Agree or disagree? The D.I.C.E. Awards are more important than the Game Awards


May contain Snake
6 Apr 2023
The D.I.C.E. Awards, formally known as the Interactive Achievement Awards, are voted on by members of the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences, i.e. people working in the video game industry. I believe that the Game Awards on the other hand are voted on by mostly the media. In my view, this makes D.I.C.E. more credible, especially with what a lot of game journalism can be like...

Up until recently, I remember the Interactive Achievement Awards always being the main video game awards show, but somehow the Game Awards seem to have surpassed them in popularity. I have no idea why. Maybe changing the awards name to D.I.C.E. was a branding error?


21 Jun 2022
The D.I.C.E. Awards, formally known as the Interactive Achievement Awards, are voted on by members of the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences, i.e. people working in the video game industry. I believe that the Game Awards on the other hand are voted on by mostly the media. In my view, this makes D.I.C.E. more credible, especially with what a lot of game journalism can be like...

Up until recently, I remember the Interactive Achievement Awards always being the main video game awards show, but somehow the Game Awards seem to have surpassed them in popularity. I have no idea why. Maybe changing the awards name to D.I.C.E. was a branding error?
The Doritos Awards are voted by many worldwide gaming press outlets and DICE by the US Academy, so "the Oscars of the videogames" are the DICE Awards.

The difference is that in movies Hollywood almost monopolizes the worldwide market (excluding countries like China or India, whose local audience prefers/have access to mostly their local industry), so the US academy awarding mostly US studios and their workers feels representative of the world. But this doesn't apply to gaming, which is a more worldwide industry and USA isn't that important in gamedev studios: USA is a minority vs Canada + EU + JP + China + KR.

On top of that, there's another reason of why the Doritos Awards got more viewed and popular: because of the games announced. Most viewship isn't to watch the awards, but to see the game announcements and trailers instead.


Did you show the Darkness what Light can do?
26 Jun 2022

Player reviews on Steam are more important metrics than either
