10 years later - Destiny 2’s current pain points


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Loosely organized thoughts from a 10 year veteran on what I believe the current trajectory should be or will be considering all the latest drama.

Change in Service

I want to believe that the end of the seasonal model and the change to episodic is a step in the right direction. How this change actually lands will be a mystery until then.

What bungie does now is only keep the endgame worthy activities from season to season with those loot pools, dungeon-like exotic quests, and playlist activities thrown in PVE playlists in some form. Narrative and story missions (when they exist) are removed from the game before the start of the next year. With the final season of the year always featuring the most content in the game at any other given point in time.

Interestingly enough, when expansions have been delayed, previously with Witch Queen and now Final Shape, the final season of the year runs longer and player sentiments increase. There’s more time to get the most out of all the year’s content and a reduction in FOMO.

When the game moves to an episodic model content will be given a longer stretch of time to breathe. This gives friend groups more time to actually have fun with game and chase everything they could possibly want as they naturally get hyped for the next major expansion.

Another Content Vault

Content curation is necessary. To continuously bloat the game has consequences in thinning out player pools available for any given activity (weekly rotation helps this). You also want the lesser received content sorta parsed out of the game entirely. Older content is also victim to “power creep” and loot losing relevancy as time passes. Quality over quantity. Bungie has the data to see what players don’t care to play and what they love to play.

Then there’s the physical limitations of memory. Players will be less inclined to keep a 200 gig game installed on their hardware to only revisit for a week every three months. Bungie seems to want to keep it closer to 100 gigs and have claimed in the past to be looking at technological solutions to keep older narrative content as it seems endgame activities like raids and dungeons are safer mainstays moving forward. I believe this technological solution is having “retired” expansion campaign data playable thru cloud tech innovations. Only current narrative arcs should be local to hardware.

Then of course there’s asset creation. Destiny 2 is actually quite the beautiful game but it is also a Frankenstein’s monster as year over year improvements to assets, art and lighting leaving older content looking like older content.

This is where Marathon comes into the picture. It is using the Destiny engine or an updated version of that engine as it began to exist with the last upgrade with the Beyond Light expansion. There will be shared engine improvements which ideally would help more efficiently build both games and improve tech for both. Bungie is hiring to accomplish this very goal.

This will not address all presentation woes. Perhaps something more extensive where loot and armor from a certain date is carried forward, be it from Witch Queen (introduction of weapon crafting) or … a bit more ballsy… only the gear earned from Final Shape and the episodes.

I’d also like to add that many weapon types, like 180 handcanons, adaptive smgs, adaptive pulse rifles and other sub categories of weapons useless in PvP be completely removed from the game. (PS - Bows should use special ammo)

Marathon’s influence continued

Rumors/leaks for a Destiny event coming April the 9th have indicated the after Episode 6 of this new content delivery system Destiny will launch its next major story arc in 2026 and also leave last gen PS4 and Xbox consoles behind (wouldn’t be the first time) with the updated engine shared by Marathon. Will it debut with Destiny or Marathon? With dedicated servers be featured for both games?

Marathon itself seems like an evolution of PVEPVP ideas first introduced in the Gambit activity debuting with the Forsaken expansion. Makes sense as many of same leads from Forsaken created Marathon and anyone keeping track of the Bungie rumor mill since the Activision days… it’s fair game to assume (and very likely) that Marathon actually started as Activision’s Destiny 3.

Gambit development is on indefinite hiatus and likely to be deleted in the next year. Marathon effectively replaces gambit with a bigger and better attempt at offering something similar to it. I agree with the removal as it is currently irrelevant and soon to be redundant to even design for.

Extraction vs Arena

Destiny still does the Halo model where all we really want year over year is a fun 8 hour campaign with great soundtrack, a great endgame dungeon or raid and somewhere to shoot other players in the face.

There’s a synergy with pve and arena PvP that is part of the magic and keeps bungie’s pvp divisive yet still loved. And for many of its fans… Destiny’s arena PvP is the meat and potatoes and why we play. To use endgame loot to shoot other players in the face.

Marathon will not do traditional Bungie arena PvP. Battle Royales and Extraction shooters don’t have the same kind frequency in player engagement as an arena shooter. To assume there’s a player overlap in appeal isn’t necessarily true. And now with rumors of Marathon featuring heroes over player created avatars … that’s even less true. I believe both can co exist and actually deliver some friendly and healthy internal competition.

This is one area I won’t offer many suggestions or criticisms on. The current work being done on PvP has been substantial and I hope it continues now that Halo 3 PvP designer Tyson Greene is now Destiny director. I hope they stay the course and looking forward to reserving criticism till their next PvP update and map drop in May.

