eternal. In an interview with GamesRadar, Martin spoke about how playing DOOM: The Dark Age will be quite different from its direct predecessor.

One of the key factors when it comes to taking on demons in DOOM: The Dark Ages is the fact that the upcoming shooter places a larger emphasis on avoiding enemy projectiles than previous games, bringing it closer in spirit to the original DOOM. This means that enemy projectiles move slow, allowing players time to avoid getting hit as they try and close the distance.

“I noticed right away how slow those projectiles move – it just dawned on me that that is the maze,” said Martin, talking about how playing the original DOOM helped the studio design DOOM: The Dark Ages. “The movement is more horizontal as you weave your way between the projectiles, and every projectile mattered in the original DOOM.”

Martin went on to talk about how, while DOOM Eternal had an emphasis on verticality, DOOM: The Dark Ages will instead focus on giving players more enemies to kill in larger arenas. He likens the difference between playing the two games to switching from being an F22 fighter jet to an Abrams tank.

“If you were an F22 fighter jet in DOOM Eternal, this time around we wanted you to feel like an Abrams tank,” said Martin. “It means you’re more powerful and grounded. The combat system for new players – those who only got into DOOM with the reboot – I think with they are going to feel like this is a reimagined combat system. But for long-time fans of the series, people who played the original DOOM, you’ll see it’s really a return to form.”


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
I am playing through Doom Eternal right now, and tbh, it is not a Doom game.

With all this transversal stuff of jumping around and grappling onto ledges and dashing across ravines, I feel more like Spiderman than the Slayer.

The combat is still excellent, and some of the art is out of this world but a return to what is Doom at its core would be much better, IMO.

I prefer the 2016 doom game a lot more than this one.
  • they're_right_you_know
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10 Feb 2023
Sounds solid. Maybe it ll have more substance finally. Running around like on some drugs on ultra speed gets tiring fast.

Eternal was trash. Managed few hours. Arena after arena, shoot everything in sight, jump around like some bug, same finishers, rinse repeat

2016 was ok. Didnt overstay welcome.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
If that good?

I mean the larger arenas and slow pace?

Eternal maybe went a bit too far with the doom-isms. I don’t think it lent itself well to longer play sessions. I can see why it can alienate more players than 2016
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Icon Extra
4 Aug 2023
I am playing through Doom Eternal right now, and tbh, it is not a Doom game.

With all this transversal stuff of jumping around and grappling onto ledges and dashing across ravines, I feel more like Spiderman than the Slayer.

The combat is still excellent, and some of the art is out of this world but a return to what is Doom at its core would be much better, IMO.

I prefer the 2016 doom game a lot more than this one.

When they make me use the flamethrower to get armor and then the chainsaw to get ammo and then the punch to get health, plus lots of unnecessary enemy-weapon matching, I was spending more brain cycles doing inventory management than actually aiming and shooting at monsters.

It became a chore. I finished Doom Eternal out of stubbornness more than anything else, and looking back I kind of wish I'd spent that time playing something more fun.
  • they're_right_you_know
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Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
When they make me use the flamethrower to get armor and then the chainsaw to get ammo and then the punch to get health, plus lots of unnecessary enemy-weapon matching, I was spending more brain cycles doing inventory management than actually aiming and shooting at monsters.
~This is precisely how I feel; so happy they are going back to basics.


12 Jan 2024
Slower paced action? YES!!!

Still have to play through Doom Eternal and the expansions for it but I did complete Doom 2016 and holy fuck, was it FAST!! Even with all the sensitivity options at 0, still too fucking fast. So very happy that this one is slower paced. Looks great and I love the theme to the game and really hoping riding/flying dragons isn't just a set piece.


Well-known member
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3 Jul 2023
Its funny this came out - I was goig to comment that it look very slow compared to previous titles. Don’t know if I like that - I loved the speed in the last two - but maybe there are some other mechanics we do not know about yet that will make the slower speed “work."

Sidenote: Though I am excited for this, if MS makes this have a online requirement for SP, it wil be an automatic no buy for me.