Monetization… A la carte needs to go

Destiny 1 required owning previous game and expansion content to play the newest. You had to also complete all that content to move to the next.

At the time, when vanilla Destiny 2 and Forsaken content went f2p, moving to an a la carte model, where all you had to do is buy the most recent piece of content and go to stay current actually seemed more consumer friendly. Years later this distribution method has become the game’s worst enemy. Why it’s a mess has been documented in many videos. It is… They need to bundle all older content into a single purchase.

I would go further however with the intention of eventually vaulting all campaign content prior to Witch Queen sooner than later. That content, being Shadowkeep and Beyond Light campaigns, should be f2p as the f2p version offers nothing in story content or much to play at all other than casual playlist for pve and non endgame PvP playlists. It’s a launcher at best as the free to play listing is mostly deceptive and on console also behind PS plus and Xbox Live paywalls.

I would go further than even this considering revenue issues and include both Witch Queen and Lightfall with pre-orders of Final Shape’s deluxe edition including annual pass etc… Although that new vehicle type and ghostbusters bundle seems to have been easy money desperately needed for them from what it looks like.

And one final note… Bungie and Sony are hurting themselves by keeping Destiny behind paywalls when it charges players $100 a year to stay current while their competition, be it Warzone, Apex or Overwatch 2 have access to all PlayStation owners with an internet connection for zero dollars while their own products require an additional paywall.
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Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
Eh it’s one game. You play D2 to revisit D1.
Ahhh gotcha. I thought I had played Destiny 2 at a friend's place but it must have been part 1 given what general I'm pretty sure it was.

Still can't believe it's been that long.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022
Ahhh gotcha. I thought I had played Destiny 2 at a friend's place but it must have been part 1 given what general I'm pretty sure it was.

Still can't believe it's been that long.

You’re not inaccurate or anything. They’re two separate games. It’s just that the current game will have all relevant endgame from d1 and multiple eras of d2. The best of D1 aside from its last raid is there (10th anniversary drop in 2025 most likely)

As a player is kinda hard not to see it at as just one game. A lot has to do with major sweeping changes to game happening, frequently… blurring the lines of what an iterative sequel is, etc. when there are times you get sequel level changes to it.

It is very possible that if and when Destiny moves to the Marathon engine and begins the next saga it’ll simply drop the number and have all been reworked into one game.


22 Jul 2023
Haven't played Destiny 2 since Helldivers 2 came out. I'll jump back in when The Final Shape releases.


21 Jun 2022
This is what I'd do with Destiny 2 (which I didn't play since launch):
  • In order to ease disk space management, I'd reduce the base game to the minimum with different parts that could be installed or uninstalled separatedly:
    • Destiny 2 base game (F2P)
      • Original campaign (paid dlc, uninstallable)
      • All the already released PvE campaign expansions (paid dlc, uninstallable)
      • Reduced and rotating "best of Destiny 2" PvP (uninstallable)
    • Marathon: A handful PvP modes -like Gambit- would be removed from Destiny and moved to Marathon (separate full priced paid game, over time after some years would become F2P)
  • Modern gunplay and rebalance would be kept for the Destiny 2 campaigns (which pretty likely would need some tweaks), but guns and features would be limited to the ones released until then
  • For Destiny 2 PvP you can buy the stuff you want to customize your character between all the released ones until now using a currency you can buy with real money or earn by playing
  • They'd have a free battle pass that would include these items you can also buy separatedly. Meaning, the stuff you get in the pass don't need to be bought if you unlock it. And if you don't want it, you can exchange it for in-game currency to get something else
  • That would end -outside fixes, tweaks, rebalancing...- the major part of Destiny 2 development. After that, the main focus of Destiny development would be moved to Destiny 3 which ideally they'd have it under full production since at least the moment they agreed the acquisition and started to grow like crazy, with the idea of releasing it as a non-crossgen PS6 launch game
Regarding their other titles:
  • Destiny 3 would be split into two different games: one for the PvE campaigns and the other one for the PvP even if you'd sare your same user account and character for both
  • Matter (high end survival and building Bungie evolution of the Minecraft base concept and core ideas) and "Gummy bears" (high end evolved Bungie evolution of the Fortnite base concept and core ideas but without shooting) would be different enough from Destiny and Marathon, maybe they wouldn't even be shooters
  • Develop some -maybe SP or coop only, or not GaaS- Sony or Marvel IP that fits. Maybe Killzone or Cable/X-Force.
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